He belonged to a family of rabbis, the most noted among them being Rabbi Israel Palota, his great-grandfather, Rabbi Amram (called "The Gaon," who died in Safed, Palestine, where he had spent the last years of his life), and Rabbi Chayyim Kitssee, rabbi in Erza, who was his great-granduncle.
He was eulogized by Rabbis Landau and Hirsch of the Slabodka yeshiva as well as by the Rebbe of Sanz, by Rabbi B. D. Povarsky, by Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein (a student of Rabbi Amram), and by Rabbi Amram's son, Rabbi Simchah Shmuel Zaks.
In addition to the traditional rabbinate activities of kitchen kosher certification and religious services for religious soldiers, Rontzki expanded the mandate to include a much more active role in the army, including increasing the number of battalion rabbis.
Pirkei Avot, a tractate of the Mishna composed of ethical maxims of the Rabbis of the Mishnaic period
The world was created only by charity mercy, as is said (Ps. lxxxix. 3), 'Mercy shall be built up for ever' (or, as the rabbis translate this passage, 'The world is built on mercy').
Upon his return to New York, Rabbi Alperstein was delighted to learn that his colleagues Rabbis Moshe Matlin and Yehuda David Bernstein had opened a Lithuanian-style yeshiva named in honour of the distinguished Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor of Kovno.
David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, and the head rabbis, all pleaded with the chief commissioner for amnesty.
Szold studied under Rabbis Jacob Fischer of Shalgaw, Wolf Kollin of Werbau, and Benjamin Wolf at the Pressburg Yeshiva, and received the rabbinical authorization from Judah Assod of Bur and Simon Sidon of Tyrnau.
The Babylonian names of Makhir, Hasdai, Sheshet and Shealtiel are the names of chief rabbis and leaders - Nasi (considered by the Jewish tradition as descendents of king David) of the Jewish center.
Around this time, one of America's senior rabbis and president of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis, Rabbi Bernard Levinthal of Philadelphia, visited the yeshiva and, after discussing Talmudic topics with the new student, invited him to come to Philadelphia as the rabbi's secretary and assistant.
He is also Dean of the Zecharias Frankel College at the University of Potsdam, Germany, ordaining Conservative/Masorti rabbis for the European Union under the religious supervision of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.
In addition, the traditional Jewish understanding of the creation "days" of Genesis is that they are literal as well, as virtually all the Rabbis have understood in commentaries from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources.
According to the Sefer Ha-Kabbalah of Abraham ibn Daud, Chushiel was one of the four scholars who were captured by Ibn Rumaḥis, an Arab admiral, while voyaging from Bari to Sebaste to collect money "for the dowries of poor brides." Ḥushiel was sold as a slave in North Africa, but he and the other three rabbis were ransomed by Jewish communities in Alexandria, Cordoba, and Kairouan.
:In contrast, our colleagues Rabbis David Fine, Robert Fine and Myron Geller have argued that the verses in Leviticus should be understood to prohibit only those sexual relationships that offer no possibility of marriage.
Rabbis Myron Geller, Robert Fine, and David Fine wrote a dissent arguing for complete abolition of strictures against homosexual conduct, and explicit recognition of same-sex religious commitment ceremonies, on grounds that strictures were no longer socially relevant and religious support was now socially required.
Among other matters considered was the famous dispute between the rabbis Jacob Emden and Jonathan Eybeschutz over the Shabbethaian movement, resulting in the latter's acquittal on the charge of heresy.
He died while attending a convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1949.
He went first to Venice, but a disagreement with the rabbis Meïr Padua and his son Judah Katzenellenbogen caused him to leave the city and in the same year to take up his residence at Prague (1561).
It was probably this decision which brought upon him the opposition of the above-mentioned Venetian rabbis, though he was connected with them, for Ashkenazi's son was Katzenellenbogen's son-in-law.
He evidently had a reputation as an authority in questions of religious practice, since Mo'ed Katan 20a records one of his halakhic decisions — the only one in his name, although others may be recorded under the names of his students or different rabbis.
He was one of the leading American rabbis honored at the Eleventh Annual Siyum HaShas in Madison Square Garden in 2005, where he read the beginning of Masekhet Berakhot.
Stanford J Shaw, 'Appendix 1: Grand Rabbis of Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire, and Chief Rabbis of republican Turkey', in The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic (New York City: New York University Press, 1991), 272-273.
Other Rabbis of Tudela are known: Joshua ibn Shuaib, author of sermons,kabbalist and student of Rabbi Solomon ibn Aderet who flourished in the 14th century; Joel ibn Shu'aib, author of sermons and Bible commentaries; and Chasdai ben Solomon, who flourished in the 15th century.
Famous descendants of Isaiah Horowitz included Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin, (Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz; Hebrew: יעקב יצחק הורוביץ), known as "The Chozeh of Lublin" (Hebrew: החוזה מלובלין, The Seer of Lublin), the prominent Billiczer Rabbinical family of Szerencs, Hungary and the Dym family of Rabbis and communal leaders in Galicia.
