
unusual facts about measurement

Measurement-assisted assembly

Measurement assisted assembly is typically used for large structures such as aircraft and steel fabrications.

1875 in Norway

The Metric system was introduced and replaced the old measurement units.

Archibald Macallum

In 1901, he showed that the chromatin in cell nuclei contains iron, and in his early years at the University of Toronto he adapted measurement methods for a number of ions (chloride, potassium and phosphorus) for use with tissue and cell samples.

Atom vibrations

The basic tool for the measurement of the mean-square amplitude of vibrations is the X-ray diffraction.

Copenhagen interpretation

# The description of nature is essentially probabilistic, with the probability of a given outcome of a measurement given by the square of the modulus of the amplitude of the wave function.

Copy-evident document

For example, 3D printed objects can be equipped with marks of genuinity that can be identified using a measurement device but are hard to deduce from sample objects; copies will lack these marks.

Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility

It also contains characterization equipment including scanning electron microscopes, ellipsometers and probe stations for electrical measurement.

Edward Bennett Rosa

Edward Bennett Rosa (4 October 1873, Rogersville, Steuben County - 17 May 1921, Washington, D. C.) was an American physicist, specialising in measurement science.

Electronics World

Robotics, Communications, Connectors, Amplifiers, Embedded Design, Filters, Power, Test & Measurement, RF and Microwave Design, Touchscreen and Display Technologies, Microcontrollers, Systems and Components in Green Energy generation, Designing with Programmable Logic, Designing with Sensors, Audio, Analog Design, Medical Electronics, Signal Processing

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany

After the German reunification of 1990, the DHI was merged with Bundesamt für Schiffsvermessung (BAS) Federal Agency for Tonnage Measurement to form the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.


Flyback chronograph, a single-push-button clock for stopping, resetting and restarting time measurement

Gabriel Mouton

Based on the measurements of the size of the Earth conducted by Riccioli of Bologna (at 321,815 Bologna feet to the degree), Mouton proposed a decimal system of measurement based on the circumference of the Earth, explaining the advantages of a system based on nature.

Green New Deal

The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or the TEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities.


An analogous situation of two ways of measurement, both equally valid, is encountered in the dates given for Jehoram of Israel, whose first year is synchronized to the 18th year of the sole reign of Jehoshaphat of Judah in 2 Kings 3:1 (853/852 BC), but his reign is also reckoned according to another method as starting in the second year of the coregency of Jehoshaphat and his son Jehoram of Judah (2 Kings 1:17); both methods refer to the same calendrical year.

Hiroo Kanamori

Kanamori and American seismologist Thomas C. Hanks developed the moment magnitude scale which replaced the Richter magnitude scale as a measurement of the relative strength of earthquakes.

Honda Prelude

"It is," wrote Brock Yates for Motor Trend, "by any sane measurement, a splendid automobile. The machine, like all Hondas, embodies fabrication that is, in my opinion, surpassed only by the narrowest of margins by Mercedes-Benz. It is a relatively powerful little automobile by anybody's standards."Motor Trend measuring an early Prelude completing the quarter-mile in 18.8 seconds at 70 mph.


Hydrography, the measurement of physical characteristics of waters and marginal land

IBM 700/7000 series

All of the 700 and 7000 series machines predate standard performance measurement tools such as the Whetstone (1972), Dhrystone (1984), LINPACK (1979), or Livermore loops (1986) benchmarks.


Isotropic radiation has the same intensity regardless of the direction of measurement, and an isotropic field exerts the same action regardless of how the test particle is oriented.

James Truchard

In 1986, in conjunction with Kodosky, Truchard played a pivotal role in the development of the LabVIEW graphical development software, which allows scientists to quickly build solutions for their measurement and automation needs.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

In 1875 he wrote a paper for the American Association for the Advancement of Science "On the Measurement of a Base Line for the Primary Triangulation of the United States Coast Survey near Atlanta, Georgia;" another for the Philosophical Society of Washington on "The Relation of the Legal Standards of Measure of the United States to those of Great Britain and France."

Maxon Motor

Its main market areas are medical technology, industrial automation, security technology, measuring and testing technology, communication technology, automotive and aerospace technology.

