
unusual facts about spokesman


15th Congress of the Philippines

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said that aside from ensuring clean elections, a synchronized ARMM election would be cost-effective.

2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff

The Pakistan military's information sources, the ISPR's spokesman Major-General Rashid Qureshi, claimed that the Parliament attack was a "drama staged by Indian intelligence agencies to defame the freedom struggle in 'occupied Kashmir'" and further warned that India would pay "heavily if they engage in any misadventure".

2005–06 Fijian political crisis

Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Orisi Rabukawaqa said that the government had failed to grant soldiers' ration allowances or job evaluation exercises, despite the budget allocation, and raising the matter with the Prime Minister had proved futile.

2005–06 Thai political crisis

The Democrat party spokesman called Thaksin worse than Saddam Hussein for not protecting the Thai economy from foreigners: "Dictator Saddam, though a brutal tyrant, still fought the superpower for the Iraqi motherland".

2012 US-Israel military exercise

Mark Regev, the spokesman for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel and the United States made the decision to delay the exercise "because it was not the right time.

Adrian Sanders

Following the 2001 election, Sanders was made the Liberal Democrat spokesman for Tourism, and was subsequently moved to the position of Deputy Chief Whip of the Party in Parliament.

Afghan parliamentary election, 2010

"We urge people not to participate in the election. Everything and everyone affiliated with the election is our target -- candidates, security forces, campaigners, election workers, voters are all our targets," said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.

Afghanistan–Pakistan skirmishes

Missile shellings between Pakistani and Afghan forces erupted when the Pakistani army attempted to position its forces in the mountains of Goyee area in Jaji district of Paktia province in Afghanistan, General Zahir Azimi, Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman, told a press conference.


In areas where this program was in effect, it was widely advertised over television and radio by corporate spokeswoman Patricia Heaton.

Bowery Savings Bank

From 1972 to 1992, baseball Hall-of-Famer Joe DiMaggio was spokesman for the Bowery Savings Bank.

Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance

Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance (December 1, 1890 – March 20, 1932), born Sylvester Clark Long, was an American journalist, writer and actor from Winston-Salem, North Carolina who became internationally prominent as a spokesman for Indian causes.

David T. Johnson

In 1995, Johnson became Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs at the White House and Spokesman for the United States National Security Council.

Day of Compassion

Neil Taken then met with producer Lawrence Leritz, who agreed to become the East Coast producer and spokesman.

Dodge Aspen

Singer Sergio Franchi was the spokesman for the Volaré and sang the pop song Volare, with altered lyrics, in TV and radio commercials.

Ernie Coombs

After retirement, Coombs continued to work as an entertainer, playing roles in Ross Petty's Christmas pantomimes of Peter Pan, Cinderella, and Aladdin, and acted as a spokesman for children's charities.

False title

He added that the phrase "right-wing spokesman Maj. Roberto D'Aubuisson" was ambiguous, as the reader could not tell whether D'Aubuisson was the single spokesman for the Salvadoran right wing or one of many.

Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War

A spokesman indicated that the aim of the aid was "finish the work of UN Resolution 1559," and that the additional assistance would go towards "some very basic issues, such as providing spare parts and maintenance and other kinds of things for trucks and personnel carriers and other vehicles".

Fort Bliss

When the BRAC commission recommendations were released Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s spokesman reported that El Paso was the only area that came out with a major gain of forces.


After Wilson, then the opposition trade spokesman, wore a Gannex coat on a world tour in 1956, the raincoats became fashion icons, and were worn by world leaders such as Lyndon Johnson, Mao Zedong, and Nikita Khrushchev, as well as by Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the royal corgis.

George William Russell

He was an able lieutenant and travelled extensively throughout Ireland as a spokesman for the society, mainly responsible for developing the credit societies and establishing Co-operative Banks in the south and west of the country the numbers of which increased to 234 by 1910.

Gerald Fredrick Töben

The case caused some controversy in the United Kingdom, with the Liberal Democrats' home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne expressing concerns that the extradition would amount to an infringement on the freedom of speech.

Hasan Adan Samatar

A spokesman for Eagle Media, which had put together the tribute dinner and gala party, indicated that the organization had sought to present Samatar the prize years earlier but was waiting for the artist to return to Minnesota.

Ibn al-Tiqtaqa

‘Ibn al-Tiqtaqā’, or the son of a chatterbox, was an onomatopoeic nickname for the Iraqi historian Jalāl-ad-Dīn Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Tāji’d-Dīn Abi’l-Hasan ’Ali, the spokesman of the Shi'a community in the Shi’ī holy cities—Hillah, Najaf, and Karbala; in an Iraq that was to remain the stronghold of Shi'ism, until the forcible conversion of Iran by Shah Ismail I Safavi.

