
13 unusual facts about operation "Vistula"

16689 Vistula

The asteroid was discovered on August 12, 1994 and was named after the Vistula, a major river in Poland.

Afterfall: InSanity

Poland east of the Vistula and San – Socialist Republic of Eastern Poland - was under Soviet influence and Warsaw, as its capital, was surrounded with the Warsaw Wall.

Bogislav Friedrich Emanuel von Tauentzien

In 1813 Tauentzien was named Military Governor between the Oder and the Vistula Rivers, and he succeeded in the siege of Stettin.

FSO Syrena

A Siren is a mermaid who, according to the legend, protects the river Wisła and the Polish capital city, Warsaw.

Janusz Wojcieszak

Initially declared missing, his body was found floating in the Vistula close to Gdański Bridge on 17 October 2012.

Józef Dwernicki

In 1806, when during the War of the Fourth Coalition, French armies approached the Vistula river, Dwernicki, together with his friend Augustyn Trzecieski, decided to find the so-called Patriotic Society, which planned an anti-Russian uprising.

Keith Chisholm

The official account of his escape notes a degree of audacity in his activities; on one occasion, when a fellow escapee's papers were challenged in Poland, he pushed a policeman into the Vistula river to effect their escape.

Kresowa Cavalry Brigade

Remnants crossed the Vistula on September 10 and joined the Northern Front of General Stefan Dąb-Biernacki, fighting in the Battle of Tomaszów Lubelski.

Marino Sanuto the Elder

Here the shore-lines of the countries well known to Italian mariners, from Flanders to Azov, are well laid down; the Caspian and the north German and Scandinavian coasts appear with an evident, though far slighter, relation to practical knowledge; and some idea is shown of the great continental rivers of the north, such as the Don, Volga, Vistula, Oxus and Syr Daria.

Roman Umiastowski

On the night of 6/7 September 1939 he aired a message on the radio, urging all able men of Warsaw to go to the front; the idea was to man a defence line east of the Vistula.

Semyon Gangeblov

During Suvorov's Polish campaign of 1794, he commanded a battalion which silenced a Polish battery and took hold of a bridge over the Vistula between Warsaw and its suburb Praga.

Stalag XX-B

POWs were sent out to labour in nearby farms, sawmills, factories, goodsyards and cutting ice on the river Vistula.

Vistula–Oder Offensive

The 1st Belorussian Front, to Konev's north, opened its attack on the German 9th Army from the Magnuszew and Puławy bridgeheads at 08:30, again commencing with a heavy bombardment.

44th Infantry Division Cremona

When Italy and Germany occupied Vichy France in Operation "Anton" after the Allied landings in French North Africa the division was ferried to Southern Corsica on 8 November 1942 to occupy the island, while the 20th Infantry Division Friuli occupied Northern Corsica.

804 Naval Air Squadron

The squadron participated in the successful attack on 3 April 1944 on the German battleship Tirpitz (Operation Tungsten) in Altafjord, northern Norway.

Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi

He commanded Operation Chavinda in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 and was ordered to command the Pakistan Armed Forces in East Pakistan during the Bangladesh Liberation War.

Battle of Lubieszów

On hearing of Winckelbruch's advance, hetman Zborowski marched all but 100 infantry out of Tczew to attack the Gdansk army, crossing the Motława River (a tributary of the Vistula then swollen with the spring thaw) at Rokitki, while Winckelbruch sent a force of 200 to delay the Commonwealth army as he tried to flank it and cross the Motława between two lakes to the south of the town of Lubieszów itself, west south west of Rokitki.

Battle of Studzianki

At the point where the Army was able to occupy the Magnuszew brideghead, the Polish brigade engaged advance elements of the counter-attacking German Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring with the express orders to deny Vistula crossings to the Red Army.

Churchill tank

Churchills saw widespread action in Normandy as well as subsequent operations in the Low Countries and into Germany such as the fighting in the Reichswald during Operation Veritable.

Communist Party of Poland

This was successfully repulsed and the Red Army advanced to the gates of Warsaw only to be pushed back in its turn and defeated on the banks of Vistula.

Dnieper–Bug Canal

The waterways from the German-Polish border (Oder River, through the Warta, Brda and Noteć rivers, Bydgoszcz Canal, Vistula River, Narew River, Bug River) once used to link the Belarus and Ukrainian inland waterways via Mukhavets River, Dnieper–Bug Canal, Pripyat River and Dnieper River), thus connecting north-western Europe with the Black Sea.

Dobrzyń Land

While the western part of the voivodeship had already been annexed by Prussia in the course of the First Partition of Poland in 1772, Dobrzyń Land on the eastern banks of the Vistula was incorporated into South Prussia during the Second Partition in 1793.


Działoszyce, located on the Nidzica river (a tributary to the Vistula), was in the Middle Ages placed along a merchant route from Kraków to Wiślica.

