
unusual facts about raster graphics

Natural Earth

All versions of Natural Earth raster and vector map data on the Natural Earth website are in the public domain.

Bell-Northern Research

At its zenith in the early 1980s, when it opened R&D centers in Mountain View, and later in Research Triangle Park and Richardson, Texas, BNR's notable American employees included Whitfield Diffie, a noted authority on cryptography, and Bob Gaskins, who invented PowerPoint at BNR, using new bit-mapped displays to make presentations to management.


About 1982, Cinematronics started releasing games which used raster display, such as Naughty Boy and "Zzyzzyxx".

NEC µPD7220

Bruce Daniels pointed out that the Lisa primarily used raster graphics (known as bitmap graphics at the time), which could be implemented with less expensive hardware support.

see also

Altsoft Xml2PDF

Altsoft XML2PDF Formatting Engine is a demoware Microsoft .NET based family of server and desktop products for publishing various XML documents such as XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and pure HTML, Microsoft Word (DOCX and older WordML and Doc ) to print ready output formats including PDF (with PDF/A and PDF/X support), XPS , SVG and raster graphics (TIFF, GIF, JPEG,PNG, WMF).

Coyotes in popular culture

The cartoon coyote Wilber is the official mascot for GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), a free raster graphics editor.


GDK – the GIMP Drawing Kit lies between the X server and the GTK+ library, handling basic rendering such as drawing primitives, raster graphics (bitmaps), cursors, fonts, as well as window events and drag-and-drop functionality