
unusual facts about Antioch, Pisidia

Anastasius of Antioch

Anastasius I of Antioch, called "the Sinaite", Patriarch of Antioch in 561-571 and 593-599

Antioch Secret Society

In 2007, Antioch Secret Society was runner up in MTV2 On The Rise's 'Play the VMA Awards' competition, winning Video Airplay for the song Sleep on MTV2 On Demand.

Antioch Secret Society has done numerous supporting tours and shows with bands such as Dry Kill Logic, Skindred, Parabelle, 32 Leaves, Dharmata, Imperial Battlesnake.

Antioch Unified School District

The Antioch Unified School District serves approximately 19,000 students in the city of Antioch, California and part of the city of Oakley.

Antioch University

Four residencies are held annually on existing campuses of Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio; Keene, New Hampshire; Seattle and Los Angeles.

Antioch University Midwest

Antioch College was also the first to offer courses in the methods of teaching, by College professor Rebecca Pennell- one of the College's ten original faculty members, and the first female college professor in the United States to have the same rank and pay as her male colleagues.

Arthur Morgan was president of Antioch College from 1920 to 1936, developing a curriculum in which students alternate on-campus study with off-campus work experience, furthering the Antioch tradition of developing the whole person through education and experiential learning.

Antioch University New England

Antioch University New England's Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability concentration was recognized by MoveOn.org's Executive Director, Eli Pariser, as a model program for working positively to promote and protect the environment.

Antioch, Tennessee

As of late 2008, the mall had seen an increase in store closures, including larger stores such as Dillard's and Linens 'n Things.

Apiarius of Sicca

The Bishops of Africa, not finding the statement in their copies of Nicene Canons, sought copies of the Nicene Canons from the Archbishops of Constantinople, Alexandria, and Antioch.


At the end of the 4th century, Ausonius enumerated Aquileia as the ninth among the great cities of the world, placing Rome, Mediolanum, Constantinople, Carthage, Antioch, Alexandria, Trier, and Capua before it.

Arnulf of Chocques

He was one of the chief skeptics about Peter Bartholomew's claims to have discovered the Holy Lance in Antioch, and because of Arnulf's opposition Peter volunteered to undergo an ordeal by fire.

Charax Spasinu

Robert Eisenman contends that it was this city, and not the better-known Antioch in which Paul established his first church.

Cremna, Pisidia

It was first taken by Amyntas, commander of the Galatian auxiliary army of Brutus and Cassius, who became king of Galatia and Pisidia on going over to the side of Mark Antony.


Cyrrhus was the capital of the extensive district of Cyrrhestica, between the plain of Antioch and Commagene.

Dale Barnstable

Dale Barnstable (born 1925) is an American retired basketball player from Antioch, Illinois who was banned from the NBA for life in 1951 for point shaving.

Dayton International Peace Museum

Irwin Abrams, Professor Emeritus, Antioch College, authority on Nobel Peace Prize

Douglas McGregor

It was later renamed "Antioch University McGregor" and then "Antioch University Midwest."

Eustathius of Antioch

For instance, in the dispute with Eustathius of Antioch, who opposed the growing influence of Origen and his practice of an allegorical exegesis of scripture, seeing in his theology the roots of Arianism, Eusebius, an admirer of Origen, was reproached by Eustathius for deviating from the Nicene faith, who was charged in turn with Sabellianism.


Firmilian also took part in the first of two councils at Antioch which discussed deposing Paul of Samosata, in 266 (Wace).

Flavius Salia

Constans dispatched him after the Council of Sardica, along with two bishops, Vincentius of Capua and Euphrates of Cologne, to the court of his brother, Constantius II at Antioch, with a letter from Constans demanding that Constantius restore the Patriarch of Alexandria Athanasius to his see.

Gaius Ummidius Durmius Quadratus

In fear of further disturbances, Quadratus hurried to Jerusalem; finding the city peacefully celebrating the Feast of Passover, he returned to Antioch (Josephus, "Ant." xx.6, §§1-2; "B. J." ii.12, §§3-6; Zonaras, vi.15).

