
3 unusual facts about BASE jumping

Aizhai Bridge

In September 2012, the Aizhai Bridge was the site of an international BASE jumping festival that included more than 40 jumpers from 13 countries.

Baling River Bridge

30 BASE jumpers from 15 different countries completed in the event.

Thor Alex Kappfjell

Thor Alex Kappfjell was a Norwegian offshore oil worker and BASE jumper.

611 Place

The building has a strange habit of making unusual appearances in popular movies; it appeared twice in 2004, first in The Day After Tomorrow where it mysteriously appeared in shots of Manhattan, and later in Along Came Polly, where it was the starting point of an ill-fated BASE jump.

Dorothy Custer

In June 2013 Custer celebrated her 102nd birthday by BASE jumping off the Perrine Bridge into the Snake River Canyon.

Matthias Giraud

Matthias Giraud is known for combining BASE jumping with skiing and completed several first descents and ski BASE jumps across the globe including the first ski BASE jump off the Matterhorn in Switzerland.

Rick Sylvester

Rick Sylvester (Born April 3, 1942) is a climber and was a Hollywood stuntman, most famous for his BASE jump using skis and a Union Flag parachute from Canada's Mount Asgard for the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me in July 1976.

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