
unusual facts about methylated



In 1925, Johnson and Coghill successfully detected a minor amount of a methylated cytosine derivative as a product of hydrolysis of tuberculinic acid with sulfuric acid.


CpG site - methylated sequences of DNA significant in gene regulation

DNA methylation

The Restriction enzyme DpnI can recognize 5'-GmeATC-3'sites and digest the methylated DNA.

Heterochromatin protein 1

and silencing is thought to involve a dynamic association of the HP1β chromodomain with the tri-methylated Histone H3 Me(3)K9H3.

High Resolution Melt

For example, cancer patients can be more sensitive to treatment with DNA alkylating agents if the promoter of the DNA repair gene MGMT of the patient is methylated.


The 5' end of the genome has a usually genome-linked protein (VPg), or methylated nucleotide cap (in the case of Hepatitis E virus).

Methyl-CpG-binding domain

The MBD of MeCP2, MBD1, MBD2, MBD4 and BAZ2 mediates binding to DNA, and in cases of MeCP2, MBD1 and MBD2, preferentially to methylated CpG.


Methylated okanin derivatives can be isolated from Bidens torta.

Plumbago pulchella

Pulchellidin, an O-methylated anthocyanidin, can be found in P.

Tuberculinic acid

In 1925, Treat Baldwin Johnson and Coghill were detected a minor amount of a methylated cytosine derivative as a product of hydrolysis of tuberculinic acid, from avian tubercle bacilli, with sulfuric acid.

see also