
unusual facts about ''Carex binervis'' in its typical habitat, growing among ''Calluna

Auyuittuq National Park

Little vegetation can be found in Auyuittuq Park, although the plants found there range from flowers such as Mountain Avens, Campion, Papaver, and Saxifrage to shrubs like Dwarf Birch, Arctic Willow, and heather.

Berwyn range

The area is wild and largely vegetated by heather about one metre thick, with some acidic grassland and bracken.


The name "Boskoop" has been given to an apple cultivar (Belle de Boskoop) which is widely distributed in the Low Countries, to a grape variety (Boskoops Glory) and also to a variety of Calluna (Boskoop) and Weigela (Boskoop Glory) and Black Currant ("Boskoop Giant").

Botanischer Garten der Stadt Hof

The garden is divided into two major areas: a geometrical Rosarium, and a landscaped garden with alpine garden, Jura Mountains collection, lily pond, shade area, medicinal herb garden, heathers, succulents, and expansive perennials plantings.

Celaena haworthii

Adults are active during the night and day and feed on flower nectar of Calluna vulgaris, Origanum vulgare and Molinia species.

Ceramica pisi

The larvae feed on various shrubs, deciduous trees and herbaceous plants, such as Calluna, Cytisus scoparius, Pteridium aquilinum, Rubus, Sea-buckthorn, willow and the European Larch.


To the north lie the Dark Peak highlands, which are made up of millstone grit and are heather-covered, rugged and bleak.

Cleaver Heath Nature Reserve

Heswall Dales is regarded as the second best example (after Thurstaston Common) of lowland heath in Merseyside, hosting localised species including Western Gorse Ulex gallii, Many-stalked Spike Rush Eleocharis multicaulis and Green-ribbed Sedge Carex binervis.

Coat of arms of Nunavut

:and for Supporters: On a compartment dexter of Land set with Arctic poppies, dwarf fireweed and Arctic heather proper sinister ice floes Argent set on barry wavy Azure and Argent dexter a caribou sinister a narwhal both proper.

Ero aphana

At the northern limit of its distribution, this species is usually found on heather and other low vegetation in heathlands.

Fauna of the Faroe Islands

The bird fauna of the Faroes is dominated by Sea-birds and birds attracted to open land like Heather, probably due to the lack of woodland and other suited habitats.

Inland birds are fewer in numbers, Oyster catcher (Haematopus ostralegus) (the National Bird), Curlew (Numenius), Common Snipe (Capella gallinago) and Tern (Sterna) are common on the Heather hills.


The hills are mostly covered with heather, but along their lower slopes, there are some extensive areas of forestry, most of which is planted with Scots Pine and Larch.


Herbivorous to slightly omnivorous galliforms, comprising the majority of the group, are typically stoutly built and have short thick bills primarily adapted for foraging on the ground for rootlets or the consumption of other plant material such as heather shoots.

Grange Fell

The fell has a summit plateau which consist of many heather-covered hummocks, drystone walls and clumps of trees.

Hawthornthwaite Fell

The summit is boggy and flanked to the north by steep heather slopes.

Heritage Museums and Gardens

Other items of horticultural interest include: holly, daylily, herb, hosta, and heather gardens, as well as more than a thousand varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers, many labeled.

Kentucky Scottish Weekend

Items sold included Scottish and American food items, Celtic collectibles, kilts, Scottish music, Clan memorabilia, and Scottish heathers.

Lasdon Park and Arboretum

William and Mildred Lasdon Memorial Garden (0.4 ha / 1 acre) - an entrance court with a fragrance garden; a formal garden with boxwood hedges, heather, flowering annuals and bulbs, and a central fountain; and a synoptic garden featuring hundreds of shrubs whose names represent every letter in the alphabet, from "A" (Abelia) through "Z" (Zenobia).

Lindow Common

Current work at Lindow Common is aiming to start selective removal of birch trees, in order to promote regrowth of heather (Calluna vulgaris) to return the area to heathland.

Linga, Yell

Surprisingly for an island whose name derives from the Norse for "heather isle", very little grows here.

Ljungby, Falkenberg

The name is most likely derived from the conjunction of ljung (Calluna) and by (village).

