
unusual facts about scientific research

Israel Pickens

In addition to politics, Pickens participated in the American Colonization Society and was interested in scientific research.

Kankan Bhattacharyya

Presently he is the Director & Chair Professor of Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, the oldest centre for scientific research in the whole of Asia.

McLay Glacier

He held the position of New Zealand's Whaling Commissioner for 9 years, during which time he fought for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, and opposed scientific whaling.

see also

Academic Spring

The barriers to free access for recent scientific research became a hot topic in 2012, after a blog post by mathematician Timothy Gowers went viral in January.


H.E. Maitha Salem Al-Shamsi, PhD - President of Zayed University, Former Minister of State and Head of the UAE Marriage Fund, Former Professor, Sociology, United Arab Emirates University, Former Deputy Vice Chancellor, Scientific Research, UAE University.

Albert Fert

Currently, he is an emeritus professor at Université Paris-Sud in Orsay and scientific director of a joint laboratory ('Unité mixte de recherche') between the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (National Scientific Research Centre) and Thales Group.

All-party parliamentary group

For example while the APPG on Agriculture and Food for Development numbers over 70 MPs and Peers as members it also has a number of external stakeholders including NGOs, universities, scientific research centres and multilateral bodies.

B. S. Kesavan

His achievements in INSDOC is also no less outstanding which include among others the starting of Indian Science Abstracts, and Associateship in Documentation and Reprography course, publication of several union catalogues of scientific serials, and Directory of Scientific Research Institutions in India.

Bauhinia blakeana

More scientific research will need to be carried out, eg, artifical controlled cross-pollination experiments to confirm the ability of Bauhinia blakeana in backcross or outcross to produce (fertile) seeds.


The series was supposedly inspired by real-life scientific research and used a lot of Korean talents at the lower ranks of production.


CABI, formerly CAB International, a UK-based not-for-profit inter-governmental organisation for scientific research and publishing on agriculture and the environment

Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine

The Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM) was established in 1975 by the Government of Ghana in recognition of the pioneering work of Dr. Oku Ampofo, a Ghanaian allopathic medical practitioner.

Christian Schaller

From 2003 to 2012, Christian Schaller was the theological collaborator of Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop of Regensburg, and at the same time, since 2008, Deputy Director (vicar) of the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI, which is responsible for the edition of the publication complete works of Joseph Ratzinger, the establishment of a specialized library and an archive for scientific research work of the theological Papa Emeritus.

Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production

It was jointly founded by the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2005 to establish an internationally visible institution for scientific research, outreach and transfer activities on sustainable consumption and production (SCP).

Conghua city yueyuan animal breeding farm

The monkeys are used scientific research, including gene therapy, cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stem cells and antibody-based treatments.

Eduardo Reck Miranda

Eduardo Reck Miranda, Ph.D, (born 1963), is a Brazilian composer of chamber and electroacoustic pieces but is most notable in the United Kingdom for his scientific research into computer music, particularly in the field of human-machine interfaces where brain waves will replace keyboards and voice commands to permit the disabled to express themselves musically.


Some pioneers in vocal pedagogy, like Margaret Green and William Vennard, were quick to adopt current scientific research in the 1950s, and pursued capturing the biological process of female falsetto on film.

François Joseph Clozel

Interested in understanding the region, he took an active part in developing French scientific research in West Africa in collaboration with the anthropologist Maurice Delafosse.

GEMS American Academy, Abu Dhabi

On December 13, 2011, President Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, opened GAA in a new facility in Khalifa City in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and His Excellency Humaid Mohammed Al Khathami, UAE Minister of Education.

General Atomics ALTUS

The General Atomics ALTUS is an unmanned aerial vehicle, designed for scientific research, built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI).

Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver

At the Scientific Research Institute for the study of Homicidal Baked Goods, The Gingerdead man is visited by a woman from the FBI (Laura Kachergus), who is revealed to be the sister of Toothless McHomeless of the second one, who was driven to suicide by the previous Gingerdead cookie.

Gio Batta Gori

Gio Batta Gori is an epidemiologist and fellow with the Health Policy Center in Bethesda, Maryland where he specializes in risk assessment and scientific research.


Human Genome Project, is an international scientific research project with a primary goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up DNA

I ragazzi di via Panisperna

The story is inspired by a real life fact and set in the 1930s when, at the Institute of Physics of Via Panisperna, in Rome, physicist Enrico Fermi managed to involve a group of brilliant young students—Emilio, Bruno, Edoardo and Ettore (respectively, Emilio Segrè, Bruno Pontecorvo, Edoardo Amaldi and Ettore Majorana, all of whom became famous scientists)—forming a working group committed to scientific research who would achieve great discoveries in the field of nuclear physics.

IITB-Monash Research Academy

The Advisory Council is made up of leaders from scientific research and industry, including Narayana Murthy (founder of Indian software giant Infosys) and prominent Australian biologist Professor Gustav Nossal.

