
unusual facts about Anarcho-capitalism

Abstract labour and concrete labour

In his book Crack Capitalism, John Holloway (sociologist) considers abstract labour as the most radical foundational category of Marx's theory, and therefore he recommends the struggle against abstract labour as the centrepiece of the political struggle against capitalism.

Amintore Fanfani

He was the author of a number of important works on economic history dealing with religion and the development of capitalism in the Renaissance and Reformation in Europe.


While anarcho-pacifism is most commonly associated with religious anarchism such as Tolstoyan Christian anarchism and Buddhist anarchism, irreligious or even anti-religious tendencies have emerged such as the French individualist anarchist anarcho-pacifist tendency exemplified by authors and activists such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps, André Arru and Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers which aligned itself with atheism and freethought.


Some anarcho-primitivists like Ted Kaczynski argue that conditions such as anomie are directly caused by complex societies, particularly industrial and post-industrial societies due to their deprivation of individual self-determination and a relatively small reference group to relate to, such as the band, clan, or tribe.

Auguste Doriot

After the war the family sent him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA but he switched to the Harvard Business School where he became a Professor and the father of Venture Capitalism.

Bavarian Soviet Republic

Soon after, on 3 May 1919, remaining loyal elements of the German army (called the "White Guards of Capitalism" by the communists), with a force of 9,000, and Freikorps (such as the Freikorps Epp and the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt) with a force of about 30,000 men, entered Munich and defeated the communists after bitter street fighting in which over 1,000 supporters of the government were killed.

Benoît Jules Mure

Benoît Jules Mure (May 15, 1809, Lyon — March 4, 1858, Cairo) was a French homeopath, naturalist, and anarcho-communist.

Charles Hampden-Turner

1993, with Fons Trompenaars, The seven cultures of capitalism: value, systems for creating wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

Community development

With Indian independence, despite the continuing work of Vinoba Bhave in encouraging grassroots land reform, India under its first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru adopted a mixed-economy approach, mixing elements of socialism and capitalism.During the fifties and sixties, India ran a massive community development programme with focus on rural development activities through government support.

David Friedman

David D. Friedman (born 1945), anarcho-capitalist writer, economist, and medieval reenactor


Browder developed the doctrine of indefinite collaboration with capitalism and the Harry Bridges doctrine of postwar extension of the no-strike pledge.

Dial House, Essex

Perhaps the best-known manifestation of the public face of Dial House was the anarcho-punk band Crass.

Economic ideology

For instance, Anarchism cannot be said to be an economic ideology as such, because it has amongst others Anarcho-capitalism on the one hand and Anarcho-communism on the other as subcategories thereof, which are in themselves opposing ideological standpoints.

Ernesto Cardenal

Days before the election, Cardenal stated, in a clear reference to his dispute with Ortega, that "I think it would be more desirable an authentic capitalism, as Montealegre's (Eduardo Montealegre, the presidential candidate for Alianza Liberal Nicaragüense) would be, than a false Revolution".

Every Day I Wake Up on the Wrong Side of Capitalism

Every Day I Wake Up on the Wrong Side of Capitalism is an album by rapper Sun Rise Above.

Green Anarchist

Early issues featured a range of broadly anarchist and ecological ideas, bringing together groups and individuals as varied as Class War, veteran anarchist writer Colin Ward, anarcho-punk band Crass, as well as the Peace Convoy, anti-nuclear campaigners, animal rights activists and so on.

Gregory Kealey

He completed his MA and PhD at the University of Rochester, working under the supervision of American labour historian Herbert Gutman and Christopher Lasch on a dissertation that examined the Toronto working class during the transition to industrial capitalism.

Gustav Landauer Library

Foundation of the collection was a big book donation on occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the Russian writer and anarcho-pacifist Leo Tolstoy in 2010.

Hartford City, West Virginia

Salt extraction began in 1856, by capitalists from Connecticut named Morgan Buckley and William Healey, who named the town for Hartford.

Henry R. Towne

Noble, David F. America by Design: Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism.

Hostile Takeover Trilogy

Hostile Takeover is a science fiction trilogy (actually one long novel in three parts) written by S. Andrew Swann and published by DAW Books where the main setting is the Anarcho-capitalist planet of Bakunin.

Iron Rail Book Collective

Categories include Feminism, Anarchism, Ecology and Primitivism, Prisons and Police, Native American Studies, Labor Struggles, Globalization, Capitalist Exploitation and Subculture.


Meanwhile Estonia had regained its independence and J.M.K.E. couldn't continue with their anti-Soviet songs (what was the point?), so they found their new "enemy" in the invading "burger-culture", increasing poverty, and other early-capitalistic distresses.

John Bellamy Foster

Additionally, Foster has worked to expand Sweezy and Baran’s theory of monopoly capital in light of the current financially led phase of capitalism, which he terms "monopoly-finance Capital." In this context he has written several articles for Monthly Review on the financialization of capitalism and financial crisis of 2007-08.

Libertarian manifesto

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, a 1973 book by Murray Rothbard originator of anarcho-capitalism

MacGregor Knox

He rejects Marxist views that Fascism and National Socialism were agents of, or represented the interests of, capitalism or big business, and he is highly critical of both the Italian Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Germany, whose revolutionary rhetoric, he argues, provoked middle-class support for Fascism and National Socialism.

