(2) Dennis Bakke – cofounder of AES Corporation, a socially-responsible electricity company that in the late 1990s was the world largest independent owner of electricity (after Russia and France).
Raynor is also President of The Sidney Hillman Foundation, a foundation that supports and rewards socially conscious journalism.
Bullingdon Club, a socially exclusive student dining club at Oxford University
Rudolphi moved her institute to Heidelberg in 1803 (in the newly formed Electorate of Baden), where she became socially involved with the circle of Romanticist intellectuals there (Achim von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, Sophie Mereau, Friedrich Creuzer Ludwig Tieck) and a close friend of the family of classicist Johann Heinrich Voß.
As a result there was bad blood between the penurious Tennysons of Somersby, where George Clayton Tennyson had the living until he succumbed to drink and depression, and the opulent Tennysons of Beacons, who fancied themselves not only the wealthy but the socially superior side of the family.
# Structuration Theory, introduced by Anthony Giddens in 1984, claims that not only is society socially constructed, but that it is formed by human agents through their everyday activities.
It was founded in 1920 by a group of socially minded women, among them Mary E. Arnold, Mabel Reed, Dorothy Kenyon, Mary LaDame and Ruth True.
An increasing amount of companies are realizing the importance of an orderly and active CSR-orientation as socially, environmentally and economically responsible.
The film marked, another chapter in the influential new wave in Indian cinema which focussed on socially relevant themes as in Neecha Nagar (1946), made by Chetan Anand, also scripted by Abbas, and which continued with Bimal Roy's Do Bigha Zamin (1953).
Socially Useful Productive Work Programme students work with Indian NGOs such as Advitya, Akanksha, CCDT, Muktangan, Pratham, Eve, Village Project, Goonj and Ishara.
Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has argued that DSGE models rely excessively on an assumption of complete markets, and are unable to describe the highly nonlinear dynamics of economic fluctuations, making training in 'state-of-the-art' macroeconomic modeling "a privately and socially costly waste of time and resources".
Breau campaigned for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the 1999 Ontario provincial election, as a candidate for the right-wing, socially conservative Family Coalition Party.
They enlisted the aid of socially prominent persons outside the field of science, such as football coach Fielding H. Yost (as related in Fred Russell's 1943 book, I'll Go Quietly).
Kowalewski was a member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences, the Société Mathématique de France, and socially associated with members of the Louvre Circle and Prague intellectual elite, which included Berta Fanta, Oskar Kraus, Franz Kafka, Hugo Bergmann, Philipp Frank, Albert Einstein, and Christian von Ehrenfels.
The Guards' Club, established in 1810, was a London Gentlemen's club for officers of the Guards Division, originally defined by the club as being the Coldstream, Grenadier Guards or Scots Guards, traditionally the most socially elite section of the British Army.
The caves were used as a meeting place for Sir Francis Dashwood's notorious Hellfire Club, whose members included various politically and socially important 18th century figures such as William Hogarth, John Wilkes, Thomas Potter and John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.
In the period 1904-1906, von Holst created summer countryside estate architecture in the White Mountains of New Hampshire for socially prominent and wealthy clients, including Pittsburgh glassmaking millionaire George A. Macbeth and International Harvester partner John Glessner, whose Chicago Glessner House was designed by Henry Hobson Richardson.
The Dyirbal-speaking Aboriginal people who inhabited this island coast were linguistically, culturally and socially related to the Dyirbal, Girramay and Gulngay groups of the Tully and Murray River districts.
Students have opportunity to understand the technology through latest software like OrCAD, MATLAB, VHDL so as to enable them to be socially conscience and technologically skilled so as to contribute towards socially relevant technical problems.
In addition to giving Ingelmarius control of the vast conquests and rights of Altruda's first husband (including the city of Geraci), the marriage also raised Ingelmarius up socially into the nobility.
While La Rue Cases-Nègres is Zobel's most renowned work, the author started his writing career in 1942 during World War Two with Diab-la (a tentative English title could be "The Devil's Garden"), a socially conscious novel similar to Jacques Roumain's Masters of the Dew (published a year or more later).
Mervyn Stockwood (born 1913), socially liberal and theologically conservative former Bishop of Southwark
To appeal to young and socially connected consumers, the campaign features urban artists Drake, Pitbull and Trey Songz.
Mother Jones published an article in September 2013 which discusses a concern that credit companies who use social media like Lenddo, LendUp, Moven, Neo, Kabbage, and Kreditech may "be discriminating against applicants who essentially appear socially undesirable."
