
3 unusual facts about cognition

Inattentional Blindness

Findings such as inattentional blindness - the failure to notice a fully visible but unexpected object because attention was engaged on another task, event, or object - has changed views on how the brain stores and integrates visual information, and has led to further questioning and investigation of the brain and importantly of cognitive processes.

Opinio juris sive necessitatis

This is in contrast to an action being the result of different cognitive reaction, or behaviors that were habitual to the individual.

Toshisada Nishida

These rambunctious monkeys, however, are genetically more distant from us, and many of the characteristics deemed important for human evolution, are either absent or minimally developed, such as tool technology, cooperative hunting, food sharing, territoriality, cultural traditions, and certain cognitive capacities, such as planning and theory-of-mind.


ACT-R has been inspired by the work of Allen Newell, and especially by his lifelong championing the idea of unified theories as the only way to truly uncover the underpinnings of cognition.

Ágnes Szokolszky

In 1999 she became a member of the Cognition Science Group, engaged in the Cognitive Programme of Szeged, organized by Csaba Pléh.

Anthony Greenwald

According to Social Psychology, written by Saul Kassin, Steven Fein and Hazel Rose Markus; Anthony Greenwald, Mahzarin Banaji, Brian Nosek and others have done extensive research on cognition and have collaborated to create the Implicit Association Test (2008, p. 163).

Branislav Petronijević

With his whole philosophical, philosophically-scientific and scientific activity Petronijević, in the line with earlier empirical and critical metaphisicists, such as Lotze, Herbart, Hartmann, Volkelt, he directly contributed and made possible the formation of modern sphere of cognition which is today known as Metascience.

Cognitive miser

Instead, Fiske, Taylor, and Arie W. Kruglanski and other social psychologists offer an alternative explanation of social cognition: the motivated tactician.

Cosmetic pharmacology

Cosmetic psychopharmacology, a term coined in 1990 by the psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer and popularized in his 1993 book Listening to Prozac, refers to the use of drugs to move persons from a normal psychological state to another normal state that is more desired or better socially rewarded — e.g., from melancholy toward assertiveness and confidence or from slower to quicker cognition.

David G. Hays

In 1982 he published Cognitive Structures, in which he developed a novel scheme for grounding cognition in perception and action as conceived in the control theory of William T. Powers.

Derrick de Kerckhove

He also co-edited with Charles Lumsden The Alphabet and the Brain (Springer Verlag, 1988), a book which scientifically assesses the impact of the Western alphabet on the physiology and the psychology of human cognition.

Design computing

For the last four decades the Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition (KCDC), currently known as the Design Lab, at the University of Sydney has been active in establishing this area of research and teaching.

Douglas Merrill

His academic publications include articles in The Journal of the Learning Sciences, Cognition and Instruction, Reliable Distributed Systems, and a paper in the book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1992; 608:103-110).

Edwin Hutchins

He currently runs the Distributed Cognition and Human Computer Interaction Laboratory at UC San Diego, in collaboration with James Hollan.

Embodied cognition

The modeling work of cognitive neuroscientists such as Francisco Varela and Walter Freeman seeks to explain embodied and situated cognition in terms of dynamical systems theory and neurophenomenology, but rejects the idea that the brain uses representations to do so (a position also espoused by Gerhard Werner).

Evolutionary psychology of religion

He builds on the ideas of cognitive anthropologists Dan Sperber and Scott Atran, who argued that religious cognition represents a by-product of various evolutionary adaptations, including folk psychology.

Geschwind–Galaburda hypothesis

The Geschwind–Galaburda hypothesis was proposed by Norman Geschwind and Albert Galaburda to explain sex differences in cognitive abilities by relating them to Lateralization of brain function.

John Ridley Stroop

Ridley Stroop, was an American psychologist whose research in cognition and interference continues to be considered by some as the gold standard in attentional studies and profound enough to continue to be cited for relevance into the 21st century.

Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition

Kant and the Platypus : Essays on Language and Cognition (ISBN 0-15-601159-X) is a book by Umberto Eco which was published in Italian as Kant e l'ornitorinco in 1997.

Karl Pribram

Karl H. Pribram (born 1919), Austrian-born neurosurgeon and theorist of cognition

Kenneth Ford

Kenneth M. Ford, founder and director of the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition

Lou Creekmur

Creekmur had been diagnosed post-mortem as having developed Chronic traumatic encephalopathy following a 30-year decline of cognition.

Marc David Lewis

From this neo-Piagetian origin, Marc Lewis began investigating cognition-emotion interactions: the influence of cognitive development on emotional and personality development, and the influence of emotion on cognitive and personality development, as a professor at the University of Toronto.

Max Planck Institute for Human Development

#Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition (Managing Director: Gerd Gigerenzer)

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

It has six scientific directors, each of whom is responsible for one of the scientific disciplines: Anne Cutler (language comprehension), Wolfgang Klein (language acquisition), Peter Hagoort (language production), Stephen C. Levinson (language and cognition), Simon Fisher (language and genetics) and Antje Meyer (individual differences).

Mihai Ioan Botez

In the 1980s, Botez pioneered studies on the effects of lesions to the cerebellum on cognition, including patients with spinocerebellar ataxia, Friedreich's ataxia, and mice with spontaneous mutations causing cerebellar damage, such as GRID2-Lc Lurcher.

Object Action Complex

Cognition is based on reflective learning, contextualizing and then reinterpreting OACs to learn more abstract OACs, through a grounded sensing and action cycle.

Parallel terraced scan

It was developed by John Rehling and Douglas Hofstadter at the Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Paul Smolensky

Smolensky is the recipient of the 2005 Rumelhart Prize for his pursuit of the ICS Architecture, a model of cognition that aims to unify Connectionism and symbolism, where the symbolic representations and operations are manifested as abstractions on the underlying connectionist networks.


The idea that recursion is an essential property of human language (as Chomsky suggests) is challenged by linguist Daniel Everett in his work Cultural Constraints on Grammar and Cognition in Pirahã: Another Look at the Design Features of Human Language, in which he hypothesizes that cultural factors made recursion unnecessary in the development of the Pirahã language.

Russell Balda

Dr Russell P. Balda is an American ornithologist notable for his studies of the behavioral ecology of the Pinyon Jay as well as for his work on spatial cognition in seed-caching birds.

Situated cognition

Since situated cognition views knowing as an action within specific contexts and views Direct Instruction models of knowledge transmission as impoverished, there are significant implications for pedagogical practices.

Synaptic fatigue

Hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are impairment of cognition, aggregation of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), neurofibrillary degeneration, loss of neurons with accelerated atrophy of specific brain areas, and decrease of synapse number in surviving neurons.

Terry Winograd

Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design (with Fernando Flores) Ablex Publ Corp.

Tim van Gelder

In his first regular academic position at Indiana University, van Gelder was heavily influenced by researchers such as Robert Port, James Townsend, Esther Thelen and Linda B. Smith who were exploring cognition from a dynamical perspective, i.e., applying the tools of dynamical systems to studying cognitive processes.

Universal evolution

Finally there is human evolution and the rise of thought or cognition (Vernadsky, Teilhard), and a further leap in complexity and the interior life or consciousness (Teilhard), resulting in the birth of the Noosphere (Vernadsky, Teilhard).


In a 1964 seminar, the psychoanalyst and theorist Jacques Lacan observed that the myth reveals an interesting aspect of human cognition: While animals are attracted to superficial appearances, humans are enticed by the idea of that which is hidden.

see also