Lüneburg Heath Nature Reserve

These measures ensure the necessary rejuvenation of the heather.

Lusatian Lake District

What was once a plain overgrown with heather and a few trees is now a lake district comparable to the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau in Mecklenburg or the Masurian Lakeland in Poland.


Above the semi-improved grassland is some bracken but much of the higher ground is covered in typical Calluna / Erica communities interspersed with large areas of Juncus, Carex and Sphagnum bogs.

Massacre of Monzievaird

The Drummonds retaliated by gathering all the brushwood they could find and stacking it against the church, which was roofed with thatch and heather, and lighting it.

Old Salt Route

Heather then covered area, helping it to become the beautiful landscape that now attracts thousands of visitors when that foliage is in full bloom.

Park of Armentia

There are areas of thick vegetation in which, in addition to gall oaks, there are maples, hawthorns, blackthorns and blackberry bushes, followed by areas of more scattered woodland with large clearings in some places, in which heather, badassi and juniper grow.

Philedonides lunana

The larvae feed on various coarse moorland plants, including Calluna and Vaccinium species.

Recreational Forest Reserve of Fontinhas

The main feature of the park is its rich forest of tall species; a dense forest, its atmosphere populated by Cryptomeria, Sequoia, Picconia azorica and the local Azorean Heather, its paths lined with Azaleas (Rhododendron), tree ferns (Sphaeropteris cooperii), Agapanthus and Camelias (Camelia japonica).

Rhinog Fawr

In common with most of the range, the terrain is characterised by hard sedimentary rock covered with heather, making progress on foot difficult.


The Rhinogydd are notably rocky and heather-clad towards the northern end of the range, especially around Rhinog Fawr, Rhinog Fach and towards Moel Ysgyfarnogod.


The predominant vegetation is gorse and heather, but in recent years the open aspect of the southern part has been lost by encroaching birch and oak woodland.

Silent Pool

It appears that this natural half of the pond was made deeper and lined with clay when the southern half (lined with clay and heather) was added.


Originally they had ling thatched roofs, but they were mostly re-roofed in the 19th century with grey slate or red pantiles.


Rebild Bakker ("Rebild Hills") is a national park consisting of heather-covered hills, located in the municipality near the village of Rebild.

Sour Howes

Sour Howes, which reaches a height of 483 m (1,585 ft) is mostly grassy although heather grows on the eastern slopes, a high dry stone wall crosses the top and links with the neighbouring fell of Sallows, which lies just over a kilometre to the north east, and with Sour Howe’s subsidiary top of Capple Howe (445 m, 1,460 ft) which is located 600 metres to the south east.

SR-2 Veresk

A weapon was presented in 1999, developed in Klimovsk TsNIITochMash which received the designation of SR-2 (Spetsialnaya Razarbotka - 2, Special Development - 2) and nicknamed "Veresk" ("Heather", a plant).

Tree Pipit

Once they have arrived they nest on the ground amongst grass or heather tussocks.

Trichostrongylus tenuis

The 'L3' larvae is now at its infective stage so it 'swims' up heather stalks, on a thin film of liquid, to the young shoots where it is most likely to be ingested by a host.

Ullock Pike

The top of the fell is a small neat spot carpeted with heather which gives a fine all round view even though it is curtailed by the bulk of Skiddaw to the east.

VanDusen Botanical Garden

Specialized niche plantings include a Heather garden, a "black" garden, a seasonal "Laburnum Walk", a majestic stand of sequoiadendron giganteum, a cypress pond, a formal perennial garden, a heritage vegetable garden (seasonal), a fragrance garden (seasonal) and a large sino-Himalayan garden.

Wharncliffe Crags

The flat ground on the top of the crags is mostly carpeted with heather.

Whiteface Dartmoor

It has been raised on the hills of Dartmoor, grazing heather during the summer and the valley hay meadows during winter and spring.

Williams Bros Brewing Co

The heather ale is made using sweet gale and heather flowers, and was named Fraoch, after the legendary Gaelic hero Fráech (or Fraoch).

Wormy Hillock Henge

Currently, the site is completely overgrown by grass and heather.

Xestia alpicola

The larvae mainly feed on Empetrum nigrum, but have also been recorded from other plants, including Calluna

see also