
unusual facts about mice

American Kestrel

American Kestrels feed largely on small animals such as grasshoppers, dragonflies, lizards, mice, and voles.

Animals of Yellowstone

Squirrel, Rabbit, vole, mice, and shrew species are common, but many are nocturnal and rarely seen by visitors.

Best Laid Plans

"To a Mouse", a poem by Robert Burns, which is often misquoted as "The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry"

Birds of New Zealand

The most damage however was caused by habitat destruction and the other animals humans brought with them, particularly rats (the Polynesian rat or kiore introduced by Māori and the Brown Rat and Black Rat subsequently introduced by Europeans), but also mice, dogs, cats, stoats, weasels, pigs, goats, deer, hedgehogs, and Australian possums.


An experimental pharmaceutical compound known as JQ1 blocks the region of BRDT responsible for chromatin remodeling, resulting in a temporary reduction of sperm production and quality; when tested in mice, the result was a cessation of male fertility that was reversed when use of JQ1 was discontinued.


The inbred strain of C57BL mice was created in 1921 by C. C. Little at the Bussey Institute for Research in Applied Biology.

Caborrojeños Pro Salud y Ambiente

The group was also actively involved in the preservation of Isla de Ratones (Mice Island), a small island off the coast of Cabo Rojo.


In a study conducted by Jürg Gertsch et al. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), beta-caryophyllene was shown to be selective agonist of cannabinoid receptor type-2 (antiinflammatory effects in mice.

Cat-Tails for Two

Figuring the ship will have plenty of Mexican mice, i.e. "Mexican food" (Benny: "It gives me the heartburn and I love it!"), they climb on, only to find an unkempt mouse calling himself "Speedy Gonzalez sic: Fastest Mouse in All Mexico".

Charles Gordone

His acting credits included Brother Jerro in "The Trials of Brother Jerro Bohem," Hickey in "Of Mice and Men," and The Valet in Jean Genet's The Blacks (1961–1966) alongside of James Earl Jones, Maya Angelou, Cicely Tyson, and many other Black actors who went on to change Hollywood.

City Beach, Western Australia

There are expansive sand dunes and bushland areas along the coast which are home to wildlife such as hawks, mice and rabbits, and the occasional Dugite (snake).

Comparative cognition

Similarly, gene activity in the human brain is better understood through examination of the brains of mice by the Seattle-based Allen Institute for Brain Science (see link below), yielding the freely available Allen Brain Atlas.

Cyclin A

A single cyclin A gene has been identified in Drosophila while Xenopus, mice and humans contain two distinct types of cyclin A: A1, the embryonic-specific form, and A2, the somatic form.

Desert pocket mouse

These pocket mice live in soils that may be vegetated with creosote bush, palo verde, burroweed, mesquite, cholla and other cacti, and short, sparse grass, as well as in lower edges of alluvial fan with yucca, mesquite, grama, and prickle poppy.

Disc shedding

"Retinopathy induced in mice by targeted disruption of the rhodopsin gene", Nat.

Echinaster echinophorus

It was found that an extract from its tissues showed activity against Leishmania amazonensis, the protozoan parasite causing the tropical skin disease leishmaniasis, and had the advantage that it was not toxic to the mice on which it was tested.

Electrical connector

A few examples are monitors (MGA, CGA, EGA), the Commodore 64, MSX, Apple II, Amiga, and Atari joysticks and mice, and game consoles such as Atari and Sega.


In mice, EZH1 and EZH2 cogovern histone H3K27 trimethylation and are essential for hair follicle homeostasis and wound repair.


It works by inhibiting the protein TSG101 which is required by many viruses to replicate and reinfect other cells, and has been shown to protect mice from the Ebola virus.


Some metabolic and nutritional studies carried out on rats and mice at Hokkaido University indicate that fucoxanthin promotes fat burning within fat cells in white adipose tissue by increasing the expression of thermogenin.


