
5 unusual facts about spaceflight

Fred Ladd

A 1937 German short film on the future of space travel Weltraumschiff 1 startet was acquired, and the special effects sequences were excised by Ladd.

Heinz Kaminski

The tape recording from Bochum was proof of the start of space travel.

How to Measure a Planet?

The theme of space travel runs through many of the songs on the album as well as on the cover and CD booklet.


Private spaceflight is a rapidly-developing area: space flight that is not only paid for by corporations or even private individuals, but often provided by private spaceflight companies.

Plans for future crewed interplanetary spaceflight missions often include final vehicle assembly in Earth orbit, such as NASA's Project Orion and Russia's Kliper/Parom tandem.

Anatoly Solovyev

Solovyev's first spaceflight took place in 1988, lasted nine days and was performed as part of an international Soviet-Bulgarian crew composed of A.Y. Solovyev, B.P. Savinykh, and A. Aleksandrov, of Bulgaria.

Andy Pasztor

On February 24, 2010, Andy Pasztor wrote an article titled "Space Pioneer Burt Rutan Blasts New NASA Plan," claiming that Burt Rutan had written a letter to Congress sharply criticizing President Obama's plans to turn over portions of its human spaceflight program to commercial providers.


The Anna University Satellite, or ANUSAT was an Indian student research microsatellite designed, developed & integrated at Aerospace Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), Chromepet, Anna University.


On the other hand, the question of spaceflight puzzled the literary imaginations of such figures as Jules Verne and H. G. Wells.

Aurora Project

Aurora programme, a human spaceflight programme of the European Space Agency

Brezhnev assassination attempt

The spaceflight crewmembers—Vladimir Shatalov, Boris Volynov, Yevgeny Khrunov, and Aleksei Yeliseyev—had returned only a week earlier from their historic manned-ship-to-manned-ship docking mission in space, the first of its kind.

Chronology of Pakistan's rocket tests

The Suparco's spaceflight missions and tests were the unmanned space missions of the Space Research Commission (SUPARCO) that was aimed for developing high-altitude rockets and space booster for the development of the country's space programme.

Decadal Planning Team

DPT was quietly chartered in spring, 1999, by then-NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin, in coordination with the White House Office of Management and Budget, and led jointly by the NASA Headquarters Offices of Human Spaceflight and Space Science.

Edgar Cortright

His most prominent positions during his career were Director of NASA's Langley Research Center, and Chairman of the Apollo 13 Review Board which investigated the explosion that occurred during the Apollo 13 spaceflight in 1970.

Flight suit

The now common "shirt-sleeve environment" of the orbiting Space Shuttle and International Space Station has resulted in much more casual attire during spaceflight such as shorts and polo shirts.

Georg von Tiesenhausen

He would later be transferred to NASA, where he would work on various spaceflight programs, including the Apollo program which would land men on the Moon.

Houston, We've Got a Problem

Houston, We've Got a Problem is a 1974 television film about the Apollo 13 spaceflight, directed by Lawrence Doheny and starring Ed Nelson in the role of NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz.

Intervertebral disc damage and spaceflight

Astronauts have expressed an increased incidence of back pain during spaceflight and herniated intervertebral discs (IVD) have been diagnosed upon return of Skylab and Shuttle spaceflight participants.

Jeff Greason

Jeff Greason is a founder of XCOR Aerospace, the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (formerly Personal Spaceflight Federation), was the team lead at Rotary Rocket for engine development, and previously worked at Intel.

John Muratore

He gathered a team of young, relatively inexperienced but highly motivated engineers to try to apply the 'faster, better, cheaper' method advocated by Daniel Goldin to human spaceflight, in order for NASA to obtain at affordable cost a Crew Return Vehicle.

Klaus Riedel

While in Berlin, he attended a public lecture on rocketry by Rudolf Nebel on behalf of Germany's amateur rocket group, the Verein für Raumschiffahrt (VfR - "Spaceflight Society") and joined the group straight away, becoming very active in its efforts to build a working rocket that resulted in the Mirak and Repulsor rockets, providing his family's farm as a testing ground.


Yuri Kondratyuk (1897–1942), Ukrainian scientist and pioneer of astronautics and spaceflight

Korabl-Sputnik 5

The re-entry module of the spacecraft Vostok 3KA-2 was auctioned at Sotheby's on 12 April 2011, the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's spaceflight, Vostok 1.


In addition, two boilerplate satellites were launched on a test flight of the Chinese Long March 2C rocket.


MagBeam is the name given to an ion propulsion system for space travel initially proposed by Professor Robert Winglee of the Earth and Space Sciences Department at the University of Washington for the October 2004 meeting of the NIAC.

Mars sample return mission

A Mars sample return mission (MSR) would be a spaceflight mission to collect rock and dust samples from Mars and to return them to Earth.

Mercury 2

Mercury-Redstone 2, A sub-orbital spaceflight, carrying Ham (A Chimpanzee).

Mercury 3

Mercury-Redstone 3, The first American manned (sub-orbital) spaceflight, made by astronaut Alan Shepard.

Mercury 4

Mercury-Redstone 4, a manned sub-orbital spaceflight made by astronaut Gus Grissom.

Michael Najjar

The ultimate experience will be his own spaceflight as one of Richard Branson´s Virgin Galactic Pioneer Astronauts.

Mir EO-4

His second spaceflight, launched on Soyuz TM-18 in January 1994, would last 437 days, and as of 2010, still holds the record for the longest ever spaceflight.

Mir EP-3

It was decided by the Glavcosmos chairman that the Afghan's spaceflight would be moved earlier than originally planned, so that it would occur before the Soviet military completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan.

New Space

NewSpace, the private spaceflight industry emerging substantially since the late-1980s and using launch vehicles developed with private rather than governmental funding.

Redstone Arsenal

At a 1954 meeting of the Spaceflight Committee of the American Rocket Society, von Braun proposed placing a satellite into orbit using the Redstone with clusters of small solid-fuel rockets on top.


In spaceflight, especially for NASA's Constellation Program, the term sortie has been used for a flight of the Orion spacecraft beyond the confluence of low-Earth orbit, such as a flight to the Moon or to the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange Point.

Soyuz T-12

The appearance of Volk as a crew member caused some, including the British Interplanetary Society magazine Spaceflight, to ask why a test pilot was occupying a Soyuz seat usually reserved for researchers or foreign cosmonauts.

Soyuz TMA-9

Daisuke Enomoto Was originally scheduled to be the spaceflight participant, but on on 21 August 2006, he was determined to be unfit for the flight due to medical reasons, and replaced by Anousheh Ansari, his back-up crew member.

Space Task Group

For instance, President Richard Nixon appointed such a group in February 1969 to outline a post-Apollo spaceflight strategy, chaired by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.

Spaceflight IC-1

Spaceflight IC-1: An Adventure in Space is a 1965 BW (Black/White) United Kingdom Sci-Fi movie starring Bill Williams and Norma West.


Jon McBride was originally assigned to command this mission, which would have been his second spaceflight.

Talgat Musabayev

His third spaceflight was a short duration visiting mission to the International Space Station, which also carried the first paying space tourist Dennis Tito.

Valentin Bondarenko

According to Golyakhovsky, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin spent several hours at the hospital as "deathwatch officer" and Bondarenko died of shock 16 hours after the accident, less than three weeks before Gagarin's historic spaceflight.


X Prize Foundation; offers inducement prize contests to encourage spaceflight and other technological development

Yury Lonchakov

Lonchakov returned to Earth with NASA astronaut Michael Fincke and spaceflight participant Charles Simonyi.

see also