
unusual facts about Ants'hillvania

Jimmy and Carol Owens

They are best known for the Christian children's album, Ants'hillvania which was nominated for the Grammy Award, Best Album for Children, for the Grammy Awards of 1982.

Adam and the Ants

On 26 January 1980, McLaren convinced the rest of the band – then comprising guitarist Matthew Ashman, bassist Leigh Gorman (who had replaced Warren in November 1979) and drummer Dave Barbe – to leave Adam and the Ants and form Bow Wow Wow, fronted by Annabella Lwin.


Members of the Amblyoponinae (especially Amblypone silvestrii) are called Dracula ants, after Count Dracula, the fictional vampire, referring to their unusual feeding habits; queens and workers practice a form of "non-destructive cannibalism", chewing holes into and feeding on the haemolymph (insect "blood") of the colony's own larvae.

Ants on a log

In The Office episode "The Manager and the Salesman", it is revealed that Michael Scott (Steve Carell) has his receptionist bring him "ants on a log" every day at 2:30 pm.

During the song "Mama", on the album Turtleneck & Chain by The Lonely Island, the mother of one of the singers is heard to say that she made them "ants on a log".

Billy and Bobby Mauch

He created the sound effects for the famous car chase in Bullitt and the giant ants in Them!.


They will follow driver ant swarms to catch prey items fleeing from the ants and they frequently join mixed-species feeding flocks.

Community Builders Group

Suggested reading on the CBG website includes the anti-institutional philosopher, Ivan Illich (The Rivers North of the Future) and the descriptions of self-organizing societies by Jane Jacobs (The Death and Life of Great American Cities) and Deborah Gordon (Ants at Work).

Corydalis nobilis

Both Lamprocampnos and Corydalis are members of the Papaveraceae family, with seeds having an attached elaiosome that makes them attractive to ants, which disperse the seeds.

Crematogaster scutellaris

These ants are natural predators of Thaumetopoea pityocampa, a moth that is a devastating pest of Mediterranean pines (especially Pinus halepensis).


The word "Dabbe" appears in a number of verses of the Koran, although the Surat an-Naml (the Ants) in its Ayat 82 is the only one that refers to a particular event that will occur toward the Apocalypse.

Dilobocondyla bangalorica

The ants build their nest in the Frangipani plant species Plumeria alba and Plumeria rubra.

Dinoponera lucida

Workers range from 27 to 30 mm in body length, which is slightly larger than the related species Dinoponera australis, but smaller than other large ants.

Dischidia major

They carry modified leaves offering accommodation to ants, including those of the family Dolichoderinae, and in return gain some sustenance from increased carbon dioxide and nitrogen levels, and a degree of protection from noxious animals and plants.

Dolichoderus mariae

It was found that the worker ants remove soil from under clumps of wiregrass, other grasses or other fibrous rooted plants such as blackberry (Rubus spp.) or cattails (Typha spp.).


Adults have been recorded attending arboreal nests of Crematogaster ants.

Fabio Corsico

Together with Chicco Testa and Gianni Lo Storto, he's member of the board of "Formiche" (Ants), a printed and online cultural and editorial magazine dealing with politics, economics, geographic, environmental and cultural issues, established in 2004 by Paolo Messa.

Formica rufibarbis

In the 1927 edition of British Ants: their life histories and classification, Donisthorpe gives its distribution as being confined to Ripley, Chobham, Reigate and Weybridge.

Fort Wayne Mad Ants

The winning name of Mad Ants was announced June 18, 2007, chosen as a salute to the city's and fort's namesake, General "Mad" Anthony Wayne.

Gold-digging ant

French ethnologist Michel Peissel claims that the Himalayan marmot on the Deosai Plateau in Gilgit–Baltistan province of Pakistan, may have been what Herodotus called giant "ants".

In Histories (Book 3, passages 102 to 105) Herodotus reports that a species of fox-sized, furry "ants" lives in one of the far eastern, Indian provinces of the Persian Empire.

