
unusual facts about trade unions

Charles E. Lindblom

He came to this view through his extensive studies of Welfare policies and Trade Unions throughout the industrialized world.

Ion Dosca

In the early 1970s Dosca made first real successes on the All-Union level, winning the silver medal at the All-Union junior Trade Unions Sports Society championships in 1971 and taking the title at the same competition in the next year.

Kenyon Wright

The convention was aimed at drawing up a blueprint for Scottish devolution and included representatives of local government, the Scottish Churches, Trade Unions, Small Business Federation and the Scottish Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties.

Lucien Sanial

The SLP suffered an organizational split in 1889 over the matter of tactics, pitting a group dedicated to political action headed by Wilhelm Rosenberg against others favoring an orientation based upon the development of socialist influence in the trade unions.

Paolino Taddei

Born in Poggio a Caiano near Florence in 1911 he was named Prefetto of the Province of Ferrara where he worked as mediator in the contention between the local Trade Unions and the entrepreneurs, then he was named prefetto of Ancona and Turin.

Unemployed Councils

The UC was the organizational successor of the Unemployment Council of New York, a broad-based organization established by various trade unions in New York City in the spring of 1921, during the economic downturn which followed the termination of the First World War.

see also

1932 Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Strike

The Nizam Guaranteed State Railway Workers' Union, the B. N. Railway Labour Union, the jute farmers of Nellimarla, the workers at the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills, the International Transport Workers Federation, British Trade Union Congress, Railway Clerks Association, National Union of Railways of Great Britain and the International Federation of Trade Unions contributed enormous amounts of money for the strike relief fund.

2010 Dresden anti-fascist blockade

Supporters of Dresden Without Nazis include local and regional anti-fascist groups, the nationwide anti-fascist associations "No pasarán!" and "VVN-BdA", artists such as Konstantin Wecker and Die Toten Hosen, politicians from the Left Party, the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party and leading members of trade unions.

Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

It was an amalgamation of 52 German trade unions and was affiliated with the Allgemeiner freier Angestelltenbund (Federation of General Unaffiliated Employees) and the Allgemeiner Deutscher Beamtenbund (Federation of General German Civil Servants).

Alzina Stevens

She became active in the trade unions, notably as one of the leaders of the Knights of Labor in Chicago.

Andrew Conley

In 1920, various tailors' trade unions merged to form the National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers (NUTGW).

Arbeiderklassens Samlingsparti

Another reason for its disappearance was that one of their main goals were fulfilled, as the Confederation of Trade Unions at its autumn congress declined to enter the International Federation of Trade Unions.


European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions, a regional trade union federation representing 8 million members of independent trade unions in Europe;

Communist Party of Canada candidates, 2004 Canadian federal election

Mattu was born in Jalandhar, Punjab, India, and for many years served as the vice-president of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions in Punjab.

Contrat nouvelle embauche

Unlike the later First Employment Contract (CPE) which was repealed in 2006 (soon after its enactment), after protests the CNE has been used as a job contract despite opposition from trade unions.

Cycling at the Friendship Games

The individual road race was held at the Schleizer Dreieck race track in Schleiz, East Germany on 23 August 1984, the team road race was held in Forst, East Germany on 26 August 1984, while track cycling events were held at the Velodrome of the Trade Unions Olympic Sports Centre in Moscow, Soviet Union between 18 and 22 August 1984.


Demarcation dispute, may arise when two different trade unions both claim the right to represent the same class or group of workers

Domestic Security Alliance Council

Previously, in December 2011, DSAC had written a report on law enforcement agencies' plans for a 12 December protest at US ports, which involved investigation of links between OWS and port trade unions by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Eight-hour day

In Iran in 1918, the work of reorganizing the trade unions began in earnest in Tehran during the closure of the Iranian constitutional parliament Majles.


Ownership of Expressen (and Sweden's largest morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter) is controlled by the Bonnier family, while Aftonbladet is owned jointly by Swedish trade unions and the Norwegian publishing family Schibsted.

Fazıl Önder

From 1949 onwards, he signed up for membership to various trade unions, including the Pancyprian Federation of Labour.

Federation of Arab Trade Unions and Labor Societies

FATULS, the Federation of Arab Trade Unions and Labor Societies (Ittihad al-Niqabat wa'l-Jam'iyyat al-'Arabiyya, later known as the Arab Workers' Congress) was formed by Marxist activists led by Bulus Farah (a former member of the Palestine Communist Party) who split away from the Palestine Arab Workers Society in 1942.

Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions

The Bolshevik, Mikhail Tomsky, proposed the resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".

Fritz Tarnow

After Adolf Hitler's rise to power in early 1933 and the dismantling of the trade unions, Tarnow was arrested on 2 May.

German Salaried Employees' Union

It did not belong to the German Confederation of Trade Unions and was a leading independent political organisation which influenced the Bundestag and the Cabinet of Germany in the interests of its members.