Market abolitionism

"Contemporary" mutualists like Kevin Carson (as opposed to "classical" mutualists such Pierre-Joseph Proudhon) advocate a form of mutualism termed "Free Market Socialism" (which is not the same as Market Socialism) as an alternative to both Capitalism and State Socialism, noting that a decentralized system can be self-regulating.

Oliver Ressler

Many of Ressler’s works have been realized in collaborations: “Boom!” focuses on the central contradictions of globalized capitalism (with David Thorne), “European Corrections Corporation” on the phenomenon of prison privatization (with Martin Krenn), and “What Would It Mean To Win?” on the protests against the 33rd G8-summit in Heiligendamm (with Zanny Begg).

Omega Tribe

Their subsequent LP, No Love Lost, (released by Corpus Christi Records, 1983) won the hearts of many hardened anarchos and secured their place in anarcho-punk history.

Rebellion in Patagonia

It was written by Olivera with Osvaldo Bayer and Fernando Ayala, based on Osvaldo Bayer's renowned novel Los Vengadores de la Patagonia Trágica ("The Avengers of Tragic Patagonia"), which was based upon the military suppression of anarchist union movements in Santa Cruz Province in the early 1920s.

Rhine capitalism

Two researchers, Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, followed up the idea of two different kinds of capitalism with a large, empirical, international study.

Rick Gilmore

He has written articles on food stabilization, food security, trade liberalization, and venture capitalism, and has lectured at the Agrarian Institute of Russia, Moscow State University, University of Aix-en-Provence, Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Harvard University, Georgetown University, and American University.

Ron Clark Ball

A former Officer and Naval Aviator who flew the F-14 Tomcat and served in the United States Navy during Operation Desert Storm, his fictional novel Falcon on the Tower is a lauded debut suspense thriller that tackles issues of radical Islamic global terrorism in the 21st Century and its collision with capitalism.

Rudimentary Peni

The band released its first record; a 10 song EP pressed into 7" vinyl, on their own label, Outer Himalayan Records. They have continued to self-release much of their material, with occasional offerings from other record companies. Early on, Rudimentary Peni had connections with fellow anarcho-punkers Crass, and their second 7" EP, Farce, was issued by Crass Records.

Scientific communism

Political economy subdivided into the political economy of capitalism and political economy of socialism

Scottish Socialist Party

Regarding independence, the SSP's Alan McCombes wrote that "the tearing of the blue out of the Union Jack and the dismantling of the 300-year-old British state would be a traumatic psychological blow for the forces of capitalism and conservatism in Britain, Europe and the USA", and that it would be "almost as potent in its symbolism as the unravelling of the Soviet Union at the start of the 1990s".

Sin Dios

Sin Dios (English: Godless) was a hardcore/anarcho-punk band from Spain that formed in 1988 in Madrid.

State capitalism

In his book, The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations, political scientist Ian Bremmer describes China as the primary driver for the rise of state capitalism as a challenge to the free market economies of the developed world, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.

A relatively recent text by Stephen Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, Class Theory and History, explores what they term state capitalism in the former Soviet Union, continuing a theme that has been debated within Trotskyist theory for most of the past century.

Stuart Umpleby

With the collapse of communism in 1989 many social scientists both in Russia and the West said that, although Karl Marx had described the transition from capitalism to socialism to communism, there were no theories to guide the transition from communism to capitalism.

Swan River Colony

Karl Marx used the Swan River Colony to illustrate a point about a shortcoming of capitalism in Das Kapital.

The Adventures of Tintin: Breaking Free

The anger felt by the working-class people of this town boils over when a construction worker, Joe Hill (apparently named after the anarcho-syndicalist labour organiser of the same name) falls to his death due to poor safety standards at the local building site.

The Market for Liberty

Mary Ruwart credits the Tannehill's book with winning her over to anarcho-capitalism.

The Merchants of Souls

Söderblom (home to the rationalistic pleasure-seeking culture of Hedonia, where Giraut goes on vacation, and also of Freiporto, an anarcho-criminal culture where, until recently, an extreme version of Social Darwinism was the only law and slavery its currency).

Theodor Plievier

Through his travels he was exposed to anarchist-syndicalist philosophies that would influence his later work.

United States v. Alcoa

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan criticized United States v. Alcoa as a young man in 1966, in an essay published in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.


Weber's institutional theory of capitalism was rediscovered in the early 1980s by writers like Randall Collins, Daniel Chirot, and Douglass C. North, who worked to replace theories based largely on Immanuel Wallerstein's "World Systems" theory.

World Socialist Movement

Socialism is characterized as a stateless, propertyless, post-monetary economy based on calculation in kind, a free association of producers (workplace democracy) and free access to goods and services produced solely for use and not for exchange.

see also

Contemporary anarchism

Free-market anarchism, usually referring to anarcho-capitalism, is a political philosophy advocating property rights and the non-aggression principle.

Peter Boettke

Analytical anarchism is the name given by Peter Boettke, to the positive political economy of anarchism, or anarchism from the economic point of view, in the libertarian tradition of Murray Rothbard's For a New Liberty (1973) and David Friedman's The Machinery of Freedom (1973).

Private defense agency

According to the research of Terry L. Anderson and P. J. Hill, the Old West in the United States in the period of 1830 to 1900 was similar to anarcho-capitalism in that "private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved," and that the common popular perception that the Old West was chaotic with little respect for property rights is incorrect.