
unusual facts about prorector


In the fictional world of David Foster Wallace's futuristic novel Infinite Jest, "Those younger staffers who double as academic and athletic instructors are, by convention at North American tennis academies, known as 'prorectors.'" (Abacus edition 1996, n. 4 at p. 983)


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Alma Mater Europaea

In 2010, Alma Mater Europaea was officially established, with Prof. dr. Felix Unger being appointed as its first president, while the German political scientist prof. dr. Werner Weidenfeld became the first rector, and the Slovenian lawyer and diplomat prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak the first prorector.

Joseph Kehrein

After studying philology at the University of Giessen from 1831 to 1834, he taught at the gymnasium of Darmstadt, 1835–1837, at that of Mainz, 1837–1845, was prorector at the newly founded gymnasium of Hadamar in Nassau, 1845–1846, professor at the same place, 1846–1855, director of the Catholic teachers' seminary at Montabaur, 1855–1876, and at the same time director of the Realschule at the same place, 1855–1866.

see also