Institute for Scientific and Technical Information

Institut de l'information scientifique et technique, French National Centre for Scientific Research (INIST-CNRS)

Institute of Cryptography, Telecommunications and Computer Science

The institute also runs an evening physics and maths school, an ex-budgetary Scientific Research Laboratory while the Academy has provision for post-graduate military courses, MA and PhD dissertation boards.

Josephine Porter Boardman

The Josephine B. Crane Foundation continues to support the Sierra Club, scientific research and various scholarships.

Khalil al-Hibri

Other offspring include Azizah Y. al-Hibri, a prominent women activist in the U.S., Hind Al Hibri, who is involved in scientific research; Ibrahim Al-Hibri, an industrialist and philanthropist, and his son, Fuad El-Hibri.

Kosti, Sudan

Kosti is home to the El Imam El Mahdi University, established in 1994 as a public university funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky

Based on the scientific research by U.S. management expert Frederick Winslow Taylor and her own research, Lihotzky used a railroad dining car kitchen as her model to design a "housewife's laboratory" using a minimum of space but offering a maximum of comfort and equipment to the working mother.

Mérida, Mérida

Moreover, the educational development of the city due, for the most part, to its university (ULA) has contributed to the creation of museums, libraries, and centers for scientific research, such as the Center for Astronomy Research (CIDA), located a few kilometers from the city in the mountains near Apartaderos.

Mohammed bin Sulayem

The report was based on extensive scientific research carried out by the Automobile & Touring Club of the UAE in conjunction with its academic partners at the University of Ulster, one of the UK’s top learning and research institutes, in a collaboration led by Professor David Hassan.

National Fund for Scientific Research

On 1 October 1927, in a speech at Cockerill in Seraing, King Albert I strongly emphasized the importance of scientific research to the economic development of Belgium.


National Defense Research Committee, a government body in the United States created in 1940 for funding scientific research for national security purposes.


Major deployments have been for network-intensive and memory-intensive applications (as opposed to FLOPS-intensive), such as weather & climate modeling (ECMWF, UKMO, Environment Canada, Japan Meteorological Agency), and scientific research (University of Warsaw, Slovak Academy of Sciences, and several other government laboratories in the U.S., and other countries).

Percy Sladen Memorial Trust

The Percy Sladen Memorial Trust is a trust fund administered by the Linnean Society of London for the support of scientific research.

Population Council

The Population Council also publishes the journals Population and Development Review, which reports scientific research on the interrelationships between population and socioeconomic development and provides a forum for discussion of related issues of public policy, and Studies in Family Planning, which focuses on public health, social science, and biomedical research on sexual and reproductive health, fertility, and family planning.

Project Baikal

The journal is distributed among architects and urbanists who perform scientific research and practice, among the administration of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, universities, governmental, business, architectural and construction organizations of Irkutsk, Eastern Siberia, Siberian Federal District, among regional organizations of the Union of Architects of Russia and several foreign branches of the International Union of Architects.

Raj Senani

Professor Senani is an elected Member of Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society (USA), a Senior Member of IEEE (USA), a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Life Fellow of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) India.

SENS Research Foundation

On September 16, 2006, Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of the online payments system PayPal, announced that he is pledging $3.5 million to the Methuselah Foundation "to support scientific research into the alleviation and eventual reversal of the debilities caused by aging" (SENS research).

Stony Ridge Observatory

Asteroids 10168 Stony Ridge and 144633 Georgecarroll were discovered at the observatory, and other scientific research (including an extensive lunar photography and mapping project in cooperation with Lockheed upon which the decision on the lunar lander touchdown site was based) has been conducted there.


The mission was devoted entirely to Spacelab 1, a joint NASA/European Space Agency (ESA) program designed to demonstrate the ability to conduct advanced scientific research in space.

Thomas A. Smith

He is also an active member of the Houston Geologic Society, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Seismological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union.

Upland South

Knoxville and Huntsville are both centers of industry and scientific research.

Western Institute

The Western Institute in Poznań (Polish: Instytut Zachodni, German West-Institut, French: L'Institut Occidental) is a scientific research society focusing on the Western provinces of Poland - Kresy Zachodnie (including Greater Poland, Silesia, Pomerania), history, economy and politics of Germany, and the Polish-German relations in history and today.

Wetmore Glacier

It was discovered by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (RARE), 1947–48, under Ronne, who named this feature for Alexander Wetmore, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who assisted Ronne in laying out the scientific research program of the expedition.

William Huggins

He married Margaret Lindsay, daughter of John Murray of Dublin, who also had an interest in astronomy and scientific research.

William S. Gray

In Susan E. Israel and E. Jennifer Monaghan (Eds.), Shaping the reading field: The impact of early reading pioneers, scientific research, and progressive ideas. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Yelena Petushkova

She graduated from there with honors in 1963 and after studying in the aspirantura of the Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology and Medicine by the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences for two years, received Candidate of Biology Sciences scientific degree.

Yevgeny Korotkevich

In 1947-1955, he was engaged in scientific research on New Siberian Islands, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Spitzbergen, Kara Sea islands, Taymyr Peninsula.