
unusual facts about Ashur-nasir-pal II

1998 Sudan Air Force crash

The 1998 Sudan Air Force crash was the crash of a Sudan Air Force transport plane at Nasir that killed several of the country's most senior government leaders, including the Vice President Zubair Mohamed Salih.

2009 Sobat River ambush

The convoy was stopped about ten or twenty miles downstream of Nasir by a force of Jikany Nuer tribesmen.


Besides his occasional conquests, he consistently held Iraq from Tikrit to the Gulf without interruption.

An-Nasir Muhammad

When al-Mutawakkil al-Qasim died in 1727, an-Nasir Muhammad once again claimed the imamate from his base in Zafar, north-west of San'a.

An-Nasir Muhammad bin Abdallah

After the death of a-Mansur in Kawkaban, Izz ad-Din Muhammad was proclaimed as imam under the name an-Nasir Muhammad.

Ashur-nirari V

In his fourth and fifth regnal years, however, he campaigned to Namri (Namar).

Ashur-resh-ishi I

His own brick inscriptions from the same city identify him as builder of the temple of the gods Adad and An, Ištar of Assyria and Aššur.


Temples were still being dedicated to Ashur, Shamash, Ishtar, Sin, Hadad and Ninurta in Assur, Arbela and Harran among other places, during the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, and traces would survive into the 10th century in remote parts of Assyria.

Burhanuddin Gharib

When the sovereign Nasir ud din Nasir Khan Faruki of Faruki dynasty of Kandesh captured Asirgarh in 1399 AD, the town of Burhanpur on the bank of Tapti was founded in the honor of Burhanuddin.

Cyrus I

This was effectively the end of the Neo-Assyrian Empire though remnants of the Assyrian Army under Ashur-uballit II (612–609 BC) continued to resist from Harran.

Hajji Washington

Hajji Hossein-Gholi Noori is sent to the United States, then under the presidency of Grover Cleveland, to open up the first embassy for Iran by Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar.

Hum Kisise Kum Nahi

Hum Kisise Kum Naheen; 1977 film produced and directed by Nasir Hussain and starring Rishi Kapoor

Jalsa Salana

Afterwards, the community bought a site "Nasir Bagh" in Groß-Gerau and held their Convention since 1985.

James Wani Igga

Igga was one of the SPLA's most senior representatives during negotiations with SPLA-Nasir.


Necho then joined forces with the Assyrian Ashur-uballit II and together they crossed the Euphrates and lay siege to Harran.

Khan Bahadur Ghulam Nabi Kazi

His several grand children include Tariq Kazi, Farooq Kazi, Mutawakkil Kazi, Rabia Kazi Junejo, Rafiq Kazi, Khalid Kazi, Safia Kazi, Nilofer Kazi Qureshi, Shahnaz Kazi, Nasir Kazi, Safdar Kazi, Salma Kazi Bozdar, Sohail Kazi, Mansoor Kazi, Asma Kazi and Ghulam Nabi Kazi.

Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya

October 1986 the third European Ijtema was celebrated on the „Nasir Bagh“-Campus in Groß-Gerau (Germany).

Leonard Black

He first studied with Francis Wayland, president of Brown University, and became an active member and student of religion at the Meetinghouse Street Church, organized as a Baptist Church and at that time led by Rev. Jeremiah Ashur, then the African Union Meeting and Schoolhouse.


Most notably, Ashur-nasir-pal II had to suppress a revolt among the Lullubian / Zamuan chiefs in 881 BC, during which they constructed a wall in the Bazian pass (between modern Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyah) in a failed attempt to keep the Assyrians out.


His Assyrian contemporaries were probably Salmānu-ašarēdu IV (783 - 773 BC) and/or Ashur-dan III (773 - 755 BC) and the latter one is known to have campaigned in northern Babylonia on three occasions: 771 BC (against Gannanāti), 770 BC (against Marad) and 767 BC (against Gannanāti again).

Mian Shakirullah Jan

A seven member panel of Supreme Court of Pakistan, headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and consisting of Justice Rana Bhagwandas, Justice Javed Iqbal, Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan, Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk, Justice Raja Muhammad Fayyaz Ahmad, and Justice Ghulam Rabbani, issued an order that declared the declaration of emergency as illegal and prohibited all judges to take oath on any PCO.

Muhammad al-Badr

Meanwhile Sayf al-Islam Ahmad had managed to get away from Taizz and made for Hajjah, where he gathered the tribes around him, proclaimed himself Imam with the title of al-Nasir and within a month of the assassination had easily regained control of Sana'a and executed the principal perpetrators of the rebellion.

Muhammad al-Nasir

Because of his father's victories against the Christians in the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus), he was temporarily relieved from serious threats on that front and able to concentrate on combating and defeating Banu Ghaniya attempts to seize Ifriqiya (Tunisia).