Its name derives from a legend of the corrupt Prince Popiel, whose fled to the tower from his rebelling population, and was devoured there by mice.

Head-twitch response

The head-twitch response (HTR) is a rapid side-to-side head movement that occurs in mice and rats after the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor is activated.

Home and Dry

The song is infamous to Pet Shop Boys fans for its unusual video, directed by Wolfgang Tillmans, showing mice running across tracks and eating discarded food at Tottenham Court Road tube station.

Jet injector

An experiment using mice, published in 1985, showed that jet injectors would frequently transmit the viral infection LDV from one mouse to another.

Kunjin virus

In 2005, scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and the University of Queensland found that modified Kunjin virus particles injected into mice were able to deliver a gene into the immune system targeting cancer cells.

Laboratory mouse

Mice have been used in biomedical research since the 16th Century when William Harvey used them for his studies on reproduction and blood circulation and Robert Hooke used them to investigate the biological consequences of an increase in air pressure.

Lucien Cuénot

His studies on mice were also cut short when German troops invaded the town of Nancy, where he kept his mouse colony.

Metabolic supermice

Professor Hanson noted that the supermice "are metabolically similar to Lance Armstrong biking up the Pyrenees. They utilize mainly fatty acids for energy and produce very little lactic acid. They are not eating or drinking and yet they can run for four or five hours. They are 10 times more active than ordinary mice in their home cage. They also live longer – up to three years of age – and are reproductively active for almost three years. In short, they are remarkable animals."

Mihai Ioan Botez

In the 1980s, Botez pioneered studies on the effects of lesions to the cerebellum on cognition, including patients with spinocerebellar ataxia, Friedreich's ataxia, and mice with spontaneous mutations causing cerebellar damage, such as GRID2-Lc Lurcher.

Nonoy Marcelo

Marcelo often used the strip to caricature political figures from Ferdinand Marcos and Cory Aquino to Joseph Estrada and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, re-imagining them as mice.


NPAS2 has been shown to be analogous to the function of CLOCK in CLOCK deficient mice.

NSG mouse

NSG mice were developed in the laboratory of Dr. Leonard Shultz at The Jackson Laboratory.

Optical mouse

In August 2009, Logitech introduced mice with two lasers, to track on glass and glossy surfaces better; they dubbed them "dark field" mice.

Panamanian spiny pocket mouse

Panamanian spiny pocket mice are found only in southern and western Panama, along the Pacific coast between David and Chepo, and inland as far as the headwaters of rivers flowing into the Atlantic.

Pediocactus knowltonii

Rodents, especially mice, eagerly consume the fruits, causing seed production to be low.

Percy the Park Keeper

It stars Percy, & many other park animals, such as the Badger, The Owl,the Fox,the Mice and so on.

Photosensitive ganglion cell

In 1991 Russell G. Foster and colleagues, including Ignacio Provencio, discovered a non-rod, non-cone photoreceptor in the eyes of mice.


In the 2008 film version, Reepicheep led two other mice into Miraz's castle during a mission that did not appear in the book.

In Prince Caspian, Reepicheep is the leader of the twelve mice who help to fight against Caspian's Uncle Miraz in the Second Battle of Beruna, near Aslan's How.

Rock pocket mouse

In 2003, scientists sampled DNA from both light- and dark-coloured rock pocket mice from areas in Pinacate Peaks, Mexico and New Mexico, USA.

Roderick Bronson

He has a long-running collaboration with Tyler Jacks and Robert Weinberg, starting with the characterization of tumors in p53 knockout mice.

Sjögren's syndrome

In 2008, mucosal administration of α-fodrin, an autoantigen in Sjögren's syndrome, was shown to inhibit the progression of the disorder in mice effectively.

Spiritual death

Dr. John B. Calhoun saw the social breakdown of a population of mice given ample resources as a second death.

Visible-light photon counter

The device is being used extensively in the central tracking detector of the D0 experiment, and for muon cooling studies for a muon collider (MICE).

see also