
2 unusual facts about Andrei Nakov

Andrei Nakov

L'avant-garde russe - Édition française (Paris, 1984 - traductions allemande, italienne, anglaise et américaine en 1976 et russe, éd. Iskusstvo, Moscou en 1991)

He has published numerous theoretical studies, monographs and exhibition catalogues on the Russian avant-garde, Futurism, Dada, Constructivism, contemporary art and European abstract art.

Ukrainian avant-garde

The term "Ukrainian Avant-Garde" was first introduced by Parisian art historian Andréi Nakov for the exhibition Tatlin's dream, arranged in London, 1973, where works of international standard by avant-garde Ukrainian artists Vasyl Yermylov and Alexander Bogomazov were presented to the Western audience.

see also