
unusual facts about seizure


May 28 – The Jacquerie: A peasant rebellion begins in France during the Hundred Years' War, which consumes the Beauvais and allies with Étienne Marcel's seizure of Paris.

2007 Stanford vs. USC football game

To compound the situation, Stanford's starting quarterback T. C. Ostrander had suffered a seizure the previous week and backup quarterback Tavita Pritchard had never started a game and had only ever thrown three passes.

2nd Tank Battalion

Following the seizure of Baghdad, Company D and the AT-TOW Platoon supported Task Force Tripoli and their movement into Tikrit.

Abdulameer Yousef Habeeb

Habeeb's attorneys charged that the agents had stopped Habeeb for his ethnic appearance, and that his detention violated his Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.

Absence seizure

Lamotrigine monotherapy is less effective, with nearly half of the patients becoming seizure free.

Albert von Le Coq

Chinese consider this seizure a "colonial rapacity" comparable to the taking of the Elgin Marbles or the Koh-i-Noor diamond.


) Their function was to arrest people provided by the Inquisidor or investigators and the seizure of their property.


On August 2 the judge for the preliminary investigation Clementina Forleo validated the stock seizure and directed measures against Fiorani and Gianfranco Boni, the BPI financial director.

Brandon Darby

Darby infiltrated groups that organized protests at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, giving the FBI information which led to the seizure of 34 homemade riot shields brought from Texas.


Laudanosine, a toxic metabolite of atracurium and cisatracurium that decreases the seizure threshold


Initially, Huáscar's generals Atoc and Hango were successful, defeating Atahuallpa's army and capturing many of his soldiers, including seizure of the large cities Cajamarca and Tumebamba.

Initially, Huáscar's generals Atoc and Hango were successful, defeating Atahualpa's army and capturing many of his soldiers, including seizure of the large cities Cajamarca and Tumebamba.

Collective farming

Most modern historians believe that this famine was caused by the sudden disruption of production brought on by collective farming policies and mass seizure of property (the proceeds of which were used, according to Aleksandr Bushkov, to accelerate industrial development).

Darryl Cherney

Cherney and the late Bari's estate were awarded $4.4 million for violations of the First Amendment (freedom of speech) and the Fourth Amendment (the right to be free from unlawful arrest and illegal search and seizure).

Deepak Parvatiyar

His coverage of catastrophes such as the Bombay riots of 1993, the Bombay Blasts of 1993, the 1994 plague epidemic in Surat, the Gujarat earthquake of 2001, and the Maoist seizure of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal in 2005 are well chronicled from time to time in various media.

Deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia

According to American historian F. Kazemzade, who cited Armenian historian A. Boryan, the Dashnak administration of independent Armenia of 1918-1920 was not founded for administrative needs, but for “deportation of Muslim population and seizure of their property”.

Donnchadh mac Eamonn Ó Cellaigh

Donnchadh's reign saw the final subjugation of Ui Maine to the Clanricarde's, after two centuries of virtual independence and seizure of lands conquored by the Burkes in the 13th century.

Eminent domain

Ian Anderson's song "Farm on the Freeway", recorded by Jethro Tull on their album Crest of a Knave (1987), is about the seizure of a farm by eminent domain.

Frederic Thesiger, 2nd Baron Chelmsford

In 1905, he suffered a seizure and died while playing billiards at the United Service Club.

Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal

While no charges were filed, the United States chapter, led by Seagram heir Jeffrey Bronfman, filed suit claiming that the seizure was an illegal violation of the church members' rights; they claimed their usage was permitted under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a law passed by Congress in direct response to the Employment Division v. Smith (1990) ruling, in which the Court ruled that unemployment benefits could be denied to two Native Americans fired for using Peyote.

Japanese cruiser Chōkai

After repairs, the Chōkai was once again assigned to a support role in an invasion, this time the landings at Iri, Sumatra, and the invasion of the Andaman Islands and the seizure of Port Blair a few days later.

John Dawson Dewhirst

As "Secretary" of Democratic Kampuchea's Division 164—comprising the nation's navy—Mut would have been responsible for the gunning down of Stuart Glass and the seizure of Foxy Lady's two other crew, Kerry Hamill and John Dewhirst—not to mention the arrest of the other six Western yachtsmen.

John M. B. Clitz

Hecla then began patrols in the Gulf of Mexico, during which she took part in the American amphibious seizure of Tuxpan in April 1847.

Julien Lowe

During Monica Rawling's tenure as captain, Julien became more outspoken and disapproved of her seizure policy to the point that he was going to transfer out of the department, but when the policy was shut down and Rawling was dismissed, Julien decided to remain.

Karl Bendetsen

Major Bendetson was given this assignment after having written the orders for seizure and strike-breaking at a North American Aviation plant, but the army had taken charge of the Air Associates plant in October, prior to his arrival.

LAPA Flight 3142

Literas also ordered the seizure of the assets of Deutsch and 11 other LAPA leaders in the amount of 60 million pesos.

Liam Deasy

When fighting broke out in Dublin, in June 1922, between pro and anti-Treaty forces, Deasy sided with the anti-treaty IRA in the ensuing Irish Civil War, however, he was reluctant to fight his former comrades and voiced the opinion that the fighting should have ended with the Free State seizure of the Four Courts.

