
unusual facts about Aufbau-Verlag

A. M. Mathai

#(With H.J. Haubold), Modern Problems in Nuclear and Neutrino Astrophysics, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.

Abel Carlevaro

These pedagogical works, his compositions and his transcriptions are edited by Boosey and Hawkes of New York, Chanterelle Verlag of Heidelberg, Barry Editorial of Buenos Aires and Henry Lemoine of Paris.

Alois Hanslian

Engel-Tarot, Alois Hanslian, Aquamarin-Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-922936-61-X


Walter W. Müller (Hrsg.) / Hermann von Wissmann: Die Geschichte von Sabaʾ II. Das Grossreich der Sabäer bis zu seinem Ende im frühen 4. Jh. v. Chr. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, Band 402) Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1982 ISBN 3-7001-0516-9

Belgrade Book Fair

So far, the Prize winners were the Austrian publisher Wieser Verlag from Klagenfurt (2007), French publisher Gaia Editions from Bordeaux (2008), Hungarian publisher Jelenkor from Pécs (2009), Italian publisher Zandonai from Rovereto (2010), Bulgarian publisher Siela from Sofia (2011) and Slovak publisher Kaligram from Bratislava (2012).

Bonnier Group

In Germany, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes Ullstein Buchverlage, Piper Verlag, Thienemann Verlag and Carlsen Verlag, among others.

Breites Wasser

Biologische Station Osterholz, Verlag M.Simmering Lilienthal

CD Austria

CD Austria is an Austrian computer magazine published monthly by CDA Verlag, Perg being owned by Harald Gutzelnig since 1995.

Der Tagesspiegel

It is owned by Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH, a member of the Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, and associated with the Wall Street Journal.

Derrick de Kerckhove

He also co-edited with Charles Lumsden The Alphabet and the Brain (Springer Verlag, 1988), a book which scientifically assesses the impact of the Western alphabet on the physiology and the psychology of human cognition.

Die Weltwoche

In 1987, Jean Frey Verlag was bought up by notorious entrepreneur and fraudster Werner Rey.

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott, The Net Generation Takes The Lead; in: Willms Buhse/Ulrike Reinhard: Wenn Anzugträger auf Kapuzenpullis treffen (When Suits meet Hoodies), whois-Verlag 2009.

Equiangular lines

Brouwer, A.E., Cohen, A.M., and Neumaier, A. Distance-Regular Graphs. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989.

Fisher information metric

Shun'ichi Amari (1985) Differential-geometrical methods in statistics, Lecture notes in statistics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Franz Stofel

Jens Christian Wagner: Außenlager Kleinbodungen, in: Wolfgang Benz, Barbara Distel (Hrsg.): Der Ort des Terrors – Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager, Band 7, Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2008, ISBN 978-3-406-52967-2.

Geist und Leben

It has been published under the title Geist und Leben since 1947 (vol. 20) at the publishing house Echter Verlag in Würzburg, Germany.

Heinz Gappmayr

mit Siegfried S. Schmidt, Franzobel: Josef Linschinger. Zyklen / Cycles. Kunstuniversität Linz, Ritter Verlag, Klagenfurt 2003, ISBN 3-85415-247-7.

Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus

An English edition Mathematical logic (ISBN 0387942580) was published in the Springer-Verlag Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics series in 1984.

Helmut Röhrl

as annotator and editor: Adolf Hurwitz, Richard Courant Lehrbuch der Funktionentheorie, Springer Verlag, 4th edn.

Hrag Vartanian

"Schwierige Wahrheiten: Die Schriftstellerin Nancy Kricorian (The Will to Resist: A Portrait of Nancy Kricorian)," in Porträt einer Hoffnung Die Armenier edited by Huberta von Voss (Verlag Hans Schiller, 2004).

Jennie Erdal

Originally brought out by Canongate Books, it was published by Doubleday in Canada and the US, by Cossee in Holland and by Aufbau in Germany.

John Hagel III

John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, How World Of Warcraft Promotes Innovation; in: Willms Buhse/Ulrike Reinhard: Wenn Anzugträger auf Kapuzenpullis treffen (When Suits meet Hoodies), whois-Verlag 2009.

John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown, John Hagel III, How World Of Warcraft Promotes Innovation; in: Willms Buhse/Ulrike Reinhard: Wenn Anzugträger auf Kapuzenpullis treffen (When Suits meet Hoodies), whois-Verlag 2009.