After few years the President Amadei took part at the scientific conference "Persuasion socially accepted, plagiarism and brainwashed", organized by Mario Di Fiorino, in Forte dei Marmi, in 1989, to discuss the new situation.
In 1905 he established the 'British Constitutional Association' (it became the 'British Constitution Association' two years later) which organised lecture meetings on broadly socially progressive topics; although not formally linked to the Liberal Party.
His first target is duty free alcohol sales at Bahrain International Airport, saying "This is an Islamic country and imagine the nation's frontier is booze shops. Prostitution is a profitable investment, so why is it banned in the country? Why don't allow it in the open like alcohol? Alcohol should be criminalised as prostitution, because both are unacceptable Islamically, morally and socially."
He attended South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, where he was a socially-awkward honor student who graduated in 2001.
In 1731, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, abandoned the existing grand Montagu House in the socially declining district of Bloomsbury, which was later to become the premises of the British Museum, and purchased a site that had once been occupied by the Archbishops of York's London residence and had later been part of the site of Whitehall Palace.
National Games Week is an annual event occurring on Thanksgiving week in the U.S.A. Its purpose is to promote forms of socially interactive games.
According to Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel from this "social practice" perspectives, "new literacies" can refer to “new socially recognized ways of generating, communicating and negotiating meaningful content through the medium of encoded texts within contexts of participation in Discourses (or, as members of Discourses) ”.
Like most rural areas throughout Missouri, voters in New Madrid County generally adhere to socially and culturally conservative principles but are more moderate or populist on economic issues, typical of the Dixiecrat philosophy.
The Nob Hill Gazette is devoted to covering the lifestyles of the socially prominent, affluent, educated, philanthropic and community-minded Bay Area residents.
Beginning in 2013 Spain joined the boards of Televerde, a socially progressive telemarketing automation company, Owler, an innovator in crowd sourced content founded by Jigsaw founder Jim Fowler and backed by Norwest Venture Partners and Trinity Ventures.
After the success of Balayogini (1937), director Subramanyam was encouraged to make more socially oriented films.
Tobias Hecht writes that rich Brazilians see the often violent street children as a threat, so they try to marginalize them socially and keep them and the poverty they represent hidden from lives of the wealthy elite.
Their "Color Me" series of designs included paint-by-numbers drawings of popular super models including Kate Moss, Gemma Ward and Natalia Vodianova, intended to reflect how race is a socially learned concept which is best reflected by how children who are not yet affected by racial socialization respond to the issues of skin color.
Co-author of "Concept for the development of public preschool education in Bulgaria", "Concept for the socialization of socially disadvantaged Romani children” (under the auspices of UNICEF), "White Paper on Pravets" (2010) and the book "Pravets.
Socially, he presumed familial lineage with the old nobles, the Lords of Thannhausen, residents in their castle at Tannhausen, near Ellwangen and Dinkelsbühl; moreover, the historical Tannhausen castle, is at Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.
An introverted, socially awkward, middle-class youth, Robert Carmichael, is a talented cello player but is bored by his existence in the coastal town of Newhaven.
The aspects of the performance involve play-roles that range from socially marked characters to animals (e.g. jaguars) and elemental forces (Tinieblas or Darkness), but also mass media cultural images, such as El Zorro.
His time in upper secondary school was troubled, with difficulties fitting in socially and disastrous attempts to woo girls.
Victor Papanek (22 November 1923, Vienna – 10 January 1998, Lawrence, Kansas) was a designer and educator who became a strong advocate of the socially and ecologically responsible design of products, tools, and community infrastructures.
She storms into Sergio's house who's getting ready with his perfidous wife Elvira (China Zorrilla) and their daughter Matilda (Andrea Tenuta) to welcome, with the classic Sunday meal, newly rich Antonio (Luis Brandoni) and Nora, his wife (Betiana Blum), who ascended socially and economically in unclear circumstances.
As a result, the Lincoln administration (1861–1865) was socially active amid the Civil War.
During the Truman and later McCarthy eras, Fontaine supported the presidential candidacy of socially liberal Republican governor Harold Stassen, who served as President of Penn from 1948 to 1953.
The original soundtrack was produced by Frank Fitzpatrick and released on Hip Hop Connect, an independent label and production company specializing in socially conscious rap, Hip Hop and film soundtracks.
Toothpicks are ideal and socially acceptable for picking up those meal items which often defy the best chopstick approach, such as slippery button mushrooms and jellyfish slices served with sesame oil.