
unusual facts about 3-sphere


In Edwin Abbott Abbott's Flatland, published in 1884, and in Sphereland, a 1965 sequel to Flatland by Dionys Burger, the 3-sphere is referred to as an oversphere, and a 4-sphere is referred to as a hypersphere.


The 120-cell, like the 3-sphere, is the union of these two (Clifford) tori.

AERCam Sprint

The sphere, which looks like an oversized soccer ball, was released by Mission Specialist Winston E. Scott during the STS-87 spacewalk and flew freely in the forward cargo bay for about 30 minutes.

Arthur Nibbs

Outside of the political sphere he worked as an assistant air traffic controller at V C Bird International Airport, and a personnel manager at the K Club.

Branislav Petronijević

With his whole philosophical, philosophically-scientific and scientific activity Petronijević, in the line with earlier empirical and critical metaphisicists, such as Lotze, Herbart, Hartmann, Volkelt, he directly contributed and made possible the formation of modern sphere of cognition which is today known as Metascience.

Chuck Hoberman

In addition to toys such as the Hoberman sphere, the largest of which resides at Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, Hoberman created the BrainTwist, a hard plastic tetrahedron that folds, stellates, and becomes self-dual while having a component that rotates similarly to a Rubik's Cube.

Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Kingswear

In its early days the church came under the sphere of influence of Totnes Priory and the church’s priests were monks from the priory.

Definitions of Tibet

In order to offset the damage done to their interests by the 1906 treaty between England and Tibet, the Chinese set up about extending westwards the sphere of their direct control and began to colonize the country round Batang.

Domino theory

Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.


The mission of ECOLAS is to work within the sphere of European undergraduate education to foster and disseminate good practices essential to nurturing the ideals and skills necessary for lifelong learning and good citizenship that are embedded in the educational tradition of the liberal arts and sciences.


The philosophers Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida were inspired to write an article for the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in which they claimed the birth of a 'European public sphere'.

Field hockey

Teddington Hockey Club formed the modern game by introducing the striking circle and changing the ball to a sphere from a rubber cube.

Food critic

"Restaurant critic" is the more traditional title and can connote a more restricted sphere of operations — traditional restaurants, with perhaps those serving French cuisine being the examplars.

France–Morocco relations

After the troubled periods of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, France again showed a strong interest in Morocco in the 1830s, as a possible extension of her sphere of influence in the Maghreb, after Algeria and Tunisia.

Fujio Ishihara

That's as defined the sphere with a diamerer of 100 light years (within 50 light years radius from the Sun).

Gaocheng Astronomical Observatory

Following a proposition of Liu Zhuo from 604 AD, 10 of these were aligned along the meridian 114° east of Greenwich from Central Asia down to Vietnam in order to determine the circumference of the Earth and derivations from a perfect sphere.

Hamming bound

In mathematics and computer science, in the field of coding theory, the Hamming bound is a limit on the parameters of an arbitrary block code: it is also known as the sphere-packing bound or the volume bound from an interpretation in terms of packing balls in the Hamming metric into the space of all possible words.

Hayden Planetarium

The Hayden Planetarium (often called "The Hayden Sphere" or "The Great Sphere") is a public planetarium, part of the Rose Center for Earth and Space of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, currently directed by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Hiroshi Yasuda

In the sphere of international standardization, together with Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione he founded the Moving Picture Experts Group which standardized MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, better known as MP3.

History of the University of Dhaka

The Partition of Bengal in 1905 provided the Muslim majority community of East Bengal and Assam with a sphere of influence of their own and raised new hopes for the development of the region and advancement of its people.

Hoberman sphere

The largest existing Hoberman sphere is in the atrium of Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Homology sphere

In 2003, lack of structure on the largest scales (above 60 degrees) in the cosmic microwave background as observed for one year by the WMAP spacecraft led to the suggestion, by Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Observatoire de Paris and colleagues, that the shape of the Universe is a Poincaré sphere.

Infamous 2

Cole and his friend Zeke (Caleb Moody) meet with NSA agent Lucy Kuo (Dawn Olivieri) who tells them she can lead them to Dr. Sebastian Wolfe (Michael Ensign), a scientist who worked on the development of the Ray Sphere which granted Cole his powers, and who claims he can make Cole even stronger.

Informbiro period

As a result, Yugoslavia fell outside of the Soviet sphere of influence, and the country's brand of communism, with its independence from the Soviet line, was called Titoism by Moscow and considered treasonous.

John Jabez Edwin Mayall

According to Canon Hulbert of Almondbury in Yorkshire, the 28-year-old was an intelligent young man who had ambitions beyond the linen trade: "Slaithwaite was scarcely a sufficient sphere for his genius and he emigrated to the United States, where he took up the then infant Art of Photography; which he much improved by his experiments and discoveries."

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

His first practical employment was in the preliminary surveys of the Bear Mountain railroad, then a new enterprise, hut his mental activity in a higher sphere soon manifested itself in a communication to Mr. Bache, made in January, 1844, in which he called attention to errors in the formulas used in the Coast Survey in the computation of geographical positions, and gave his own development of correct formulas.

