
unusual facts about militias

2006 Georgian–Russian espionage controversy

In July 2006, the Georgian police and security forces took control of the Kodori Valley, hitherto controlled by the local Georgian militias led by the defiant commander Emzar Kvitsiani.

Afshar Operation

The Afshar Operation was a military operation by Ahmad Shah Massoud and Burhanuddin Rabbani's Islamic State of Afghanistan government forces and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf's Ittehad-i Islami forces against Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-i Islami and Abdul Ali Mazari's Hezb-e Wahdat militias in the densely populated Afshar district in west Kabul.

Armenian–Azerbaijani War

Faced with such a difficult situation, the government officially surrendered to the Soviets, but many generals and local Azeri militias kept resisting the advance of Soviet forces and it took a while for the Soviets to stabilize the newly proclaimed Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, headed by the leading Azeri Bolshevik Nariman Narimanov.

Choloki River

During the Crimean War, Russia’s 13,000 troops consisting mainly of Georgian militias under General Lieutenant Prince Ivan Malkhazovich Andronnikov (Andronikashvili) routed Sinan Pasha’s Turkish corps of 35,000 strong on the left bank of the Choloki River on June 4, 1854.

CIA activities in Colombia

According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, CIA has provided, to US policymakers, reports, not fully confirmed, the head of Colombia's U.S.-backed army, Gen. Mario Montoya Uribe cooperated with right-wing militias that Washington considers terrorist organizations, including a militia headed by one of the country's leading drug traffickers.

Civil war in Tajikistan

President Rahmon Nabiyev and Speaker of the Supreme Soviet Safarali Kenjayev orchestrated the dispersal of weapons to pro-government militias while the opposition turned to rebels in Afghanistan for military aid.


During Israeli invasion of 1982, the Israeli air force bombed the city which was under the control of the Palestinian militias.

Edward Codrington

Afterwards, he intervened on a political level to stop Captain General de Lacy disarming the local Catalan Somaténs (militias).

Far Eastern Front in the Russian Civil War

The fighting forces on the Communist side were the Red Army, Kuban Cossacks, Communist Mongolian militias, and the Far Eastern Republic.

Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War

On September 2, 2004, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1559 calling for the disbanding of all Lebanese militias, among other things, and an armed Hezbollah in South Lebanon is seen by many to be a contravention of the resolution, though the Lebanese government differs on its interpretation.

French Constitution of 1791

When the King used his veto powers to protect non-juring priests and refused to raise militias in defense of the revolutionary government, the constitutional monarchy proved unworkable and was effectively ended by the 10 August insurrection.

Gatluak Gai

Ruei said the SSLA had been negotiating with Khartoum for supply of munitions, but had been told they would first have to join the rebel militias led by Peter Gadet and Bapiny Monytuel.

Gobana Dacche

In addition to Gobena's actions, other northern Oromo militias, Tigrayan rebellion, and the constant incursion of Ottoman Empire and Egyptian forces near the Red Sea weakened and contributed to the downfall of Emperor Tewodros II who died after his last battle with a British expeditionary force.

Heroes' Day

Hari Pahlawan is observed every 10 November to commemorate heavy fighting between Indonesian nationalist militias and British Allied forces at Surabaya, East Java on 10 November 1945.

History of Sirhind

He asked Marathas for help, On 7 March, 1758, Marathas at that time were the paramount power in India, Maratha general, Raghunathrao had encamped at Rajpura where he received Adina Beg Khan’s envoys, and was informed that the latter, accompanied by Sikh militias, belonging to the bands of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Ala Singh of Patiala had closed upon Sirhind from the other side of Satluj.

Islam in Bangladesh

And now they are after a long time the justice process for their terror and violent war crimes have been started and is alleged that the current leader of the party, Motiur Rahman Nizami (as well as previous leaders, and other party members) participated in alongside the Pakistani army in perpetrating the 1971 Bangladesh atrocities as Razakars and members of the Al-Badr militias.

Kigali International Airport

The attack was blamed on Tutsi rebels, and as a result within one hour of the crash Interahamwe militias had begun the Rwandan Genocide.

Levée en masse

During and in the aftermath of the war in Bosnia it was argued that armed reaction of Bosnian Muslims to Serbian militias in Srebrenica and other places was a legitimate form of civilian levée en masse.