Gewerkschaft der Polizei

The GdP is one three trade unions for police employees in Germany, the other two being the Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft - affiliated with the German Civil Service Federation - and the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, which is exclusively for members of the Kriminalpolizei.

Gilles Duceppe

In 1981 he became a union organizer for the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (Confederation of National Trade Unions), where he became a negotiator in 1986.

Hugh Lanning

Lanning has played a major role in persuading trade unions in Britain to declare solidarity with the Palestinians and to support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement.

Ignatz Waghalter

He secured the interest and support of militant New York trade unions, the noted African-American musician Alfred Jack Thomas, and such prominent representatives of the Harlem Renaissance as James Weldon Johnson.

Joseph Cardijn

In South Africa it was used, via the Catholic Church, to support the development of the first black trade unions in Durban in the early 1970s.


Gerd-Liv Valla - leader of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions

Marcelo Fuentes

Fuentes graduated as a lawyer from the National University of La Plata in 1973 and became an adviser to the Federation of Rural Workers and later advised other trade unions.

Mikhail Tomsky

In 1918 he attended the Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (12–17 March), where he moved a resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October Revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".

National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania – Brotherhood

It was created from the 1993 merger of the National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania (CNSLR) and Frăţia.

National Council of the Resistance

Some of these proposed measures were applied, at least to a certain extent, after liberation, including the nationalisation of energy (Électricité de France was founded in 1946), insurance companies (AGF in 1945) and banks (Crédit Lyonnais in 1945, Société Générale in 1946), the creation of social security programs and the independence of trade unions.

New Zealand–Russia relations

The influence of local left-wingers in trade unions was a theme of Robert Muldoon, the Prime Minister from 1975 to 1984.


Zubatovite trade unions achieved moderate success at channeling workers’ political agitations away from revolutionary movements and toward labor improvements, especially in the cities of Minsk and Odessa, with one high-ranking official noting that many revolutionaries and workers were joining the unions.

Ordensburg Vogelsang

The construction of Ordensburg Vogelsang, most of which lies within the district of the town of Schleiden, was financed by expropriating trade unions and employers' associations.

People's Commissariat for Labour

At the Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (12-17 March 1918) the Bolsehvik Mikhail Tomsky proposed a resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".

Progressive Youth Association

It made close relations with trade unions and democratic mass organizations, took part in May Day celebrations, protests against DGMs (Courts of State Security) and campaigns against the ultra-right party MHP and its youth organization.

Radio France Internationale

The interview was not censored by Jean-Paul Cluzel, RFI's CEO at the time, due to the coordinated intervention of the journalists' trade-unions.

RISE against Racism

Steve Hart, Unite London Regional Secretary said: “Rise, or Respect as it was known, was launched by the trade unions as a means of involving mainly young people in anti-racism in the wake of the Stephen Lawrence and other racist murders. What is the point of what was explicitly an anti-racist festival if it drops its commitment to anti-racism?”

Serafino Romualdi

Romualdi resumed his work with the ILGWU in the fall of 1945, and was assigned by the American Federation of Labor to establish contacts with Latin American Labor with the view of promoting closer cooperation between the democratic trade unions of the two continents.

Sheffield Trades and Labour Council

This decided not to offer evidence into the Government inquiry into trade unions, and also voted against 20-12 against joining the Chartists, although it did actively oppose the Corn Laws.

Shibin Al Kawm, Al Minufiyah

The city has several public and private schools, hospitals, a large stadium, telecommunication central office of Telecom Egypt, internet service providers, organized trade unions (medical, commercial, agriculture, engineering, etc.), athletic teams, political parties and social organizations and a chamber of commerce.

Singapore Labour Foundation

Its aims are to improve the welfare of union members and to further the development of trade unions in Singapore.

Staythorpe Power Station

The GMB and Unite trade unions demonstrated at the station when Alstom recruited non-UK contract labour to build the power station.

Teachers' Union of Ireland

The TUI is affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and is represented on various education governmental bodies such as National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Further Education and Training Awards Council FETAC, Higher Education and Training Awards Council HETAC and Vocational Education Committees.

The Proud Tower

Other chapters cover the United States (particularly the efforts of Thomas Reed, Speaker of the House, to overcome the tyranny of the absent quorum), the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and the activities of the Socialist International and trade unions.

Tom Mann

Settling in Melbourne, he was active in Australian trade unions and became an organiser for the Australian Labor Party.


The Uthayan received the Public service and Tolerance Journalism Award at a ceremony at Galle Face Hotel on 24 October 2008 organised by six Sri Lankan journalists associations (National Federation of Journalists, Federation of Media Employee’s Trade Unions, Free Media Movement, Sri Lankan Working Journalists Association, Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum and Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance).

Willy Brandt

The spirit of reformist optimism was cut short by the 1973 oil crisis and the major public services strike 1974, which gave Germany's trade unions, led by Heinz Kluncker, a big wage increase but reduced Brandt's financial leeway for further reforms.