Measurement Science and Technology

Measurement Science and Technology is a journal published by IOP Publishing.


Naometria ("temple measurement") is a book of prophecies attributed to Simon Studion and published in 1604.

National Opinion Research Center

Sonic Boom Tests Reactions, 1961-1962 – Public opinion measurement for the infamous sonic boom tests over Oklahoma City, which were intended to measure the impact of supersonic transports (SSTs) over populated areas.


The B&G range encompasses instruments, pilots and navigation equipment, plus tactical racing software and other high-end performance measurement and analysis solutions.

Nichols radiometer

A Nichols radiometer was the apparatus used by Ernest Fox Nichols and Gordon Ferrie Hull in 1901 for the measurement of radiation pressure.

Open Notebook Science Challenge

As well as concentrating on compounds related to the Ugi reaction, the ONSchallenge allows anyone to request a solubility measurement experiment.

Otto Wallach

Melting point comparison and the measurement of mixtures was one of the methods to confirm identical substances.


Spectrophotometry, the measurement of spectral distribution along with the flux or intensity


The Psilon is best known as the official unit of measurement during the censusing of plants in the genus Silene (see Silene) in a metapopulation surrounding Mountain Lake Biological Station in Giles County, Virginia.


Psychrometrics, the measurement of the heat and water vapor properties of air.

Q value

Q factor, a measurement of a resonant system's relative bandwidth

Quantum indeterminacy

Indeterminacy in measurement was not an innovation of quantum mechanics, since it had been established early on by experimentalists that errors in measurement may lead to indeterminate outcomes.

Reverse phase

Reverse phase protein lysate microarray, a micro-cell lysate dot-blot that allows measurement of protein expression levels

Robert Kennicutt

He shared the 2009 Gruber Prize in Cosmology with Wendy Freedman of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and Jeremy Mould of the University of Melbourne School of Physics, for their leadership in the definitive measurement of the value of the constant of proportionality in Hubble's Law.

Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

In an RBS measurement of the Pb(110) surface, a well-defined surface peak which is stable at low temperatures was found to become wider and more intense as temperature increase past two-thirds of the bulk melting temperature.

Shortt-Synchronome clock

This clock was purchased in 1929 and used in physicist Paul R. Heyl's measurement of the gravitational constant.

Social media measurement

Various monitoring platforms use different technologies for social media monitoring and measurement such as crawlers, *Semantic analysis,*Natural Language Processing.

Supercritical adsorption

Considerable progress has been made in both adsorption measurement techniques and molecular simulation of adsorption on computers, rendering new insights into the nature of supercritical adsorption.

Sverdrup Gold Medal Award

2008 Dean Roemmich For major contributions to the measurement and understanding of the ocean’s role in climate, and for leading the development and implementation of the Argo profiling float array.

Synthetic instrument

An analogy to this relationship between specific measurement hardware versus generic hardware with its function totally defined in software is the relationship between specific digital circuits and a general purpose CPU.

Terasen Measurement

Terasen Measurement has a full accreditation as a Meter Service Organization under both Measurement Canada and ISO 9001:2000.

Theory of conjoint measurement

Whilst the German mathematician Otto Hölder (1901) anticipated features of the theory of conjoint measurement, it was not until the publication of Luce & Tukey's seminal 1964 paper that the theory received its first complete exposition.

Thermal manikin

The exterior skin of the manikin may be made of fiberglass, polyester, carbon fiber, or other heat conducting materials, within which are temperature sensors in each measurement zone.


The Specialist Measurement Instruments section was established with a range of level, trip and Nuclear density gauges, typical application of which is slug catchers and separation vessels.


Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) used to be an alternative measurement, but the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) withdrew these ratings in 2012 as biologically invalid, stating that no physiological proof in vivo existed to support the free-radical theory.

Units of energy

This is actually a measurement of average power consumption, i.e., the average rate at which energy is transferred.


Therefore, the professional associations GfA (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft), GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik), VDE-ITG (The Information Technology Society in VDE) and VDI/VDE GMA (The Society for Measurement and Automatic Control in the VDI/VDE) agreed in 1998 on defining Useware as a new term.

see also