National Revolutionary Militias

On 17 April 1961, together with the combatants of the Rebel Army and the National Revolutionary Police, the militias confronted and defeated in less than 72 hours 1,500 mercenaries whom the United States financed, armed and trained to invade Cuba at Playa Girón (Giron beach), in what became known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

There, Cuban prime minister Fidel Castro proposed creating the Voluntary Popular Militias, in response to the popular call to prepare citizens militarily to defend the Revolution; the idea definitely took shape in the NRM.

The militias have their origins in a ceremony celebrated in front of the Presidential Palace (presently the Museum of the Revolution) in Havana on 22 March 1959.

Nuba peoples

The Governments of Sudan under Sadiq al-Mahdi and Omar al-Bashir also armed militias of Baggara Arabs to fight the Nuba and transferred many Nuba forcibly to camps.

Pennsylvania Navy

In April 1889, the Pennsylvania Naval Militia would be reconstituted as one of many organized state naval militias which were the predecessors to the modern day Naval Reserve.

Rally for Congolese Democracy–Goma

However Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC) troops, the armed forces of the RCD-Goma, continued to occupy the city of Kanyabayonga along with local mostly Hutu militias created and directed by the North Kivu Governor Eugene Serufuli.

Revolutionary Catalonia

The CNT, POUM and other socialist militias initially resisted the integration.

Second Brotherhood

They met him at Albaida, where they sought to join battle with the rebels whose force comprised the militias of Xàtiva, Algemesí, and Carcaixent.

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo

During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia (1942–1945), Kartosuwirjo established armed militias in Garut area, one of many such groups supported and armed by the Japanese in order to help them resist any future Allied invasion.

Sexual orientation and the military of the Netherlands

On March 18, 2010, after U.S. President Obama announced that he wanted to put an end to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, former U.S. general and high ranking NATO official John Sheehan blamed homosexuals serving in the Dutch military for the fall of Srebrenica to Serb militias in the Bosnian War fifteen years earlier, stating that homosexuals had weakened the Dutch UN battalion charged with protecting the enclave.

Sivi kamion crvene boje

On their road through Yugoslavian countryside, they enter numerous, sometimes funny sometimes life-threatening, situations and encounter numerous people of virtually all ethnicities, soldiers of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), smugglers, gunrunners, foreign mercenaries, petty thieves, members of illegal local militias, all of them just waiting for the war to break out.

Sixth of February Movement

However, the political collapse of the LNM in the wake of the June 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the subsequent departure of the PLO from Beirut meant that the smaller Nasserist militias (‘6th FM’ included) had to fend for themselves.

South Carolina gubernatorial election, 1870

Republican support was mainly generated from the recently freed slaves who were coerced to continue their loyalty to the Republicans by the black militias and the Union League.

SS Heimwehr Danzig

After Poland was overrun, such militias were involved in war crimes perpetrated on Polish civilians in West Prussia.


In 2008 two women belonging to the Trique people were shot dead by the Ubisort militias in what is thought to be a government-funded attack.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2078

The Resolution condemned the March 23 Movement for its attacks on the civilian population and MONUSCO peacekeepers, and demands the rebels groups in the area (FDLR, LRA, Mai-Mai militias, FNL and ADF) to cease immediately all forms of violence.

Vermont State Guard

The Vermont State Guard traces its roots in the American colonial times with local Vermont militias such as the Green Mountain Boys.


Some of the tribesmen were veterans of the British-organised local militias that were irregular elements of the Indian Army (Pakistan did not exist at this time), and used some modern Lee-Enfield rifles against the Indian forces sent into Waziristan.

Wenceslas Munyeshyaka

The military tribunal found Munyeshyaka guilty of rape and of aiding militias in the killing of hundreds of Tutsi refugees at the Holy Family Cathedral in downtown Kigali, where he was head priest.

White League

After white Democrats regained control of the state legislature in 1876, members of the White Leagues were absorbed into the state militias and the National Guard.

Zionist political violence

During the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, the 1921 Jaffa riots and the 1929 Palestine riots, Palestinian Arabs manifested hostility against Jewish immigration and settlement, which provoked the reaction of Jewish militias, sometimes supported by British troops.

see also