
unusual facts about methods

Methods-time measurement

Other national MTM Associations were founded and, at a meeting in Paris in 1957, it was decided to form an International MTM Directorate (IMD) to co-ordinate the work of National Associations.

152d Airlift Wing

A week prior to the actual exercise to test the new methods and information, personnel from the 152nd AW deployed to Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito to conduct training and classes aimed at improving the skills of Aircrew and Photo Interpreters.

1971 NSWRFL season

Under the guidance of revolutionary head-coach Jack Gibson who was in 1971 beginning to embrace the attitude and training methods used in the United States' National Football League, St. George in 1971 had reached the Grand Final in all three grades.


Participants were presented with the methods of preparation of CV and rules of applying for a job.

Anti-personnel mine

This defeats one of the main methods of clearing a path through a minefield—detonating the mines with explosive devices, such as Mine-clearing line charges.

Charles Roy Henderson

He invented three methods for the estimation of variance components in unbalanced settings of mixed models, and invented a method for constructing the inverse of Wright's numerator relationship matrix based on a simple list of pedigree information.

Colégio Integral

Sei-Sociedade de Educação Integral, known as Colégio Integral, has been in the city of Curitiba in Brazil since 1989, focused on the pedagogic methods of Célestin Freinet.

Color motion picture film

After experimenting with more advanced methods of additive systems (including a camera with two apertures (one with a red filter one with green) from 1915 to 1921, Dr. Herbert Kalmus, Dr. Daniel Comstock, and mechanic W. Burton Wescott (who left the company in 1921) developed the subtractive color system for Technicolor.


Because these structures are extremely complex, methods within this field use a high-throughput application of neural imaging and histological techniques in order to increase the speed, efficiency, and resolution of maps of the multitude of neural connections in a nervous system.

Constantine Pozrikidis

Pozrikidis, Boundary Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow, Cambridge University Press (1992).

Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute

Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute was founded by Sister Elizabeth Kenny, an Australian nurse, whose unconventional treatment for polio survivors led to today’s innovative rehabilitation therapy methods and techniques.

Cross product

Oliver Heaviside in England and Josiah Willard Gibbs, a professor at Yale University in Connecticut, also felt that quaternion methods were too cumbersome, often requiring the scalar or vector part of a result to be extracted.

Dreamscape Online

He subsequently lost re-election to Eliot Spitzer, and the US government improved its methods of identifying the sources of illegal pornography - no further seizures of ISPs' equipment followed.

Edward J. Giorgianni

Among his inventions are the digital color-encoding methods used on many commercial imaging systems, including the Photo CD System.

Ethnic conflict

John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary have developed a taxonomy of eight macro-political ethnic conflict regulation methods, which they note are often employed by states in combination with each other.

Events preceding World War II in Europe

It would prove to be a precursor to many of the tactics and methods employed in the Second World War, such as the test bombing of Guernica, which aimed to see how effective bombing of civilian areas could be.

Fallopian tube obstruction

Alternative methods such as manual physical therapy are also cited for the ability to open and return function to blocked fallopian tubes in some women.

Fedor Nazarov

In 1999 Nazarov was awarded the Salem Prize "for his work in harmonic analysis, in particular, the uncertainty principle, and his contribution to the development of Bellman function methods".

First International Congress on World Evangelization

The congress was a conference of some 2,700 evangelical Christian leaders that was held in the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1974 to discuss the progress, resources and methods of evangelizing the world.

Flemish Sign Language

When the first deaf schools were established in Flanders, the teachers were directly or indirectly influenced by the methods used at the Paris deaf school (and consequently by French Sign Language); either by following training programs in Paris, or by following training programs in two deaf schools in the Netherlands (Groningen and Sint-Michielsgestel), which were themselves influenced by the Paris school.

Foundry model

The foundry model uses two methods to avoid these costs: Fabless companies avoid costs by not owning such facilities.

Francis H. Harlow

He is known for his fundamental contributions to the development of several CFD algorithms for computer simulation of fluid flows, including Particle-In-Cell (PIC), Fluid-In-Cell (FLIC), and Marker-and-Cell (MAC) methods.

Green syndicalism

Its methods are a fusion of the trade union, more robust methods from formal syndicalism, and the direct action and workplace democracy movements (some members of the Environmental Unionist Caucus of the IWW identify as green syndicalists).

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature is named after the German chemist Arthur Hantzsch and the Swedish chemist Oskar Widman, who independently proposed similar methods for the systematic naming of heterocyclic compounds in 1887 and 1888 respectively.

