
unusual facts about slang

The Bee's Knees

Slang for something outstanding or new; a fresh new style.

Aircraft systems

Aircraft systems and their operations are described in the Flight Manual of the Aircraft (the so called -1 in Military slang) in part 1.

American Slang

Lead singer songwriter Brian Fallon said that American Slang will move away from the 1950s inspired sound of The '59 Sound.

American slang

The Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched dictionary of American slang and the only American slang dictionary prepared entirely on historical principles

Austrian hip hop

A movement called Slangsta (a Portmanteau of slang and gangsta) tries to change that by combining serious texts with dialect.


In the MTV cartoon series Beavis and Butt-head created by Mike Judge, the term "bunghole" was popularized as both a personal insult and slang for anus.

Cantonese slang

In Hong Kong slang terms for members of minority groups include "gweilo," (ghost man) meaning White people, "ga tau" and "lo baat tau" (carrot head) meaning Japanese people, "bak gwei" (white devil) meaning Caucasians, "hak gwei" (black devil) meaning Black people, "bun mui" meaning Filipina domestic employees, and "ah cha" meaning Indian people and Pakistani people.

Cheryl Bernard

Popular ESPN columnist Bill Simmons has referred to Bernard as the "Canadian Curlgar," a portmanteau of "cougar" and curler, because he finds her attractive.

Crash Goes the Hash

The parrot's "Jeepers creepers! What a night!" exclamation combines the 1930s slang euphemism from "Jesus Christ" (made into the Johnny Mercer 1938 song "Jeepers Creepers, Where'd You Get Those Peepers?") and the parrot's "What a night!' from the Stooges' 1936 entry Disorder in the Court.


Duvet The "J. McCarthy Irish Special" version of a "Doona", Australian Slang for "Duvet".

Étude sur l’argot français

Étude sur l'argot français ("Study of French slang") was the first publication in book form by the French linguist and author of short stories, Marcel Schwob.

Feri Cansel

Cansel's liberal use of foul language in her films earned her the nickname of Emmanuelle of Kasımpaşa, a popular quarter of Istanbul notorious for its peculiar speech rich in slang.

Frédéric Dard

The style is very influenced by the French writer Céline but is also full of French slang and new words coined by the author himself (to the point of publishing a specific San-Antonio Dictionnary), which makes it quite difficult for non-native speakers.


Green and White Army (slang for Northern Ireland international football fans)

Harry Tate

The phrase "Harry Tate" entered the 20th century English (British) language as slang, initially as a nickname for the Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 biplane.

Homosexuality in English football

In October 2006, England international Rio Ferdinand caused controversy by calling BBC Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles a 'faggot' live on air, just days after team-mate Paul Scholes was also in trouble for an alleged homophobic remark about him being gay with a funny hair do.

Hot Girl

Hot Girl is an attractive female in American English slang (in British slang fit girl)


"-izzle", a slang African American English suffix used in pop-culture hip hop slang


Jiffs, British army slang for soldiers of the Indian National Army

Joe Bar Team

Jean-Raoul Ducable Pun on " J'enroule du cable" (rolling in cable) a slang way of saying accelerating on a bike since you twist the handle to "roll in cable"- Kawasaki 750 H2 since second album Suzuki GSXR 750


Kambi, is a slang in Malayalam language referring to sensual contents of an erotic nature mainly in television, movies & publications.


The top part of the word "Dead" on the back cover spells "acid", a slang term for LSD.

LOLCat Bible Translation Project

The LOLCat Bible Translation Project is a wiki-based website set up in July 2007 by Martin Grondin, where editors aim to parody the entire Bible in "LOLspeak", the slang popularized by the LOLcat Internet phenomenon.


M'Liss is slang for the name Melissa.


Malky / Malkie - slang term originating from Glasgow & the West coast of Scotland, used to describe slashing someone with an open razor.

Mary MacPherran

Born prematurely in a suburb of Denver, Colorado, Mary MacPherran grew up scrawny and short-statured, inspiring a popular girl at school, Vanessa Ashwood, to nickname her "Skeeter" (a slang word for mosquito).

