
unusual facts about satellites

5th meridian

Meridian 5; the fifth satellite in the Meridian series of communications satellites

Astra 23.5°E

Astra 23.5°E is a group of Astra communications satellites co-located at the 23.5° east position in the Clarke Belt owned and operated by SES based in Betzdorf, Luxembourg.

The 23.5° east orbital position was first occupied by the DFS-Kopernikus 1 and DFS-Kopernikus 3 satellites, launched in June 1989 and October 1992, respectively, to provide channel feeds to German cable headends for Deutsche Bundespost (later, Deutsche Telekom).

Belgium–France relations

In 1997, French and Belgian defence ministers Alain Richard and Jean-Paul Poncelet signed an agreement providing for Belgium's use of the French armed forces' Syracuse communication satellite system.


BILSAT-1 was launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome Site 132/1, Arkhangelsk Oblast in Russia by a Kosmos-3M space launch vehicle on September 27, 2003 at 06:12 UTC in a multiple-satellite payload launch along with six other satellites, namely Mozhayets-4 and Larets of Russia, NigeriaSat-1 of Nigeria, UK-DMC from the United Kingdom, South Korean STSAT-1 and Germany's Rubin 4-DS.

Brazilian space program

Embratel, a formerly state-controlled communications company in charge of the Brazilian Satellite Communication System (Sistema Brasileiro de Comunicação por Satélites--SBTS), owns and operates a series of satellites that are positioned in geostationary orbit over the equator.


Other shows have included "La Vida Te Espera" at NIU Gallery, Barcelona in June 2006, "Satellites", at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York and a show at the Kemistry Gallery in Shoreditch.

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

DMSP satellites operated in a sun-synchronous orbit; passing over the north and south poles, the satellite would see different strips of the Earth at the same local time each day.


Defunct satellites from cancelled programmes may be flown as DemoSats, for example the maiden flight of the Soyuz-2 rocket placed an obsolete Zenit-8 satellite onto a sub-orbital trajectory in order to test the rocket's performance.

DFS Kopernikus

The orbital station keeping manoeuvres of the satellites were conducted by the Flight Dynamics Group of the German Aerospace Center (German Space Operations Center) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Bavaria.


In May 2010 the Astra 3B satellite was launched to the Astra 23.5° east position to release the Astra 1E and Astra 1G satellites previously in that position for use at other orbital positions.

The two feedhorns are positioned at the correct spacing for reception from the two satellites required and the DiSEqC switching system is used to select between the signals from the two satellites with commands from the connected receiver.

EADS Astrium Space Transportation

After Evert Dudok took over from Antoine Bouvier as Head of EADS Astrium Satellites on 11 June 2007, Alain Charmeau assumed responsibility of the management of EADS Astrium Space Transportation.

Electrostatic ion thruster

Hughes Aircraft Company (now L-3 ETI) has developed the XIPS (Xenon Ion Propulsion System) for performing station keeping on its geosynchronous satellites (more than 100 engines flying).


A FGB ("Functional Cargo Block") engine section originally built as a cancelled Mir module was incorporated into the upper stage used to inject the payload into orbit, similarly to modern geostationary satellites providing apogee impulse themselves, since the planned "Buran-T" upper stage had not yet progressed beyond the planning stage.

General Microelectronics

With Frank Wanlass as director of research and engineering, GMe was the first company to design, fabricate, and sell MOS integrated circuits, small-scale integrated chips for NASA satellites.


Geosynchronous satellite USA-241, also known as SBIRS GEO 2, the second in a series of space surveylance satellites launched on March 19, 2013 as part of the United States Air Force's Space-Based Infrared System

Geoffrey Perry

Perry and his students (who formed the Kettering Group along with some other volunteers worldwide) continued their satellite tracking work for a number of years, using only inexpensive shortwave radio equipment and painstakingly using the Doppler effect to deduce the satellites' orbits.

Gingin Observatory

The telescopes primary objective is to photograph gamma ray bursts in the Universe and does this with two NASA satellites, the Swift and Glast.


GIOVE, Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element, a series of artificial satellites prototyping a satellite navigation system

Homer E. Newell, Jr.

In 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower assigned NRL responsibility to launch satellites during the International Geophysical Year (IGY), Newell was promoted to Acting Superintendent of NRL's Atmosphere and Astrophysics division, with an additional assignment as science coordinator for Project Vanguard.

Ignazio Ciufolini

International Occhialini Prize and Medal of the UK Institute of Physics (IOP) and Italian Physical Society (SIF) awarded in London by Jocelyn Bell Burnell, president of IOP, for providing further experimental confirmation of Einstein's theory of General Relativity through the use of laser-ranged satellites to study and measure frame-dragging.

Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Centre

Situated in Vimanapura Post of Bangalore, Karnataka, the centre has produced more than 50 satellites including the INSAT series, the IRS series, as well as the GSAT communication satellites.

Kinsey Anderson

During the following decade at UCB he and his students flew instruments on many of the early generation of space science missions, including the Interplanetary Monitoring Platforms (IMP) 1-6, OGO 5, Explorer 33 and 35, and Apollo 15 and 16 lunar sub-satellites.