Health in All Policies

HIA is defined as “a systematic process that uses an array of data sources and analytic methods and considers input from stakeholders to determine the potential effects of a proposed policy, plan, program, or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population”.


The modern academic study of history and methods of historiography were pioneered in 19th-century German universities, especially the University of Göttingen.

James R. Wait

Between 1948 and 1951, he worked for Newmont Exploration in Jerome, Arizona, where his research led to several patents in both IP and EM methods of geophysical prospecting.

James Stanley Hey

His task was to work on radar anti-jamming methods; for a year German jamming of Allied radar had been a problem and the escape of two German warships (Scharnhorst and Gneisenau) through the English Channel, aided by enemy radar jamming from the French Coast, had highlighted the problem.

Jewish views on contraception

Fertility awareness methods (modern improvements over the rhythm method) are difficult to use, because many infertile days coincide with the ritually impure days of niddah.

Jim Cochran

He started Swanton Berry Farm in 1983 near Santa Cruz, California and subsequently developed a wide range of new methods, which include crop rotations, such as broccoli and brussels sprouts, trap crops such as mustard and alfalfa, and the use of natural predators, to control strawberry specific pests and diseases.

Johnny K. Larsson

He specialised in the harmonization of design guidelines, requirements and quality assurance for joining methods with Renault Automobiles, Ford Motor Company, Land Rover and Jaguar Cars.

Marie Taylor

She briefly taught at Cardozo High School, and later started up summer science institutes for high school science teachers, bringing new methods of how to teach science, such as using light-microscopes to study cells.

Methods of praying the rosary

Five methods of praying the rosary are presented within the works of Saint Louis de Montfort, a French Roman Catholic priest and writer of the early 18th century.

Michael Struwe

His publications include the book Variational methods (Applications to nonlinear PDE and Hamiltonian systems) (Springer-Verlag, 1990), which was praised by Jürgen Jost as "very useful" with an "impressive range of often difficult examples".

Multi-level marketing

Network marketing and Multi-level marketing have been described by author Dominique Xardel as being synonymous, and as methods of direct selling.

Natural family planning

Clinical studies by the Guttmacher Institute found that periodic abstinence resulted in a 25.3 percent failure under typical conditions, though it did not differentiate between symptom-based and calendar-based methods.

Natural method

Natural family planning, the family planning methods approved by the Roman Catholic Church

Ogasawara Nagakiyo

During the Kamakura period, Nagakiyo's skills and training methods were passed on to his son, Ogasawara Nagatsune.


OpenAM has the flexibility to chain methods together along with Adaptive Risk scoring, or to create custom authentication modules based on the JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) open standard.

Oracle LogMiner

Oracle LogMiner, a utility provided by Oracle Corporation to purchasers of its Oracle database, provides methods of querying logged changes made to an Oracle database, principally though SQL commands referencing data in Oracle redo logs.

Paul Robinette

He works under Ben Stone (Michael Moriarty), whom he comes to think of as a mentor, despite occasionally disagreeing with his prosecution methods.


Video post-processing, methods used in video processing and 3D graphics

Quadratic formula

The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (597–668 AD) was first to clearly describe the quadratic formula, although prior civilizations had investigated quadratic equations, understood them fairly well, and developed methods for solving them.

Real estate investment association

The goals, methods, and tools available to a professional real estate investor are generally not the same as a typical real estate transaction.

Silence on the Wire

Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks is a book by Michał Zalewski on some network-silent methods of information gathering as they relate to computer security.

Simple public-key infrastructure

The most prominent general deployments of SPKI/SDSI are E-speak, a middleware product from HP that used SPKI/SDSI for access control of web methods, and UPnP Security, that uses an XML dialect of SPKI/SDSI for access control of web methods, delegation of rights among network participants, etc.

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

Membrane proteins and amyloid fibrils, the latter related to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, are two examples of application where solid-state NMR spectroscopy complements solution-state NMR spectroscopy and beam diffraction methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy).

Structured analysis

SA and SD were accompanied by notational methods including structure charts, data flow diagrams and data model diagrams, of which there were many variations, including those developed by Tom DeMarco, Ken Orr, Larry Constantine, Vaughn Frick, Ed Yourdon, Steven Ward, Peter Chen, and others.

The Gow School

Its methods, still based on the work of Peter Gow Jr. and Dr. Samuel T. Orton, remain highly regarded among educators in the field of reading and literacy.

Union League

Historian Walter Lynwood Fleming asserts that the Union/Loyal League was successful in driving a wedge between blacks and Southern whites where little animus had existed, and used methods of political and violent intimidation—similar to those later used by the first Ku Klux Klan—to destroy the influence of Southern whites in politics and with blacks.

see also