
5 unusual facts about psychoactive drug

Elhanan Tannenbaum

Obeid offered Tannenbaum a part in an alleged lucrative drug-dealing operation.

Elizabeth Olivet

She is also generally in favor of compassionate, involved psychotherapy in mental institutions, rather than imprisonment or antipsychotic drugs, for genuinely disturbed criminals; this is often shown to clash with the detectives' sense of justice.

Hei Ling Chau

Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre occupies the north-western part of the island and students often get a chance to visit the island by joining preventive drug education programs.

SiN Episodes

Areas that are featured in Emergence include the Freeport Docks, Sintek Supremacy Tower, and Radek's hidden drugs lab on board a beached, derelict oil tanker.

Tommy's Tale

The book is a first-person narrative, and revolves around an early mid-life crisis triggered when Tommy "accidentally" proclaims his love for his friend-with-benefits, Charlie, when high on ecstasy.

Charles Duchaussois

It was 1969 at the zenith of the hippie movement, from Marseille to Beirut, from Istanbul to Baghdad, taking long detours in India, by boat, on foot, in car, Charles bit by bit got closer to Kathmandu, the height of drugs and hippies.

Cinnamomum parthenoxylon

The tree is of special concern, as it is being harvested at a high rate to obtain safrole, a precursor to the pesticide synergist piperonyl butoxide, the flavorant and fragrance piperonal, and the psychoactive drug MDMA.

Espedair Street

He ends up writing all their material and playing bass guitar, (after trying unsuccessfully to get them to change their name) as the band rises in the drug- and booze-fuelled rock and roll of the 1970s, assisted by A&R man Rick Tumber of ARC Records.

Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library

The Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library is a library of psychoactive drug-related literature created in 1970 by Michael Horowitz, Cynthia Palmer, William Dailey, and Robert Barker, who merged their private libraries.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Due to allegations that school officials coerced parents into administering psychotropic medication such as Ritalin to their child, an amendment to the IDEA was added called prohibition on mandatory medication.

William Edgar Cohen

William Edgar Cohen (born November 2, 1941) is the president of CNS Productions, Inc. and co-author of Uppers, Downers, All Arounders, a textbook on the neurochemistry and neuropharmacology of psychoactive drugs.

see also


Ethyltrifluoromethylaminoindane (ETAI), a psychoactive drug and research chemical