Laramie Potts

He and von Frese used gravity measurements by NASA's GRACE satellites to identify a 200 mile (300 km) wide mass concentration.

Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation

The Libyan national television was broadcast via satellite to the Arab world and Europe via the satellites Arabsat and Hot Bird from 1997.

Loop heat pipe

LHPs are now commonly used in space aboard satellites including; Russian Granat, Obzor spacecraft, Boeing’s (Hughes) HS 702 communication satellites, Chinese FY-1C meteorological satellite, NASA’s ICESat.

Manned Maneuvering Unit

The MMU was used in practice to retrieve a pair of faulty communications satellites, Westar VI and Palapa B2.

The propulsion unit was used to retrieve two communication satellites, Westar VI and Palapa B2, that did not reach their proper orbits because of faulty propulsion modules.

Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group

The other ones are LEAG (Luna), OPAG (Outer Planets & Satellites), SBAG (Small Bodies), and


The satellites were manufactured by a consortium COSMOS, with Aérospatiale in its Cannes Mandelieu Space Centre, as Prime, and included Matra, MBB, Selenia Spazio, Marconi Company.

National Reconnaissance Office

According to Asia Times Online, one important mission of NRO satellites is the tracking of non-US submarines on patrol or on training missions in the world's oceans and seas.

Niel Brandt

Brandt uses X-ray satellites, including the Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton, to study the physics and evolution of active galaxies, X-ray binaries, frozen treats, and other cosmic X-ray sources.


National Remote Sensing Centre (formerly the National Remote Sensing Agency): A central organization of the government of India responsible for managing data from imaging satellites.

OTC Satellite Earth Station Carnarvon

The ‘sugar scoop’ antenna became operational on 29 October 1966 when Intelsat-2A, the first of the three satellites launched, gave OTC and the ABC a brief chance to test satellite TV communications as the satellite drifted to ignominious failure over the Indian Ocean.

Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite

The PRS program is planned to be a progressive and sustainable program with an initial plans to launch an optical satellite with payload of 2.5 metre PAN in 700 km sun-synchronous orbit by the end of year 2014, which will be followed by a series of optical and SAR satellites in future.

Patrick Air Force Base

These rockets include satellites for the US military, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the National Security Agency, as well as scientific payload launches in support of NASA, weather satellite launches in support of NOAA, payloads in support of international customers such as the European Space Agency, and commercial payloads for various corporate communications entities.

Quest: The History of Spaceflight

Representative articles have featured an unpublished chapter from the James Hansen authorized biography of Neil Armstrong regarding his involvement with the Space Shuttle Challenger accident investigation; the memoirs of Valentina Tereshkova, contributed directly by the first woman in space; Galileo and European interest in positioning and navigation satellites, military use of satellites in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, and the U.S. chimpanzee in space efforts.


To carry out this new project, the satellite's owner MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) of Richmond, B.C., was awarded $25-million contract to carry out upgrades (called project Polar Epsilon) to enhance the satellites capabilities to detect surface ships.

RAF Feltwell

This data along with that from other systems was used to adjust the orbits of various satellites and manned vessels (for instance the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station) to reduce the risk of on-orbit collisions.

Real Digital

Real Digital is the brand name for a digital satellite television and radio service in the United Kingdom which was transmitted from SES S.A.'s Astra satellites located at 28.2° east (Astra 2A/2B/2D/1N) and Eutelsat's 28A satellite at 28.5°E.


Founded in 1977 by Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill, Gerard O'Neill, Princeton University professor and author of The High Frontier, SSI sponsored and conducted research into areas such as solar power satellites, lunar bases, space colonies, asteroid mining, and mass drivers.


Starglider was packaged with a sci-fi novella by James Follett, describing the game's background story, in which the Egrons effortlessly blitz Novenia despite the planet possessing a previously impenetrable network of utterly deadly defense satellites.

Television in Spain

Digital satellite services has existed since 1997 from Astra and Hispasat satellites.

The Firebird Band

Erik Bocek - (of Joan of Arc, Ghosts and Vodka) bass on tracks 2, 8-11 on The Setting Sun and Its Satellites.

Time transfer

Examples of a one-way time transfer system are the clock on a church or town building and the ringing of their time-indication bells; time balls, radio clock signals such as LORAN, DCF77 and MSF; and finally the Global Positioning System which uses multiple one-way time transfers from different satellites, with positional information and other advanced means of delay compensations to allow receiver compensation of time and position information in real time.

U.S. Military connector specifications

Often referred to as a Micro-D connector system, the connector is suited to a multitude of systems where weight, miniaturization or signal transmission integrity are paramount, such as missiles and their guidance systems, aerospace avionics, radars, shoulder-launched weapon systems, advanced soldier technology systems, military Global Positioning Systems, satellites, medical devices and down-hole drilling tools.

Westar 1

Westar 1 was the first of five Westar satellites launched by Western Union from 1974 to 1982.

Wind wave model

Altimetry data from satellites, such as GEOSAT and TOPEX, can also be used to infer the characteristics of wind waves.

see also