Leo Löwenthal

Reflexionsstufen kritisch-materialistischer Medientheorien am Beispiel von Leo Löwenthal und Raymond Williams, Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag 1996

Magnetic complex impedance

Küpfmüller K. Einführung in die theoretische Elektrotechnik, Springer-Verlag, 1959.

Max Otte

Adam Ferguson: Das Ende des Geldes - Hyperinflation und ihre Folgen am Beispiel der Weimarer Republik. FinanzBuch-Verlag, München 2011, ISBN 978-3-89879-627-9

Charles P. Kindleberger: Die Weltwirtschaftskrise. 1929–1939. FinanzBuch-Verlag, München 2010, ISBN 978-3-89879-614-9

Michael Struwe

His publications include the book Variational methods (Applications to nonlinear PDE and Hamiltonian systems) (Springer-Verlag, 1990), which was praised by Jürgen Jost as "very useful" with an "impressive range of often difficult examples".

Mike, der Taschengeldexperte

The comic was last produced by the advertising agency genokom from Münster in Westphalia, which also publishes the sequel comic Primax together with the DG VERLAG.

Monge–Ampère equation

Gilbarg, D. and Trudinger, N. S. Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1983.

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

Professors, scientific officers and students of this institute publish many of papers in journals of international repute from publishers like IEEE, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, Taylor & Francis etc.

Neue Bach-Ausgabe

The publishers were Bärenreiter in Kassel, chosen in 1951 by the Federal Government, and from 1954 the Deutscher Verlag für Musik, a new publisher in Leipzig which was involved until the unification of Germany.

Nicole Berline

With Ezra Getzler, Michèle Vergne, heat kernels and Dirac operator, principles of mathematical sciences 298, Springer Verlag 1992, 2004

Numerical continuation

B10 "Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory, volume I", Martin Golubitsky and David G. Schaeffer, Springer-Verlag Applied Mathematical Sciences 51, 1985.

Pragmatic theory of truth

Habermas, Jürgen (1976), "What Is Universal Pragmatics?", 1st published, "Was heißt Universalpragmatik?", Sprachpragmatik und Philosophie, Karl-Otto Apel (ed.), Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.

Pseudo-spectral method

Canuto C., Hussaini M. Y., Quarteroni A., and Zang T.A. (2006) Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg

Regular Hadamard matrix

W. D. Wallis, Anne Penfold Street, and Jennifer Seberry Wallis, Combinatorics: Room Squares, Sum-Free Sets, Hadamard Matrices, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1972.

Richard Oehler

Richard Oehler (27 February 1878, Heckholzhausen, Hesse-Nassau - 13 November 1948) was a German Nietzsche scholar – an early editor of the philosopher's works, and author of Friedrich Nietzsche und die deutsche Zukunft (Leipzig: Armanen-Verlag, 1935), which has been characterized by Walter Kaufmann as "one of the first Nazi books on Nietzsche" (Basic Writings of Nietzsche, New York: The Modern Library, 2000, p. 387, n. 27).

Ring of O

Kathrin Passig and Ira Strübel: Die Wahl der Qual. Rowohlt-Verlag 2004, ISBN 3-499-61692-0 (German)

Sandro Bocola

2001: Timelines - The Art of Modernism - 1870-2000, which was published in an English, a German, a French and a Dutch edition, by Taschen Verlag, Köln


Published by Kindler Verlag (Munich) the same year, the book presented interviews with twelve teenage girls on their sexual lives.

Siegfried Reiprich

Hildigund Neubert: Siegfried Reiprich, in: Veen, Hans-Joachim/Knabe, Hubertus/Neubert, Ehrhart/Wilke, Manfred u.a. (Hrsg.): Lexikon Opposition und Widerstand in der SED-Diktatur, Propyläen Verlag, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-549-07125-6, S. 296.

Ted Honderich

Micha Brumlik, director of a Holocaust centre and Professor of Pedagogy at Frankfurt University, demanded publicly that the book be withdrawn from sale by the publisher, Suhrkamp Verlag.

Xenia Hausner

Damenwahl- Berichte aus dem Labor, mit Beiträgen von André Heller, Elfriede Jelinek und Peter Weiermair, deutsch/englisch, Übersetzung von P. J. Blumenthal und Allison Brown, Wienand Verlag, Köln 2003.

Zvi Arad

Since 1994 he has served on the editorial board of the Algebra Colloquium, a journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published by Springer-Verlag.

see also