
unusual facts about privatdozent

Robert Baldauf

Robert Baldauf was a Swiss philologist and a Privatdozent at the University of Basel during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Ferdinand Joachimsthal

In the year of his graduation (Ph.D., Berlin, 1842) he was appointed teacher at a Realschule in Berlin, and in 1846 was admitted to the philosophical faculty of the university as privatdozent.

Franz Rellich

In 1934 he became Privatdozent in Marburg, in 1942 professor in Dresden, and in 1946 director of the Mathematical Institute in Göttingen, being instrumental in its reconstruction.

Hugo Iltis

He was professor of biology at the Deutsches Gymnasium in Brünn (Brno) from 1905 to 1938, and Privatdozent of botany and genetics in the Deutsche Technische-Hochschule (German Polytechnical Institute) from 1911-1938.

Johannes Scherr

Condemned in contumaciam to fifteen years hard labor, he established himself in Zürich as Privatdozent in 1850, but moved in 1852 to Winterthur.

Julius von Sachs

In 1856 he graduated as doctor of philosophy, and then adopted a botanical career, establishing himself as Privatdozent for plant physiology in the University of Prague.

Rudolf Ladenburg

After completion of his Habilitation, Ladenburg became a Privatdozent at Breslau and in 1921 an ausserordentlicher Professor (extraordinarius professor) there.

see also