Before the school opened, several Orthodox rabbis expressed concern over JCoSS's compatibility with their faith.
Kontres 'al Diney Ribbis, a discourse on the laws relating to the prohibition of usury, followed by some "takkanot" (ordinances by the Rabbis), Sulzbach, 1692;
Josiah was a pupil of various rabbis in Talmud and Kabala, and later, after his father's death, he studied Talmud under Jacob Abulafia, who ordained him as rabbi.
Also in 2006, Chaya Gusfield and Rabbi Lori Klein became the two first openly lesbian rabbis ordained by the Jewish Renewal movement.
In 2007 she was selected as one of The Other Top 50 Rabbis by Letty Cottin Pogrebin.
In 1981, she became the first woman ordained as a rabbi in the Jewish Renewal movement; she was ordained by rabbis Zalman Schachter, Everett Gendler, and Shlomo Carlebach.
It is sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly, the American association of Conservative rabbis, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Central Conference of Reform Rabbis, and the Union for Reform Judaism.
In May 2006 an Israeli newspaper accused Schudrich of participating in a conversion where one of the participant rabbis, Haim Drukman, falsely signed his presence.
The descendant of rabbis on both sides of her family, her paternal grandfather was a rabbi and community leader in Toronto who descended from a multi-generational line of Hasidic rabbis from Poland.
The rabbi of Har Brakha, Eliezer Melamed, who according to Chaim Levinson of Haaretz, is considered one of the more extreme settler rabbis, used his weekly column in the newspaper "Basheva" to denounce the price tag policy.
Today some rabbis who advocate some form of process theology include Bradley Shavit Artson, Lawrence A. Englander, William E. Kaufman, Harold Kushner, Anton Laytner, Michael Lerner, Gilbert S. Rosenthal, Lawrence Troster, Donald B. Rossoff, Burton Mindick, and Nahum Ward.
The authority for that position has been the tradition taught by the Rabbis that the oral law was transmitted to Moses at Mount Sinai at the same time as the Written Law and that the Oral Law has been transmitted from generation to generation since.
Most rabbis affiliated with Modern Orthodoxy's Rabbinical Council of America (RCA), who are mostly alumni of Yeshiva University's (YU) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) are active members and leaders in the RZA so that there is a strong correlation of leadership between YU, the RCA, Mizrachi in general, and the RZA.
Notable personalities who lived in Rudnik include Rabbis Chaim Halberstam who served as its town rabbi from 1796, Boruch Halberstam (1860–1867), Tsvi Hersh Halberstam (1867–1906), Avrohom Halberstam (1906-?).
In earlier periods, the key figures of the Sephardic Haredim included well-known Rabbis such as Amram Aburbeh, Solomon Eliezer Alfandari, Abraham Aminoff, Ezra Attiya,Yosef Chaim Hacohen :he:%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3 %D7%97%D7%99%D7%99%D7%9D %D7%94%D7%9B%D7%94%D7%9F, Chaim Hezekiah Medini and Yaakov Chaim Sofer.
Among the distinguished rabbis and Torah teachers included in these conversations are Rabbis Shlomo Riskin, Berel Wein, Shubert Spero, Adin Steinsaltz, David Hartman, Nachum Rabinowitz, Aharon Rakeffet, Chaim Eisen, Mendel Lewittes, Natan Lopes Cardozo, Dr. Miriam Adahan, and more than thirty others.
The campus is also home to Charles E. Smith High School for Boys, grades 7-12, with more than 350 students, an in-house publications department that is publishing a series of books on Jewish thought with UK-based publisher Continuum International Publishing Group, theology and philosophy conferences, and centers for training educators, rabbis and lay community leaders.
Historians Jonathan Sarna and Jacob Rader Marcus noted in various works that during that era most U.S. "rabbis" were not ordained; calling him a fake may have been too strong a critique of his pastoral abilities.
The Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah Zal), a tertiary institution for the training of Orthodox rabbis and religious functionaries in the Chabad-Lubavitch denomination, is located on Alexandra Street.
#Sixth Generation: The interim generation between the Mishnah and the Talmud: Rabbis Shimon ben Judah HaNasi and Yehoshua ben Levi, etc.
Other noted contributors to the paper in this era included Rabbi Moses Mielziner and Jewish history scholar Gotthard Deutsch, as well as other prominent rabbis and Jewish thinkers within the country.
Several well-known Haredi rabbis, including Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandl, Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov, Rabbi Shimon Schwab, and several others, wrote kinnot about the Shoah, to be said on Tisha b'Av.
In the shadow of a court order for his return and a possible police search, the rabbis of the Jerusalem Orthodox community disguised Schuchmacher as a girl and placed him in the care of a Frenchwoman and convert to Judaism named Ruth Ben-David (then Madeleine Feraille, later Mrs. Amram Blau), who took him with her to Europe.
Some of the most famous Jewish families of Zlatopol are: Brody, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, rabbis Elijah and Hillel Poisic, (the composer) Pokrass, and Zola.