
2 unusual facts about Antithesis


At the outset, Jesus made it clear that he greatly respects Old Testament Law in the Torah, and fulfilling the Law was one of his purposes for coming to Earth.

Wisdom of the crowd

They posited that people should be able to make greater improvements on their original estimates by basing the second estimate on antithetical information.

Arnie Ginsburg

This proved a very controversial move, as the staff was opposed to the idea of a former top-40 personality serving as the manager of an album rock station—at that time, FM album rock prided itself on being the antithesis of AM top 40 (Goodman, 1997, 206).

Bitchy Jones's Diary

Both nom de plume and the title of the blog are deliberately adapted from Bridget Jones's Diary, which represents the antithesis of the author's view of female sexuality.

Constantin Brunner

According to Brunner, the authentic philosophy presented by Spinoza has its antithesis in scholasticism which reaches its highest expression in Immanuel Kant.

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus (3 July 1796, Pfaffroda – 22 September 1862, Dresden) was a German philosopher best known for his exegetical work on philosophy, such as his characterisation of Hegel's dialectic as positing a triad of thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

Penseroso Bluff

The feature appeared dark and sombre; hence, the party gave the name from Milton's "Il Penseroso" in antithesis to Allegro Valley 14 miles to the south.

Popular culture studies

If we consider all the views depicted in the present article as instances of both the thesis and the antithesis of an argument, it is a less know scholar, Blanca de Lizaur who manages to finally produce the synthesis.

Thomas North

North's version, with its mannerisms and its constant use of antithesis, set the fashion which was to culminate in John Lyly's Euphues.

Wes Felton

His collaboration with JLaine and TFox under the name Antithesis has so far resulted in two releases on Tasteful Licks.

see also