Louis I of Hungary

After the serials of victories over the Tatars, the Hungarian sphere of influence stretched eastward as far as the Dniester.

Louis-Eugène Cavaignac

This continued to be the main sphere of his activity for sixteen years, and he won special distinction in his fifteen months' command of the exposed garrison of Tlemcen, a command for which he was selected by Marshal Bertrand Clausel (1836–1837), and in the defence of Cherchell (1840).

Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony

The player's objective, as disciple of the Headmaster, is to recover the Orb of Celestial Harmony from disciple-turned-badguy Kaimen.

Nathan Boya

On July 15, 1961, Fitzgerald went over the Horseshoe Falls in a rubber ball he designed called the "Plunge-O-Sphere".


In Marbury, Chief Justice Marshall established that the Supreme Court could invalidate laws which violated the Constitution (that is, judicial review), which helped establish the Supreme Court as having its own distinct sphere of influence within the Federal Government.

Oseen equations

Using the Oseen equation, Horace Lamb was able to derive improved expressions for the viscous flow around a sphere in 1911, improving on Stokes law towards somewhat higher Reynolds numbers.

Our Flat

The story of the play runs as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester are two young persons who have rushed into matrimony on the Micawber Principle; are living from hand to mouth in a London flat, husband and wife alike striving hard to get a foothold in the literary sphere, in which they are confident they can ultimately acquire both fame and fortune.

Pepin of Herstal

Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence.

Philipp Otto Runge

In addition to a description of the color sphere, it contains an illustrated essay on rules of color harmony and one on color in nature written by Runge's friend Henrik Steffens.

Pope John XIX

He played a role in the process leading to the Schism of 1054 by rejecting a proposal by Patriarch Eustathius of Constantinople to recognise that Patriarchate's sphere of interest in the east.

Rachel Joynt

She collaborated with Remco de Fouw to make Perpetual Motion (1995), a large sphere with road markings which stands on the Naas dual carriageway and featured as a visual shorthand for leaving Dublin in The Apology, a Guinness advert.

Rhombic icosahedron

A rhombic icosahedron (or rhombic icosacontahedron) is a polyhedron shaped like an oblate sphere.


In 2006 a set of specialised nodes for creating simple shapes such as: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Torus, Box and Bézier Lathe were added to make Seamless3d easier for the novice to quickly make simple models.

Spoke-hub distribution paradigm

In the sphere of East Asian relations, according to Victor Cha, hub-and-spokes refers to the network of bilateral alliances between United States and other individual East Asian countries.

Stellar parallax

It is clear from Euclid's geometry that the effect would be undetectable if the stars were far enough away, but for various reasons such gigantic distances involved seemed entirely implausible: it was one of Tycho Brahe's principal objections to Copernican heliocentrism that in order for it to be compatible with the lack of observable stellar parallax, there would have to be an enormous and unlikely void between the orbit of Saturn and the eighth sphere (the fixed stars).

Terri Hawkes

Hawkes also had a role playing Monika Barnes in the early episodes of Traders, and also was the voice of a 3D sphere in Max Maven's The MAXimum Dimension.

The four greats of Chilean poetry

Towards the end of his life, however, he left the political sphere and retired to his house in Cartagena on the coast of Chile.

The Thanos Quest

In Part One of the Thanos Quest, Thanos first travels to the Nexus of Reality where the concept being the In-Betweener is being imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order; after freeing him from the sphere in which he is being incarcerated, Thanos forcibly takes the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener, whose powers are useless at the heart of the realm of Chaos and Order.


The rivers Vardar, South and Great Morava are generally taken as the rough line of demarcation between the Illyrian sphere on the west and Thracian on the east.

Tungsten carbide

A criticality accident occurred at Los Alamos National Laboratory on 21 August 1945 when Harry K. Daghlian, Jr. accidentally dropped a tungsten carbide brick onto a plutonium sphere, causing the subcritical mass to go supercritical with the reflected neutrons.


It consists of a spherical central section, with two symmetrical sets of five prongs, which arc out from lotus blooms on either side of the sphere and come to a point at two points equidistant from the centre, thus giving it the appearance of a "diamond sceptre", which is how the term is sometimes translated.


In the cultural sphere, the term Vergangenheitsbewältigung most frequently arises as the name of a movement in German literature, characterised by such authors as Günter Grass and Siegfried Lenz.

War of Independence of Brazil

Outnumbered across a vast territory, the Portuguese were forced to restrict their sphere of action to the provincial capitals along the shore that represented the country's strategic sea ports, including Belém, Montevideo, Salvador & São Luís do Maranhão.

Water Sphere

Water Sphere is the second LP from the band Pilotdrift.

Wigner–Seitz radius

The Wigner–Seitz radius r s, named after Eugene Wigner and Frederick Seitz, is the radius of a sphere whose volume is equal to the mean volume per atom in a solid.

see also

Berge conjecture

Subsequently, Joshua Greene showed that the lens spaces which are realized by surgery on a knot in the 3-sphere are precisely the lens spaces arising from surgery along the Berge knots.