Muhammad Mushtaq Ali Khan

1887-1889: His Highness 'Ali Jah, Farzand-i-Dilpazir-i-Daulat-i- Inglishia, Mukhlis ud-Daula, Nasir ul-Mulk, Amir ul-Umara, Nawab Muhammad Mushtaq 'Ali Khan Bahadur, Mustaid Jang, Nawab of Rampur, KIH

Muhammad Shah

On 29 September 1719, Prince Roshan Akhtar was given the title Abu Al-Fatah Nasir-ud-Din Roshan Akhtar Muhammad Shah and enthroned in the Red Fort.


Famous guests who stayed at Muliaa’ge include Queen Elizabeth II during Nasir’s presidency and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India under president Maumoon.


He was contemporary with the Assyrian kings Aššur-nirarī V (755–745 BC) and Tiglath-Pileser III, the latter under whom he may have become a vassal, and the Elamite kings Humban-Tahrah I (–743 BC) and Humban-Nikaš I (742–717 BC).


Although Aššur-nāṣir-apli claimed to have conquered the border fortresses Hirimmu and Harutu in his own inscriptions, this may be a restatement of his father, Tukulti-Ninurta II’s campaigns.

Later in his reign Nabu-apla-iddina agreed to a treaty with Aššur-nāṣir-apli II’s successor Šulmānu-ašarēdu III.

Nasir Baig Chughtai

Nasir Baig Chughtai said that if Sonia Gandhi becomes the prime minister, India would move four steps forward for nurturing and strengthening the friendship with Pakistan.

Nasir Chinyoti

Nasir Chinyoti has acted with a number of other comedy actors including Babu Baral, Sohail Ahmad, Iftikhar Thakur, Anwar Ali, Tariq Teddy, and Sakhawat Naz.

Nasir Imanguliyev

In 1942, during the World War II, Nasir Imanguliyev was sent to the Crimean Front as a young worker and worked as an executive secretary of “Vuruşan Krım” (Fighting Crimea) newspaper and as a translator in a military unit.

Noor Mosque

Before the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1985 bought the „Nasir Bagh“ in Groß-Gerau, the annual gathering Jalsa Salana in Germay was celebrated in this mosque.


When that regime collapsed in May 1991, the SPLA began moving hundreds of thousands of refugees back to Sudan, many of them temporarily settled at Nasir, Pochalla, and Pakok (the new name for Khor Shum).

Phoenicia under Assyrian rule

Shalmaneser was the son of Ashurnasirpal II and like his father, expended much of his energies into fighting and expanding in the name of Ashur.

Pyar Ka Mausam

The song is a key part of the movie like the key songs in later movies of Nasir Hussain (Yaadon Ki Baraat and Hum Kisise Kum Naheen).

Sayed Zahid Hussain

A seven member panel of Supreme Court of Pakistan, headed by Chief Justice Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and consisting of Justice Rana Bhagwandas, Justice Javed Iqbal, Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan, Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk, Justice Raja Muhammad Fayyaz Ahmad, and Justice Ghulam Rabbani, issued an order that declared the declaration of emergency as illegal and prohibited all judges to take oath on any PCO.


SPLA-Nasir and SPLA-United, a Sudanese breakaway faction formed in 1991


Other commanders with whom he initially spoke suggested that he bring in Riek Machar, a well-liked senior commander whose base in Nasir gave him easy access across the Ethiopian border to Gambela and the SPLA rear bases where Lam and Riek could gain political support.

Sufi saints of Aurangabad

Shah Nasir ud din or Shah Nasir Alla Kadar was instructed by Said ud din of Delhi to accompany Burhan ud din to the Dakhan on a religious mission.

Shah Nasir erected the earliest mosque in Jalna on the site " tekri" or mound not far from the "ashaba", .

Malik raja the founder of the Faruki dynasty of Kandesh became one of Zainu-d din's disciples, and when the next sovereign Nasir ud din Nasir Khan Faruki captured Asirgarh in A.D. 1399, Zainu-d din went expressly from Daulatabad to Asirgarh, to tender his congratulations.


Tankiz was appointed Viceroy of Syria (Na'ib al-Saltana al-Sham) by al-Nasir Muhammad, the Mamluk sultan of Cairo, in 1312.

Tell Leilan

The Babylonians were defeated driven out of Assyria by the Assyrian king Adasi, however Shubat-Enlil was never reoccupied and the Assyrian capital was transferred to its traditional home in Ashur.

Tiglath-Pileser I

The general view is that the restoration of the temple of the gods Ashur and Hadad at Assyrian capital of Assur was one of his initiatives.

We Are Robin Hood!

The Sheriff and Gisborne meet their Saracen allies: a mercenary thug, Karim, and a twisted schemer, Nasir, who is to masquerade as Saladin’s messenger and convince King Richard that Saladin wants peace.

see also