
unusual facts about wikt:Afro-Caribbean


Currently the Caribbean Netherlands use the former Netherlands Antilles's ccTLD, .an, which is being phased out.

2010 Pan American Men's Handball Championship

The 2010 American Handball Championship, also called PanAmericano 2010, was the 14th official competition for senior men's national handball teams of North, Center, Caribbean and South America.

Afro-American Sons and Daughters Hospital

Huddleston's grandson is Mike Espy, a former member of the House of Representatives and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

Aleksandar Bačko

Aleksandar Bačko is descendent of Nikanor Grujić, Orthodox Bishop of Pakrac and locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, by his brother Dragutin Grujić, archpriest of Mohacs, parish priest of Kacsfalu and assessor of Buda bishopric consistory.

Barney Coombs

The main thrust of this group was that a return of the 'charismatic gifts' (i.e. prophecy and speaking in tongues) to the traditional denominations was not sufficient, and that the church needed to be restored to the New Testament forms of church government as described in St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Pastor/Teacher (Eph 4:11).

Bishnodat Persaud

Persaud is the husband of award-winning Caribbean novelist Lakshmi Persaud.

Caribbean Premier League

It was created in 2013 and replaced the Caribbean Twenty20 as the premier Twenty20 competition in the Caribbean.

In June 2013 Courts plc announced their sponsorship of the Caribbean Premier League “CPL’s partnership with Courts is a very strategic and beneficial one to both parties, and we are thrilled about the possibilities that exist for us from a marketing perspective,” said CPL CEO Damien O’ Donohoe.

Carrier Air Wing Six

A year later, the air wing participated in Ocean Venture ’88 in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea, and then provided air support for Operation Earnest Will.

Chrysophyllum cainito

The Nobel Prize-winning poet Derek Walcott immortalizes the fruit as a symbol of the Caribbean itself in his 1979 collection, The Star-Apple Kingdom.

Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta

The marsh's large lagoon is connected to the Caribbean Sea via a narrow strait (the La Barra channel) located between the town of Pueblo Viejo and the city of Ciénaga.

Coccoloba diversifolia

Coccoloba diversifolia, commonly known as pigeonplum, doveplum, pigeon Seagrape or tietongue, is a species of the genus Coccoloba native to coastal areas of the Caribbean, Central America (Belize, Guatemala), southern Mexico, southern Florida (coastal regions from Cape Canaveral to the Florida Keys) and The Bahamas.

Dennis Byron

At the invitation of then-Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, Judge Byron, while serving as Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, from which position he retired, became a permanent Judge of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in 2004.


One of the more violent of the era, he actively engaged the United States Navy and was one of the main fugitives pursued during later American naval expeditions in the Caribbean during the 1820s.

Dimension Costeña

Dimensión Costeña is a Nicaraguan group that came together in the Caribbean coast of the country in Bluefields.

Dunmore Pineapple

Discovered by Christopher Columbus on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe in 1493, pineapples became a rare delicacy in Europe, and were symbolic of power, wealth, and hospitality.

Ethnography of Argentina

Mestizo population in Argentina, unlike in other Latin American countries, is very low, as is the Black population after being decimated by diseases and wars in the 19th century, though since the 1990s a new wave of Black immigration is arriving.

F. aurea

Ficus aurea, the Florida strangler fig, golden fig or higuerón, a tree species native to Florida, the northern and western Caribbean, southern Mexico and Central America south to Panama

Friends of FundeCruz

The Afro-Ecuadorian village of Piquiucho in northern Ecuador's Valle del Chota is a three-hour drive from Quito, the nation's capital.

George Tyndale

He recorded with Caribbean singers and appeared extensively at nightclubs, in particular with Joe Appleton's band and for a period as a leader at the Sunset, a rendezvous popular with London's black population.

Henry Frederick Stephenson

On 30 March 1866 Stephenson was the lieutenant-in-command of HMS Heron, serving in North America and the West Indies, and becoming the commanding officer of a gun-boat on the Canadian lakes during the Fenian raids of 1866.

Jagua Tattoo

Genipa americana is a species of Genipa, native to northern South America (south to Peru), the Caribbean and southern Mexico, growing in profusion in rainforests.

John Replogle

After Harvard, he was hired by Guinness Brewery as head of strategy for Guinness Americas and Caribbean.

Joseph Graves Olney

On one such drive, Olney, John Ringo, Ike Clanton, and Al Turner hurrahed the town of Safford, Arizona, a typical cowboy behavior.

Jounen Kwéyòl

There are two mail Kreyol dialects spoken in the Caribbean region: Antillean Creole French and Haitian Creole.

Justo Bolekia Boleká

His work has been studied by American professors interested in Afro-Hispanic literary production, and has been included in anthologies of poetry (Literatura de Guinea Ecuatorial, de Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo y Mbare Ngom Faye, 2000; La voz y la escritura 2006: 80 nuevas propuestas poéticas, 2006).