Medical slang

There is an annual round-up of the usage of medical slang by British physician Dr. Adam Fox of St Mary's Hospital, London.


Mixmag reported in January 2012, that people in the dance music and clubbing community have given methoxetamine the slang name 'roflcoptr'.

Moog Droog

"Moog Droog" is an ironic anglicised spelling of the Welsh phrase mwg drwg ("bad smoke"), slang for marijuana, making a pun on the Moog synthesizer (and/or its inventor) and the slang word "droog" (based on the Russian for "friend") from A Clockwork Orange.


("Frob" is a word in MIT slang, and appears as a prefix for invented words throughout many of Infocom's works. Here it is most likely playing on 'Penzance Cove', the backdrop of the famous comic opera Pirates of Penzance.)

My Living Doll

According to The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, My Living Doll is the source of the science fiction phrase "Does not compute" in popular culture.

Ohio State Route 814

It was discovered that because the number 714 was also a slang term for Quaaludes, a prescription drug often used recreationally, young persons were stealing the highway signs.

Ozzie Guillén

In June 2006 he was quoted as calling Chicago Sun-Times columnist Jay Mariotti a fag.

Paul McCartney's Liverpool Oratorio

After his school days where he often "sagged off" (Liverpool slang for skipping class), Shanty began working and meets his future bride, Mary Dee.

Psychedelic trance

The expression “full on” is taken from the first out of a seven compilation albums series and the first album ever to be released under Hom-mega Productions in 1998, titled Full On, which comes from English slang.


Slang for Nat Sherman, an American tobacco brand, named for its founder.

Signal passed at danger

Ding-ding, and away, British slang for permission to proceed wrongly being given

Slang dictionary

Chambers Slang Dictionary (by Jonathon Green, Chambers Harrap Publishers, ISBN 978-0-550-10439-7), 2008 previously Cassell Dictionary of Slang (Cassell Reference, 1998; last edition 2006, ISBN 978-0-304-36636-1)

Sonic's Rendezvous Band

The record was reviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine, October 19, 2006, by Senior Editor David Fricke, as one of "Fricke's Picks," saying of the band's 1978 single (included in the set), "City Slang" "5:15 of assault guitars, railroad drumming and Smith's determined-rebel call--has all you need to know why SRB were masters of their domain."

Symphony in Slang

Minimalist and abstract in style (many of the "gags" are created either with single, still frames or limited animation), it tells the story of a man John Brown, who finds himself at the Pearly Gates explaining the story of his life to a bewildered Saint Peter and Noah Webster using slang of that era.

The Thorn

The Thorn starred John Hassberger as Jesus Christ with supporting roles of Bette Midler as the Virgin Mary; James Harrison as Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens.


Tommy Atkins - slang for a common soldier in the First World War

Travis Touchdown

He is also a fan of a mecha anime series called "Glastonbury", inspired by Space Runaway Ideon, and a moe-driven series, "Bizarre Jelly", a parody of Pretty Cure.

Tulelake Basin Joint Unified School District

Tulelake High School, located in the town of Tulelake, instructs grades seven through twelve, and its mascot is the Honker, a slang term for the Canada Goose.

Txtng: the Gr8 Db8

Based on research and experimental results, he disagrees with the popular view that the use of abbreviations and slang, such as those in SMS language, will lead to low literacy and bad spelling among children.


A slang term for VTEC, a variable valve timing system used in Honda engines


Roughly equivalent words in other languages include Sociolismo in Cuba; Blat in Russia; Guanxi in Chinese and Vetternwirtschaft in German, protektzia in Israeli slang; in Brazilian-Portuguese it is called "Pistolão", or in the slang "peixada".


Yankee, slang for a person of United States origin, or specifically from northern US or New England


The name Zlango is a combination of lingo, slang, and language, with the letter Z as homage to Esperanto creator L. L. Zamenhof.

see also