George Washington Hosmer

While president of Antioch, he was also non-resident professor of divinity in the Unitarian theological school at Meadville, Pennsylvania.


This area was once part of the antique kingdom of Pisidia, near the river Melas.

Iglesia Ortodoxa de Antioquía San Juan Bautista

Iglesia Ortodoxa de Antioquía San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church of Antioch) is a Greek Orthodox cathedral in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

Isleham Priory Church

The Church of St Margaret of Antioch was given to the Benedictine Abbey of St Jacut-de-la-Mer in Brittany, France around 1100 by Count Alan of Brittany or his successors and the Benedictines founded the alien priory on the site.

Jane Mead

Electronic Poetry Review, The American Poetry Review, The New York Times, The Virginia Quarterly, The Antioch Review, and in anthologies including The Best American Poetry 1990.

Jeanine Corbet

She has been a guest lecturer at several universities including Columbia University, Wesleyan, Earlham, Antioch, and SUNY Buffalo.

John Behr

This first of three volumes primarily consist of the examination of certain theologians: Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons, Hippolytus of Rome and the Roman Debates, Origen and Alexandria, and Paul of Samosata and the Council of Antioch.

John Maron

John Maron was the son of Agathon, the governor of Sarum and Anohamia, grandson of prince Alidipas, who governed Antioch.

Junction, California

Junction, Contra Costa County, California, a former settlement on the East Bay of San Francisco, located adjacent to Antioch

Karol Lanckoroński

In 1885-86 he organised his own exploratory mission to Pamphylia and Pisidia.

Kurds in Syria

In other parts of the country during this period, Kurds became local chiefs and tax farmers in Akkar (Lebanon) and the Qusayr highlands between Antioch and Latakia in northwestern Syria.


Manahen (also Manaen), teacher of the Church of Antioch and the foster brother of Herod Antipas

Melisende of Tripoli

It is likely that Constance, Maria's mother and regent of Antioch, had requested assistance from Manuel in the absence of her husband Raynald of Châtillon, who had been taken captive in Aleppo.

Orientales Ecclesiae

Renz Julian

Formerly known as Playa Renz, the Bay Area native originates from the cities of Oakland, Antioch, and San Jose, California.

Saint Lucius

Saint Lucius of Cyrene, one of the founders of the Christian Church in Antioch of Syria (feast on May 6)

Shapur I

In 242, the Roman emperor Gordian III set out against the Sasanians with “a huge army and great quantity of gold,” (according to a Sasanian rock relief) and wintered in Antioch, while Shapur was busy in subduing Khwarezm and Gilan.


Joseph Tarchaneiotes (died 1074), general who played a dubious role in the Battle of Manzikert, later doux of Antioch


The Syrian tetrapolis of Antioch, Seleucia Pieria, Apamea, and Laodicea

Antioch by itself was also sometimes called Tetrapolis


The Byzantine chronicler Johannes Malalas (ed. Dindorf, p. 273) speaks of him as governor of the first province of Palestine (ἡγεμὼν τοῦ πρώτου Παλαιστίνων ἔθνους), in connection with the sojourn of Hadrian in Antioch (114).

Tom Wessels

In addition to teaching at Antioch, Wessels has traveled on expedition to Iceland with Haraldur Sigurdsson.

Treaty of Devol

As Thomas Asbridge points out, much of what the Emperor granted to Bohemond (including Aleppo itself) was still in Muslim hands (e.g. neither Bohemond nor Alexios controlled Edessa, although at the time Tancred was regent there as well as in Antioch), which contradicts Lilie's assessment that Bohemond did well out of the Treaty.

Warren Bennis

Antioch president Douglas McGregor, considered one of the founders of the modern democratic management philosophy, would take Bennis on as a protégé, a scholarly relationship that would prove fruitful when both later served as professors at the MIT Sloan School of Management.


This writer states that at Antioch, near Daphne, he met with ambassadors from the Indians, who were sent to Augustus Caesar.

see also