
2 unusual facts about nuclei


In a p-process protons are added to stable or weakly radioactive atomic nuclei.

In extreme cases (as discussed below) this leads to the synthesis of extremely short-lived radionuclides which decay to stable nuclides only after the captures cease.


AINUR (Atlas of Images of Nuclear Rings), catalogue of star-forming ring-shaped regions that circle certain galactic nuclei

Archibald Macallum

In 1901, he showed that the chromatin in cell nuclei contains iron, and in his early years at the University of Toronto he adapted measurement methods for a number of ions (chloride, potassium and phosphorus) for use with tissue and cell samples.

Chandrasekhar limit

In 1926, the British physicist Ralph H. Fowler observed that the relationship among the density, energy and temperature of white dwarfs could be explained by viewing them as a gas of nonrelativistic, non-interacting electrons and nuclei which obeyed Fermi-Dirac statistics.

Clearing the Channel Coast

For this operation, 6th Airborne Division included the 1st Belgian Infantry Brigade and the Royal Netherlands Brigade (Prinses Irene), which were to gain "operational experience in quieter sections of the line in the hope that ultimately they would return to their own countries and form nuclei around which larger national forces might be organized".

Coulomb barrier

The Coulomb barrier, named after Coulomb's law, which is named after physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736–1806), is the energy barrier due to electrostatic interaction that two nuclei need to overcome so they can get close enough to undergo a nuclear reaction.

Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy

Mutant atrophin-1 proteins have been found in neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) and diffusely accumulated in the neuronal nuclei.

Drip line

Nuclear drip line, the lines beyond which protons or neutrons leak out of nuclei

Drosophila embryogenesis

At the ventral end of the embryo, blastoderm nuclei exposed to high concentrations of dorsal protein induce the transcription of the transcription factors twist and snail while repressing zerknüllt and decapentaplegic.

Ernest Beutler

A new colleague at the City of Hope and ultimately a lifelong friend, Susumu Ohno had recently demonstrated that the histologically observable Barr body present in the nuclei of mammalian female cells was a hyperchromatic X chromosome.

European Physical Journal A

The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei is an academic journal, recognized by the European Physical Society, presenting new and original research results in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory/Scientific Notes and Letters.


The meronts enlarge, becoming rounded or elongate and acquire up to 200 small nuclei.


Nuclear fission, where a large atomic nucleus (such as that of uranium) is split into two (or sometimes more) smaller nuclei.

Flag of the Department of Santander

The Argent Stars represent the eight Provincial Nuclei that form part of the Department: Soto Norte, Vélez, García Rovira, Guanentá, Comuneros, Mares, Metropolis and Carare Opon.

Gaja Alaga

This is in accordance with the model for collective motion (based on nuclei deformed from a spherical shape, but with axial symmetry) for which Aage Bohr, Ben Roy Mottelson and James Rainwater won the 1975 Nobel Prize.

In 1955, cooperating with Kurt Alder and Ben Roy Mottelson, Alaga discovered the K-selection rules and intensity rules for beta and gamma transitions in deformed atom nuclei.

Hans-Arwed Weidenmüller

He examined nuclear reactions in the shell model under inclusion of continuum states and developed a microscopic statistical theory of nuclear reactions; this statistical theory (now known as transport theory) had applications to the interpretation of the particle accelerator experiments with heavy ions as well as on highly excited compound nuclei.

LIM domain-binding protein family

Nuclear LIM interactor (NLI) / LIM domain-binding protein 1 (LDB1) is located in the nuclei of neuronal cells during development, it is co-expressed with ISL1 in early motor neuron differentiation and has a suggested role in the ISL1 dependent development of motor neurons.


In late 1998, Polish physicist Robert Smolańczuk published calculations on the fusion of atomic nuclei towards the synthesis of superheavy atoms, including ununoctium.

Lupus band test

The skin is from a person with systemic lupus erythematosus and shows IgG deposits at two different places: The first is a bandlike deposit along the epidermal basement membrane ("lupus band test" is positive); the second is within the nuclei of the epidermal cells (antinuclear antibodies are present).

Mario Amato

Mario Amato (24 November 1937, in Palermo – 23 June 1980, in Rome) was an Italian magistrate, assassinated in 1980 by NAR (Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari) members Gilberto Cavallini and Luigi Ciavardini.

Metroid Fusion

The vaccine cures Samus and not only gives her the ability to absorb and use the nuclei of X Parasites for nourishment (the Metroids were the main predators of the X prior to their extermination by Samus on SR388), but also the Metroid's vulnerability to extremely cold temperatures.

Midbrain reticular formation

The dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei receive connections from the mammillo-tegmental bundle of Gudden, a branch of the mammillothalamic tract.


In Nuclear magnetic resonance the introduction of the paramagnetic group increases the relaxation rate of nearby nuclei.

Multiple nuclei model

The multiple nuclei model is an ecological model created by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in the 1945 article "The Nature of Cities".


NeuN, a protein marker of neurons, concentrated in neuronal nuclei

Neutron capture nucleosynthesis

S-process describes neutron capture that is slow relative to the rate of beta decay, as for stellar nucleosynthesis in some stars, and yields nuclei with stable nuclear shells.

Nuclear equivalence

According to the principle of nuclear equivalence, the nuclei of essentially all differentiated adult cells of an individual are genetically (though not necessarily metabolically) identical to one another and to the nucleus of the zygote from which they descended.


Such proton captures on stable nuclides (or nearly stable), however, are not very efficient in producing p-nuclei, especially the heavier ones, because the electric charge increases with each added proton, leading to an increased repulsion of the next proton to be added, according to Coulomb's law.

Paola S. Timiras

At UC Berkeley, Timiras studied the effects of caloric restriction on various hypothalamic nuclei, specifically the effects on cell density, estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor immunoreactivity.

Plasmodium pelaezi

Schizonts are mostly round with a single mass of pigment and render the host cell nuclei spherical.


After beginning activities in the city of São Paulo, at present PRO-VIDA has participating nuclei in various other Brazilian towns and in other countries, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain and the United States of America, besides four country clubs: three in Brazil and one in Argentina.

Province of Huelva

The nuclei of Islantilla and Isla Canela are an example of this attempt to plan in a more coherent form.

Reticular formation

#Somatic motor control - Some motor neurons send their axons to the reticular formation nuclei, giving rise to the reticulospinal tracts of the spinal cord.

Standard solar model

The first experiment to successfully detect cosmic neutrinos was Ray Davis's chlorine experiment, in which neutrinos were detected by observing the conversion of chlorine nuclei to radioactive argon in a large tank of perchloroethylene.

Susumu Ohno

He also discovered in 1956 that the Barr body of mammalian female nuclei was in fact a condensed X chromosome.


Most fungi of Basidiomycota exist as a dikaryon in which threadlike cells are partially partitioned into segments each containing two differing nuclei.

Theo Seiler

In 1975 Seiler he his doctorate in physics with the dissertation "Modulated dynamic nuclear polarization of the nuclei of smaller gyromagnetic ratios" at the Free University of Berlin and started his teaching profession for higher education (mathematics and physics) in the following year.


In 2008, a team at GANIL, France, published results indicating that nuclei of unbiquadium had been produced at very high excitation energy, which underwent fission with measurable lifetimes.

see also