
unusual facts about 4th Battalion, CEF

11th Battalion, CEF

The 11th Battalion, CEF, is perpetuated by the The Winnipeg Grenadiers, currently on the Supplementary Order of Battle.

1943–1944 Italian campaign medal

Composed in part of Frenchmen from North Africa and in part with colonial troops, the CEF covered itself with glory during this long campaign and especially during the battle of the Garigliano.

199th Battalion Duchess of Connaught's Own Irish Rangers, CEF

The 199th (Duchess of Connaught's Own Irish Rangers) Battalion, CEF was a unit in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War.

206th Field Artillery Regiment

3rd Brigade, 1st Armor Division deployed the 4th Battalion, 1st Field Artillery, 70th Engineer Battalion and elements of the 1 Battalion, 64th Armor to Camp Taji.

2nd/10th Dragoons

At the same time, the Regiment sent over a thousand volunteers to fight in various elements of the Canadian Corps, including the 4th, 75th and 84th Battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, as well as the 4th and 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles.

4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment

Based at Nui Dat, in Phuoc Tuy Province it was joined by Victor and Whisky companies from the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR) on 2 June, and was formally renamed 4RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion.

Alliance for Excellent Education

Frost had served for six years as advisor to U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley and for 11 years as executive director of the Committee for Education Funding (CEF).

Andrew Levy

He also served in the 4th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas.

Arthur George Knight

Knight was 32 years old, and an acting sergeant in the 10th Battalion, CEF during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.

Hugh Trenchard, 3rd Viscount Trenchard

Trenchard served in the 4th Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets from 1972 to 1980, reaching the rank of Captain.

Pioneer Sergeant

In Australia, the tradition began in 1965 when Governor-General Lord De L’Isle presented the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (4RAR), with its Colours.

SS Princess Mary

Among the highlights of Princess Marys service was February 15, 1915 when the 30th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) embarked from Victoria, British Columbia sailing to the War in Europe.

The Princess of Wales' Own Regiment

Very quickly a contingent of 80 men was formed under Captain George T. Richardson, (for whom George Richardson Stadium in Kingston is named—he became the PWOR’s first officer fatality) and sent to the 2nd (Eastern Ontario Regiment) Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), of the 1st Canadian Division, which was part of Canada’s First Contingent.

Walcheren Barracks

The facility is the only one in Glasgow and the West of Scotland to be formally designated as a Barracks, although there are several other Territorial Army Centres in the area, including 32 (Scottish) Signal Regiment at Kelvinside, 105 Regiment, Royal Artillery in Partick, the 4th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment at Finnieston and Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities Officer Training Corps in Hillhead.

see also