
unusual facts about Aquatic plant


The parasite infects an amphibic snail (Segmentina nitidella, Segmentina hemisphaerula, Hippeutis schmackerie, Gyraulus, Lymnaea, Pila, Planorbis (Indoplanorbis)) after being released by infected feces; from this intermediate host, metacercaria infest on aquatic plants like water spinach, which are eaten raw by pigs and humans.

Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

The Bhogdoi River creates a waterlogged region dominated by semi-hydrophytic plants along the border of the sanctuary, helping to create three distinct habitat zones or micro-ecosystems in the park: the up-slope zone, the down-slope zone, and the flood-prone zone.


In the mid 1980s, isolated occurrences of Rigid Hornwort had established in the lake, and, by the mid 1990s, abundant quantities of other aquatic plants such as Ivy Duckweed and the liverwort Riccia Fluitans, were reported along open edges of the lake.

Moulting Lagoon Important Bird Area

Apsley Marshes contain areas of woody vegetation dominated by paperbarks, some saltmarsh, large areas of Common Reed and freshwater aquatic herbland.

Pygmy gourami

It is important to avoid any strong currents in the aquarium and need plenty of hiding places; a heavily planted tank with subdued lighting would be ideal.

see also

Bridle shiner

The densely growing Eurasian watermilfoil aquatic plant hinders spawning areas for the minnow and may contribute to its decline.

H. dubia

Heteranthera dubia, the water stargrass and grassleaf mudplantain, an aquatic plant species

H. vulgaris

Hippuris vulgaris, the common mare's tail, a common aquatic plant species found in Eurasia

Hippuris vulgaris

The common mare's tail, Hippuris vulgaris (from Greek: ἵππος — horse and οὐρά — tail), is a common aquatic plant of Eurasia and North America ranging from Greenland to the Tibetan Plateau to Arizona.

Isoetes eludens

Isoetes eludens is an aquatic plant in the genus commonly known as quillwort that is native to the Kamiesberg Mountains in Namaqualand, South Africa.

L. minuta

Lemna minuta, the least duckweed, an aquatic plant species native to parts of the Americas

Oxygen weed

Egeria densa, a species of aquatic plant native to South America

Lagarosiphon major, a species of aquatic plant native to Southern Africa

P. alpinus

Potamogeton alpinus, the alpine pondweed or red pondweed, an aquatic plant species native to much of the Northern Hemisphere

V. gigantea

Vallisneria gigantea, the eelgrass, an aquatic plant species in the genus Vallisneria