Idiots of Ants

In 2009 Idiots of Ants performed at the Montreal Just for Laughs Festival and the Edinburgh Festival where their show 'Idiots of Ants: This is War' was nominated for an Eddie (Edinburgh Comedy Awards).

James Dannaldson

The Wild Bunch (1969) (provided ants, scorpions, and vultures)

Liometopum apiculatum

These ants are usually found nesting in dead logs, under stones, or in decaying stalks of Yucca spp.


Macaranga species often form symbioses with ant (Formicidae) species (particularly Crematogaster ants of the subgenus Decacrema) because they have hollow stems that can serve as nesting space and occasionally provide nectar.

Molecular-weight size marker

Like the samples of interest, the marker is also derivitized with a fluorophore (usually with 8-aminonapthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (ANTS) or 2-aminoacridone).


Ants tend a wide variety of insect species, most notably lycaenid butterfly caterpillars and hemipterans.

Myrmica cadusa

Myrmica cadusa differs from similar ants in the genus Myrmica by the external shape of the antennal socket, which is jar shaped.

Myrmica schencki

The Myrmica schencki is parasitized by the Phengaris rebeli larvae, which release chemicals that trick the Myrmica schencki ants into believing that the butterfly larvae are ant larvae and should be brought back to the ant brood.

Niche construction

Lemon Ants (Myrmelachista schumanni): This species of ants employs a specialized method of suppression that regulates the growth of certain trees.


This series also introduced the character of Addem (voiced by Brian Bowles), a snake who discovered the series' concept in the company of an ant named Anne (voiced by Moir Leslie) and a hundred other ants (voiced by Richard Pearce).

Pachycondyla analis

Matabele ants are named after the Matabele tribe of fierce warriors who overwhelmed many other tribes during the 1800s.


The caterpillars feed on Bursaria and sometimes Pittosporum species and co-habit with ants of the genera Anonychomyrma and Notoncus.


Phlebopus tropicus has been shown to form a crust of mycelium around the roots of species of Citrus in Brazil covering colonies of the comstock mealybug Pseudococcus comstocki which attack the roots of these plants after they have been carried there by ants (Solenopsis saevissima var. moelleri); these mycelial crusts are called criptas by Brazilian writers.

Polyergus rufescens

She emits a secretion from the Dufour's gland on her abdomen, named after its discoverer, Léon Jean Marie Dufour, which includes a pheromone which subdues the attacked ants and makes them less aggressive.

Rudy Rucker

Rucker often uses his novels to explore scientific or mathematical ideas; White Light examines the concept of infinity, while the Ware Tetralogy (written from 1982 through 2000) is in part an explanation of the use of natural selection to develop software (a subject also developed in his The Hacker and the Ants, written in 1994).

Sahara Desert ant

While no known land animal can live permanently at a temperature over 50°C, Sahara desert ants can sustain a body temperature well above 50°C with surface temperatures of up to 70°C.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology have also verified that desert microhabitats have unique odour signatures that can guide the ants back to the nest.

The Demigod Files

Instead, they find the Ant Hill, where the dreaded Myrmekes (giant, blood-red ants) are carrying a bronze dragon head.

Thomas C. Jerdon

This position led him to describe many species from the Malabar region including ants such as the distinctive Harpegnathos saltator.

Urera baccifera

Ants performing this activity include species in genera such as Camponotus, Pheidole, Crematogaster, and Pseudomyrmex.

Who's Minding the Store?

The scene in which Fritz Feld feeds Lewis a delicacy of fried ants actually contained genuine fried ants, a fact that Lewis was unaware of until after the scene was over.

Zodarion germanicum

Z. germanicum specifically mimics large dark ants, such as Formica cinerea, F. truncorum, and Camponotus ligniperda.

Zodarion italicum

Both species are generalized mimics of orange-dark brown ants, such as Lasius emarginatus.

see also