Javier Maroto

Since 2008, Javier Maroto had been the Spokesman for the Municipal of PP in the municipality of Vitoria, as well as responsible of Urbanism.

Jimbo Simpson

Indeed Sinn Féin's North Belfast spokesman, Gerry Kelly had called on the Housing Executive to move the peace lines in order to build new housing for Catholics, a statement Simpson interpreted as the same sort of encroachment that had brought him to the UDA in the first place.

John Powley

He served as one of the county councillors for Soham and was prominent as a spokesman for the local community following the Soham murders of 2003.

Koila Nailatikau

Rejecting the criticism, the Prime Minister's spokesman Joji Kotobalavu retaliated by accusing Adi Koila's father, Ratu Mara, of having benefited from the 1987 coups.

Lago Agrio oil field

In order to finance the litigation, New York lawyer Steven R. Donziger, who acted as a spokesman and lobbyist for the plaintiffs, had sold a percentage of the final settlement to a hedge fund.

Leon Janney

Janney was also the spokesman for the New York Mets in their Rheingold Beer commercials for the team's first two seasons (1962-1963).

Lorne Calvert

Federal New Democratic Party spokesman Brad Lavigne later told reporters that the party had asked Calvert to consider standing as a candidate in the 2008 federal election.

Mako Tabuni

The police spokesman said that he was shot because he resisted arrest,.

Mass graves in Chechnya

According to a spokesman for the Kremlin aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the victims appeared to have been prisoners of war or kidnapping victims killed during the First Chechen War and all appeared to have been shot in the head and then beheaded.

Mike McGlone

He is perhaps best known as the film noiresque spokesman for GEICO insurance posing rhetorical questions in the vein of Robert Stack or Rod Serling, which are then acted out in humorous fashion.

Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan

Sean McCormack, a National Security Council spokesman, stated "She was in the middle of making a point and Blitzer interrupted her, and she reflexively repeated 'on background,' but she was not confirming it and went on to complete her thought."

Patrick Harverson

Patrick Richard Harverson LVO is Communications Secretary to TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, in addition to being Official Spokesman to TRHs The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Paul Loughran

During the 1980s when the real voice of Gerry Adams, the spokesman for Sinn Féin, was forbidden to be broadcast in Britain, Loughran's voice dubbed into recordings of him broadcast on British airwaves.

Paul Sperry

A White House spokesman said, "The President does not regret making those comments," and Sperry said Press Secretary Joe Lockhart personally told him he would never be invited back to the White House.

Peter Alfred Taylor

With John Stuart Mill he was a parliamentary spokesman for the Jamaica Committee, formed in response to Edward John Eyre's brutal suppression of riots in Jamaica during the Morant Bay rebellion.

PFD Otter

PFD Otter is a spokesman and advocate for water safety, who spearheads the "Kids Don't Float" program created in Homer, Alaska.

Ricardo Antonio Chavira

Chavira is San Antonio's honorary spokesman for the charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and last June served as the National Team Captain for the Race for the Cure in Washington, D.C. Chavira was the 2005 co-spokesperson for the Lee National Denim Day breast cancer fundraiser.

Richard Scruggs

A short time after the tobacco lawsuit, Scruggs led and became a spokesman for the plaintiffs in the Ritalin class action lawsuits.

Rick Nash

In the off-season, in May 2008, Nash was named the cover athlete and spokesman for NHL 2K9.

Second Battle of Swat

Major-General Athar Abbas, the Army's chief military spokesman, announced that "we want to eliminate the entire Taliban leadership".

Shaker Elsayed

Elsayed also served as an unofficial spokesman for the family of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was convicted of plotting to assassinate President Bush.

Steve Overton

Born on July 21, 1958, Steve Overton is best known in the Tampa Bay area for his 17 years as spokesman for the WFLA-TV (NBC) signature consumer feature "Eight On Your Side," in which Steve grilled Central Florida businesses over poor customer service and fraud.

Sudan – South Sudan Border War

On 15 April 2012, according to IRIB World Service, an Iran Broadcasting channel, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said that Iran fully monitors the developments in the region, and calls on South Sudan to immediately and unconditionally pull back its forces and return to its territory behind the designated borders.

Tom Brake

Following the 2001 General Election, then party leader Charles Kennedy appointed him a spokesman on Transport, Local Government and the Regions.

Victor Willing

Willing was admired by his fellow students for his adventurous talent and intellectual zest and was denoted 'spokesman for his generation' by the critic David Sylvester.

Warren Leslie

He then became an executive at Neiman Marcus where he ultimately became vice president and chief spokesman for the company.

Yuri Ryazanov

Police spokesman Oleg Kurochkin told The Associated Press that Ryazanov died at the scene after his car was involved in a head-on collision.

see also