On November 22, 2013, Mafikizolo performed the song at the CAAN (Caribbean American and African Nations) awards which took place in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.


Mambo section, a section in arrangements of some types of Afro-Caribbean music, particularly danzón; the musical form of the same name developed from this section

Maurice Machenbaum

In 2000 he became Program Director for Latin America and the Caribbean for Terre des hommes Lausanne, Switzerland's largest independent child-focused NGO.

MS Louis Olympia

Following a voyage across the Atlantic, the Song of America entered service with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines on 5 December 1982 on a cruise from Miami to Nassau, San Juan and St. Thomas.

Nepenthes naga

In their description of N. naga, the authors compared it to the Sumatran endemics N. ovata and N. spathulata, contending that it can be distinguished from these species on the basis of its dichotomous lid appendage and frilled lid.

New Ways but Love Stays

The original design used a photograph which depicted the three Supremes in Afros and black turtlenecks, giving them a Black power look.

Nick Toczek

In 1977, as a spin-off from the magazine, he published and co-edited (with Philip Nanton and Yann Lovelock) Britain’s first substantial anthology of black writing, Melanthika: An Anthology of Pan-Caribbean Writing, under the imprint LWM Publications.

Peggielene Bartels

Bartels is a member of the Afro-European Bartels family, whose ancestor Cornelius Ludewich Bartels was Governor-General of the Dutch Gold Coast between 1798 and 1804, and whose son Carel Hendrik Bartels was the most prominent biracial slave trader on the Gold Coast in the second quarter of the nineteenth century.

Pir Mangho Urs

Some Afro-Arab style festivals and dances like Gowaati, Lewa, Dhamaal, beating Omani style shindo, jabwah, and jasser drums are still popular in Manghopirs Lyari locale.

Princesses Nubiennes

Princesses Nubiennes is the debut studio album by Afro-French music duo Les Nubians.


The genre was imported to the Dominican Republic and is now an integral part of the Afro-Dominican music scene, where it is known colloquially as gagá.

Saint Martin

There is a small airport on the French side of the island at Grand Case, L'Espérance Airport for small propeller planes serving neighbouring Caribbean islands.

Samuel Oughton

Originally associated with James Sherman's Independent Congregational Surrey Chapel, and from time to time invited back by Sherman, he was closely associated with the Baptists in Jamaica, who were largely organised along Congregational lines and among the predominantly African-Caribbean population, following their founding by George Lisle, a former slave from America.

Seumas Milne

Milne described the restoration of the sight of Mario Terán, the former Bolivian sergeant who killed Che Guevara, by Cuban doctors "paid for by revolutionary Venezuela in the radicalised Bolivia of Evo Morales", one of "1.4 million free eye operations carried out by Cuban doctors in 33 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa", as "an emblem both of the humanity of Fidel Castro and Guevara's legacy" and the transformation of Latin America.

Surface-supplied diving

Compressor diving is the most common method used to fish for Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in the Caribbean.

Thalassia testudinum

Turtle grass is found growing in meadows in calm shallow waters throughout the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico and as far north as Cape Canaveral in Florida.

The Magic Numbers

The Stodarts are the children of a Scottish father and a Portuguese mother and were born in Trinidad in the Caribbean, where their mother was an opera singer and had her own TV show.

The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman

Geographically, references are made to the country's equatorial climate, its northern coastline on the Caribbean, western coastline on the Pacific Ocean and the mountain range of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Margarita, which is similar to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Thomas Andrewes

He was involved in trade in the Caribbean, and with Maurice Thompson and Samuel Moyer he financed trading ventures with west Africa.

Toronto Public Library

Notable special collections include The Arthur Conan Doyle Collection, The Merril Collection of Science Fiction, The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, and The Rita Cox Black and Caribbean Heritage Collection.

Tsunami warning system

A Caribbean-wide tsunami warning system was planned to be instituted by the year 2010, by representatives of Caribbean nations who met in Panama City in March 2008.

UCL Institute of Archaeology

Amongst the staff who work there are noted archaeologists such as Mark Roberts, who directed the Boxgrove Quarry project, Late Prehistory specialist Sue Hamilton, Mediaeval specialist Andrew Reynolds, Public Archaeology specialist Tim Schadla-Hall and Caribbean archaeologist José Oliver.

Zhu Faya

The Chinese surname Zhu , which originally meant "a kind of bamboo" and was later used for "India (abbreviating Tianzhu 天竺)" and "Buddhism", was adopted by many early Buddhist monks, such as the polyglot translator Zhu Fahu 竺法護 or Dharmarakṣa (c. 230-316).


Zombie, traditionally an undead person in the Caribbean spiritual belief system of voodoo

see also

Carnival in Colombia

Here the Afro-Caribbean influence is very strong, and predominance of the English language lyrics of calypso and reggae.

Palo de Mayo

) is a type of Afro-Caribbean dance with sensual movements that forms part of the culture of several communities in the RAAS region in Nicaragua, as well as Belize, the Bay Islands of Honduras and Bocas del Toro in Panama.