
unusual facts about vertebrates


Candeleros Formation

La Buitrera means, roughly, "the vulture-roost"; the genus Buitreraptor, a small bird-like dinosaur that must have been a predator of small vertebrates and possibly a scavenger was named after this.

Comparative genomics

With the publication of the large genomes of vertebrates in the 2000s, including human, the Japanese pufferfish Takifugu rubripes, and mouse, precomputed results of large genome comparisons have been released for downloading or for visualization in a genome browser.


Colbert, E. H., (1969), Evolution of the Vertebrates, John Wiley & Sons Inc (2nd ed.)


Emerin, together with MAN1, is a LEM domain-containing integral protein of the inner nuclear membrane in vertebrates.

Homeodomain fold

Most vertebrates have six genes from the Dlx family of homeodomain transcription factors, arranged into three clusters: Dlx1/Dlx2, Dlx3/Dlx4 and Dlx5/Dlx6.


Genomes of vertebrates carry probably a conserved set of three pannexin paralogs (PANX1, PANX2 and PANX3).

Interleukin 8

The chemoattractant activity of IL-8 in similar concentrations to vertebrates was proven in Tetrahymena pyriformis, which suggests a phylogenetically well-conserved structure and function for this chemokine.

Johann Heinrich Blasius

He was the author of two major books on vertebrates: "Fauna der Wirbelthiere Deutschlands" (1857), and "Die wirbelthiere Europa's" (Vertebrates of Europe, with Alexander Keyserling, 1840).

Karoo Ice Age

Higher oxygen concentration (and accompanying higher atmospheric pressure) enabled energetic metabolic processes which encouraged evolution of large land-dwelling vertebrates and flight, with the dragonfly-like Meganeura, an aerial predator, with a wingspan of 60 to 75 cm.

Lawrence Lambe

He also studied Devonian fishes from New Brunswick and Paleozoic corals, collected Tertiary insects and plants in British Columbia but it is for his work on vertebrates from western Canada, especially dinosaurs, that he is most famous.


It inhabited the freshwater or brackish lakes that had in its time formed in today's Green River valley due to the uplift of the Rocky Mountains, where it fed on smaller vertebrates and probably harassed other shorebirds for food and feasted on dead fish (e.g. Knightia) during summer dieoffs due to oxygen depletion in the eutrophic lakes.

Minor spliceosome

The minor spliceosome is a ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyses the removal (splicing) of an atypical class of spliceosomal introns (U12-type) from eukaryotic messenger RNAs in plant, insects, vertebrates and some fungi (Rhizopus oryzae).

Mir-219 microRNA precursor family

In molecular biology, the microRNA miR-219 was predicted in vertebrates by conservation between human, mouse and pufferfish and cloned in pufferfish.

Murray Hill, Christmas Island

Vertebrates include geckos such as Cyrtodactylus and Lepidodactylus listeri, and skinks, specifically the Cryptoblepharus egeriae (Blue-tailed Skink), and Emoia nativitatus (Forest Skink); major invertebrates are also present, such as the robber crab, and the little nipper Geograpsus grayi.


Everett C. Olson, 1962, Late Permian terrestrial vertebrates, USA and USSR Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new series, 52: 1–224.

Oikopleura dioica

As an example, the brachyury gene and the homolog of the PAX2 gene both play a similar role in the development of tunicates as they do in vertebrates.


Vertebrates present here at the time of Oligokyphus included hybodont sharks, bony fish known as osteichthyes, lungfish, salamanders, the frog Prosalirus, the caecilian Eocaecilia, the turtle Kayentachelys, a sphenodontian reptile, various lizards.


The sediments that have yielded Pelagiarctos have also yielded numerous other species of ocean-going vertebrates, including sharks (Isurus, Sphyrna, Carcharocles), turtles (Psephophorus), seabirds (Osteodontornis, Diomedea, Puffinus), Cetaceans (Prosqualodon, Aulophyseter, Parietobalaena) and other pinnipeds (Allodesmus, Neotherium).


In vertebrates, closely related genes include adipophilin (also known as adipose differentiation-related protein), TIP47, and LSDP5 (also called MLDP and OXPAT).

Philippe Janvier

He has written several books and scientific papers on Palaeozoic vertebrates and contributed to the Tree of Life phylogeny project.


Carnivorous – those who feed on small mammals, birds or other vertebrates (e.g., Kingfishers, Rollers)

Ted Daeschler

He is a specialist in fish paleontology, especially in the Late Devonian, and in the development of the first limbed vertebrates.


The species probably became extinct as the climatic shifts at the end of the last ice age led to widespread ecological alterations and prey scarcity, exacerbated by human hunting and increasing influence on habitat; generally, most large land animals disappeared and the altered precipitation patterns seriously affected populations of aquatic vertebrates.

Trabecular cartilage

As clearly seen in the lamprey, Cyclostome also has the pair of cartilaginous rods in the embryonic head which is similar to the trabecular cartilages in the jawed vertebrates.

William A. Clemens, Jr.

Clemens research in western North America suggests that the dinosaurs were already undergoing gradual extinction prior to the end of the Cretaceous and that other groups of vertebrates were not severely impacted by the event.

William King Gregory

He developed an early interest in both fishes and the land vertebrates, publishing papers on both groups, including two in Science in 1903.

see also