
unusual facts about sulfide


Corrosion is a major concern in many industrial installations processing sulfides: sulfide ore mills, deep oil wells, pipeline transporting soured oil, Kraft paper factories.

Abyssal plain

Fueled by the chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids, these areas are often home to large and diverse communities of thermophilic, halophilic and other extremophilic prokaryotic microorganisms (such as those of the sulfide-oxidizing Beggiatoa genus), often arranged in large bacterial mats near cold seeps.


Aikinite, sulfide mineral of lead, copper and bismuth with formula PbCuBiS3

Anaerobic oxidation of methane

In benthic marine areas with strong methane releases from fossil reservoirs (e.g. at cold seeps, mud volcanoes or gas hydrate deposits) AOM can be so high that chemosynthetic organisms like filamentous sulfur bacteria (see Beggiatoa) or animals (clams, tube worms) with symbiont sulfide-oxidizing bacteria can thrive on the large amounts of hydrogen sulfide that are produced during AOM.

Atomic layer deposition

ALD can be used to deposit several types of thin films, including various oxides (e.g. ZnO, nitrides (e.g. TiN, TaN, WN, NbN), metals (e.g. Ru, Ir, Pt), and metal sulfides (e.g. ZnS).

Biotic Ligand Model

The inputs for this model are: temperature, aquatic cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), aquatic anions (Cl- and SO42-), sulfide, pH, alkalinity, and DOC.

Cadmium sulfide

The general commercial availability of cadmium sulfide from the 1840s led to its adoption by artists, notably Van Gogh, Monet (in his London series and other works) and Matisse (Bathers by a river 1916–1919).

Climax mine

The prospector Charles Senter discovered and claimed the outcropping of molybdenite (molybdenum sulfide) veins in 1879, during the Leadville, Colorado, Silver Boom, but he had no idea what the mineral he found was.

Ernst Weinschenk

He also conducted investigations on the origin of the sulfidic ore deposit at Silberberg in the Bavarian Forest, as well as the genesis of graphite deposits near Passau.


The most considerable towns of the interior were Gangra – in ancient times the capital of the Paphlagonian kings, afterwards called Germanicopolis, situated near the frontier of Galatia – and Pompeiopolis, in the valley of the Amnias river, near extensive mines of the mineral called by Strabo sandarake (red arsenic or arsenic sulfide), largely exported from Sinope.

Shell-Paques process

The controlled partial oxidation of sulfide to elemental sulfur (2) is catalyzed by naturally occurring microorganisms of the genus Halothiobacillus in the bioreactor.


Skarn is an old Swedish mining term originally used to describe a type of silicate gangue, or waste rock, associated with iron-ore bearing sulfide deposits apparently replacing Palaeoproterozoic age limestones in Sweden's Persberg mining district.

Sulfonucleotide reductase

(Inorganic sulfate occurs abundantly on Earth; terrestrial organisms must use sulfate assimilation to convert it to sulfide.)

Zinc cadmium sulfide

Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage), was a Chemical Corps operation in 1957 and 1958 which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States.

see also