Manos Limpias

There had been some twenty previous attempts from Manos Limpias to incriminate Garzón, for various alleged offences including negligence or delay in the seizure of taverns used by ETA militants, for contributing to the leading left-wing national newspaper El País, for contributing to an interview with former parliamentary president Felipe González, for participating in a rally against the war in Iraq and for leaking the medical report of Augusto Pinochet.

Mathieu Molé

In the popular tumult known as the day of the barricades (26 August 1648) he sought out Mazarin and the queen to demand the release of Pierre Broussel and his colleagues, whose seizure had been the original cause of the outbreak.

Maurice Bishop International Airport

The seizure of the airfield allowed United States Air Force C-141 transport planes to land and unload paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division.

May 1958 crisis

Subsequently, preparations were made in Algeria for "Operation Resurrection," which had as objectives the seizure of Paris and the removal of the French government, through the use of paratroopers and armoured forces based at Rambouillet.

Mayerthorpe tragedy

With a Heckler & Koch 91, Roszko shot and killed Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constables Peter Schiemann, Anthony Gordon, Lionide Johnston, and Brock Myrol as the officers were executing a property seizure on the farm.

Negligent entrustment

The Supreme Court of the United States has held that negligent entrustment of a vehicle to a person with a criminal reputation will support the state's seizure of that vehicle as a penalty, if it is used in the commission of a crime.

Oskar Kaufmann

The Machtergreifung, or seizure of power by the Nazi Party in January 1933, caused Kaufmann's partner Stolzer to flee to Palestine in May of that year, and Kaufmann himself followed Stolzer to Palestine in September.


Prominent members of the tribe include Khalaf ibn Hathal, a poet who rose to prominence during the First Gulf War, Juhayman Al-'Utaybi, the militant who led the 1979 seizure of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca (see Grand Mosque Seizure), and Dhaifallah Al-Rogy Al-'Utaybi, mayor of Dammam and a former executive in the Saudi national oil company, Aramco, and Mutlaq Hamid Al-Otaibi a prominent Saudi Arabian poet.


In 1938, outside scientists including H. Houston Merritt and Tracy Putnam discovered phenytoin's usefulness for controlling seizures, without the sedative effects associated with phenobarbital.

Race and the War on Drugs

The idea that minorities have to somehow “prove” that racial discrimination was being used during a search and seizure (United States v. Armstrong, 1996) and that the Equal Protection Law has been separated from the Fourth Amendment through successive court decisions leaves the accused at a disadvantage.

Russian armoured cruiser Admiral Nakhimov

In July 1893, she visited New York City, then Toulon as a part of the Russian Squadron, then she sailed to Vladivostok again, serving there for the next four years and taking part in seizure of Port Arthur following the Triple Intervention against Japan at the end of the First Sino-Japanese War.


A correlation has been drawn between the binding affinity of seletracetam (and its analogues) to SV2A and the degree of seizure prevention in animal models.

Sepp Straffner

He was one of the three national presidents who on 4 March 1933 resigned his office during a debate on a railway strike, precipitating a constitutional crisis, the dissolution of parliament and the seizure of power by the Chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss as dictator.

Sir Harbottle Grimston, 2nd Baronet

He attacked Archbishop Laud with great vigour and was a member of the important committees of the parliament, including the one appointed in consequence of the attempted seizure of the five members.

Sophie Mirabella

On one show in 2012 a fellow panellist (GetUp! director and unsuccessful Greens Senate candidate Simon Sheikh) had a seizure live on air, with his head falling forward on the desk.

Special Purpose Islamic Regiment

During Moscow theatre seizure, Movsar Barayev and some 40 men and women led by him (dubbed the "29th Suicide Division" that also included members of two other Chechen rebel groups, brought together by Shamil Basayev) were killed in a raid by Russian special forces units Alfa and Vympel after having been incapicated by the chemical attack that has also killed at least 129 of their hostages.

Steatoda nobilis

In 2006 a Dorchester man spent three days in Dorset County Hospital with symptoms of heart seizure, after suffering a spider bite believed to be caused by Steatoda nobilis.

Takashi Hishikari

On 25 September 1933, the Soviet Union protested an alleged plot for Manchukuoan seizure of Chinese Eastern Railway accusing that it was a carefully worked out plan adopted in Harbin at a series of meetings of the Japanese military mission and the responsible Japanese administrators of Manchukuo.

The Fox of Glenarvon

The fight against the British, furthermore, is depicted less historically and more in the manner of the Nazi seizure of power, including the disruption of a funeral as in the film Hans Westmar.

Todd Cerney

Cerney died in Nashville, Tennessee on March 14, 2011 from melanoma, a disease with which he had first been diagnosed with in November 2010, following a brain seizure.


On November 29, 2010, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S. ICE) issued seizure orders against 82 Web sites with .

Viktor Chernov

Following the Bolsheviks' seizure of power, he became a member of an anti-Bolshevik government in Samara, before fleeing to Europe and then the United States.

see also