
unusual facts about plant species

Bow Creek Ecology Park

The park was created by the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC) in 1994, after a survey identified rare and unusual plant species in the area, some presumed carried in by shipping, such as Hairy Buttercup (Ranunculus sardous), Walthamstow Cress, and Unreel’s Wormwood.

see also

A. cinnamomea

Aglaia cinnamomea, a plant species found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

A. edulis

Aglaia edulis, a plant species found in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia

A. magna

Alberta magna, the Natal flame bush, a plant species endemic to South Africa

A. marginata

Anisoptera marginata, a plant species found in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo

Acklins ground iguana

Like all Cyclura species the Acklins ground iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as seaside rock shrub (Rachicallis americana), and erect prickly pear (Opuntia stricta).

Alejandro de Humboldt National Park

16 of Cuba's 28 endemic plant species are protected in the park including such fauna as Dracaena cubensis and Podocarpus ekman.


(Note: This concerns the geographical region known as Apacheria. For the plant species Apacheria chiricahuensis, click here.)

Baulk Head to Mullion

The SSSI contains several plant species listed in the Red Data Book of rare and endangered plant species, such as Hairy Greenweed, the moss Pottia starkenna, part of the Pottiaceae family, Fringed Rupturewort (Herniaria ciliolata) and the only recently recorded instances of wild leek (Allium ampeloprasum).

C. africanum

Cyclamen africanum, the African cyclamen, a perennial plant species native to northern Algeria and Tunisia

C. asiatica

Centella asiatica, a small herbaceous annual plant species native to Asia

C. robustum

Calophyllum robustum, a flowering plant species found only in Papua New Guinea

C. superbus

Calochortus superbus, the superb mariposa lily, a flowering plant species

Canscora diffusa

Canscora diffusa is a plant species in the genus Canscora.


Sesbania herbacea (Family Fabaceae), also known as "Colorado River hemp" or "bigpod sesbania", a plant species native to the United States

D. bicolor

Drosera bicolor, an erect perennial tuberous plant species endemic to Western Australia

D. spicata

Distichlis spicata, the seashore saltgrass or inland saltgrass, a plant species

Deeringothamnus rugelii

This plant occurs in slash pine woods on wet, sandy substrates among other plant species, including saw palmetto, fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites), dwarf live oak (Quercus minima), and wiregrass (Aristida stricta).

E. J. H. Corner

Among the many plant species named in his honour are Anisophyllea corneri, Calamus corneri, Bulbophyllum corneri, and Platyscapa corneri.

E. palustris

Eleocharis palustris, the common spike-rush, creeping spike-rush or marsh spike-rush, a plant species growing in wetlands throughout the Boreal Kingdom

F. communis

Ferula communis, the giant fennel, a plant species in the genus Ferula

F. japonica

Fatsia japonica, the fatsi or Japanese aralia, a plant species native to southern Japan

F. rubra

Filipendula rubra, the queen-of-the-prairie, a medicinal and ornamental plant species native to the United States

G. alba

Gentiana alba, the pale gentian, white gentian or cream gentian, a herbaceous flowering plant species

G. californica

Gutierrezia californica, the San Joaquin snakeweed and California matchweed, a flowering plant species native to California and Baja California

G. nana

Grindelia nana, the Idaho gumplant or Idaho gumweed, a flowering plant species

H. elegans

Heuchera elegans, the urn-flowered alumroot, a flowering plant species endemic to California

H. glabra

Heliamphora heterodoxa, a marsh pitcher plant species native to Gran Sabana and the plateau of the Ptari-Tepui in Venezuela

H. maculatum

Hypericum maculatum, the imperforate St John's-wort, a plant species native to Europe and Western Asia

H. niger

Helleborus niger, the Christmas rose or black hellebore, a plant species

H. petiolaris

Helianthus petiolaris, the prairie sunflower, a plant species in the genus Helianthus

H. vulgaris

Hippuris vulgaris, the common mare's tail, a common aquatic plant species found in Eurasia

Hardington Mandeville

The rare French oat-grass is very abundant on the site and the fields are home to a wide variety of plant species, most notably adder's tongue, corky-fruited water-dropwort and large numbers of green-winged orchid.

Jack in the pulpit

Arum maculatum, a common woodland plant species widespread across temperate northern Europe

José do Canto

On his properties, near and around Ponta Delgada and Furnas, he would acclimatize and seed several plant species, including the Camellia and Cryptomeria, today both found throughout the archipelago.

L. alba

Limnanthes alba, the white meadowfoam, a flowering plant species native to California and Oregon

L. maritima

Lobularia maritima, the sweet alyssum or sweet alison, a plant species

M. maritima

Malcolmia maritima, the Virginia stock, a popular annual garden plant species

M. sativa

Madia sativa, the coast tarweed or Chilean tarweed, a flowering plant species native to the Americas

Mount Waialeale

A number of rare local plant species are named for this mountain, including Astelia waialealae, Melicope waialealae, and the endemic Dubautia waialealae.

N. alba

Nepenthes alba, a tropical pitcher plant species endemic to Peninsular Malaysia

P. esculenta

Psoralea esculenta, an herbaceous perennial plant species native to prairies and dry woodlands of central North America

P. humilis

Phacelia humilis, the low phacelia, a plant species native to the western United States

P. microphyllus

Philadelphus microphyllus, the littleleaf mock-orange, a plant species native to northern Mexico and the southwestern quadrant of the United States as far north as Wyoming

R. chinensis

Rosa chinensis, the China rose, a plant species native to central China

Rizal, Cagayan

Mount Malaueg: The Eco-tourism mountain still developing for becoming a pure habitat for rare animal-plant species.

S. grandis

Stypandra grandis, a rhizomatous perennial plant species in the genus Stypandra

TAL effector

TAL (transcription activator-like) effectors (often referred to as TALEs but not to be confused with the three amino acid loop extension family of proteins) are proteins secreted by Xanthomonas bacteria via their type III secretion system when they infect various plant species.

V. californica

Verbena californica, the California vervain or Red Hills vervain, a plant species endemic to California

V. hastata

Verbena hastata, the blue vervain or swamp verbena, a flowering plant species

V. nigrum

Verbascum nigrum, the dark mullein, a biennial or short-lived perennial herbaceous plant species