
3 unusual facts about technical drawing

Parallel rulers

Parallel rulers are a drafting instrument used by navigators to draw parallel lines on charts.

Wade Hemsworth

He subsequently moved to Montreal in 1952, where he worked as a draftsman for the Canadian National Railway, and performed in the city's folk music clubs at night.

Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering

There are seven subject areas from which each student chooses their two tests: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering Graphics/Drafting, English, Mathematics, and Physics.

Anthony Treadwell

His architectural career began as a draughtsman in the Air Force before working in the Architectural Division of the Ministry of Works, and private practice.

Richard Schreder

After leaving the Navy, Schreder founded a successful drafting supplies business in Toledo, Ohio, and later moved it to Bryan, Ohio.

Solid Edge

It runs on Microsoft Windows and provides solid modeling, assembly modelling and drafting functionality for mechanical engineers, designers and drafters.

The Yellow Kid

The four different black-and-white single panel cartoons were deemed popular, and one of them, Fourth Ward Brownies, was reprinted on 17 February 1895 in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World, where Outcault worked as a technical drawing artist.

see also

Alexander Lubimov

In 1895-1901 Alexander Lubimov studied in Central School of Technical Drawing (now known as Saint Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after Alexander von Stieglitz), then in Drawing School of the Society for Promotion of Arts.

Jeff Gilberthorpe

After several years as a high-school teacher of art and technical drawing, mainly at Benowa, Merrimac and Beaudesert High Schools, he decided to work permanently as an artist and created the "Kookaburra Creek" story in the early 90's, which developed and expanded into "The Icon Collection" series during the following years.

Johann Felsko

His education continued into the arts of technical drawing with Johann Adolf Spazier until 1832, which then led his travels as an apprentice via Königsberg, East Prussia, to work on fortifications with Captain Gersohn in Warsaw, on whose recommendations he went to Copenhagen, Denmark, then later to Poznań, and then back to Denmark, in Hillerød.

Martin P. Blomberg

From 1912 to 1914, he worked in Trois-Rivières, Quebec in a paper mill, and studied technical drawing and mechanical construction in an evening school.