Fall of Berlin – 1945

The narrator lists the names of the rivers that the Red Army crosses as they march west: Volga, Don, Desna, Dnieper, Bug, Dvina, Neman, Vistula, and finally, Oder.

German town law

Magdeburg law was popular around the March of Meißen and Upper Saxony and was the source of several variants, including Neumarkt-Magdeburg law (Środa Śląska), used extensively in Upper Silesia, and Kulm law, used in the territory of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia and along the lower Vistula in Eastern Pomerania.

Gorzów, Lesser Poland Voivodeship

Gorzów lies close to two rivers: the Vistula and Przemsza, on a wide and flat terrace common to both rivers, area of 391 hectares.

Gotha G.IV

In March 1917, the G.IV entered service with Kagohl 1, which was redesignated Kagohl 3 upon receipt of the new machines, and the G.IVs were soon to be put to use in Operation Türkenkreuz - the strategic bombing of London.


It was conveniently located on a merchant route from the heartland of Poland to the Vistula ports at Solec nad Wisłą, Zawichost, and Sandomierz.


In Poland, lekvar is a regional food cooked in the Lower Vistula Valley in Poland.

Lublin–Brest Offensive

By 2 August, the 1st Belorussian Front’s left wing armies seized bridgeheads over the Vistula at Magnuszew (Chuikov's 47th Army) and Puławy (Lieutenant General V. la. Kolpakchi's 69th Army).


:Then, after the land of the Burgundians, we had on our left the lands that have been called from the earliest times Blekingey, and Meore, and Eowland, and Gotland, all which territory is subject to the Sweons; and Weonodland was all the way on our right, as far as Weissel-mouth.

Nikola Hajdin

Nikola Hajdin also designed bridge which was built in 2007 in Poland - the Solidarity Bridge in Płock over the Vistula River.

Operation Falcon

Operation Falcon, a naval operation of the Pakistan Navy during the Indo-Pakistani Naval War of 1971 (See also: Sinking of PNS Ghazi and PNS Hangor).


In 1502, during a Tatar raid, in which the invaders crossed the Vistula, Pacanów was successfully defended.

Polish–Swedish wars

During the crossing of the Vistula near Kieżmark, in the vicinity of Danzig (Gdańsk), Gustav met the Polish forces and in the ensuing battle was wounded in the hip and forced to retreat.


Near Krępiec (Krampitz), Radunia joins the Motława, a tributary to the Vistula (Weichsel) in Gdańsk.


Ryki belongs to Lesser Poland, and historically is part of Ziemia Stężycka (The Land of Stężyca, an ancient county, the only part of historic Sandomierz Voivodeship which was located on the right bank of the Vistula river).

First urban center of this part of Lesser Poland was located in Sieciechów, whose parish church controlled areas both east and west of the Vistula.

Santi Gucci

Among them was the Firlej family castle in Janowiec on the Vistula (1565–1585), for whom he also sculpted a Mannerist tomb in a local parish church (ca. 1586).

Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki

At the start of the Invasion of Poland in 1939, he commanded his unit as the core of the Czersk Operational Group which was to shield the Vistula river crossings against the German offensive and to protect the flanks of the Pomorze Army.

Stepan Neustroev

The Battalion took part in the fighting for Belarus, Poland and the Baltics.

Szczyrzyc County

Its borders spread from the Vistula to the Tatras, and among towns belonging to the county were such places as Niepołomice, Tymbark, Bochnia, Brzesko, Nowy Targ, Jordanów, Wiśnicz, Wieliczka, Dobczyce, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Maków Podhalański and Skawina.

Target for Tonight

Squadron Leader Dickson, the captain of 'F for Freddie', was played by Percy Pickard, who went on to lead Operation Biting and Operation Jericho, a raid on Amiens Prison.

The Man Who Never Was

Operation Mincemeat involved the acquisition and dressing up of a human cadaver as a "Major William Martin, R.M." and putting it into the sea near Huelva, Spain.

Warsaw Armoured Motorized Brigade

It stayed there until September 3 as a reserve of the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army, then was ordered to prepare the defence of the Vistula river line between Dęblin and Solec.

Warsaw Railway Junction

In 1902 the broad gauge Warsaw–Kalisz Railway was constructed on the left bank of the Vistula river connecting Warsaw through Łódź to Kalisz and later extended to the border of the Prussian controlled Province of Posen.


On June 7, 1946, the Polish Army entered the village under operation named "Vistula." "Operation Vistula" was set forth to purge partisans from the region.

Żupy krakowskie

It managed salt mines and salt works in two neighboring towns (known as the Royal Salt Mines collectively), Wieliczka Salt Mine in Wieliczka and Bochnia Salt Mine in Bochnia (city rights, 1253), as well as river salt ports on Vistula and, only in 17th century, a salt work in Dobiegniewo.

Żywkowo, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship

After World War II the place of German displaced residents, replaced by Ukrainian displaced from the operation "Vistula" and today their descendants inhabit the village.