Background extinction rate, also known as ‘normal extinction rate’, refers to the standard rate of extinction in earth’s geological and biological history before humans became a primary contributor to extinctions.
extinction | Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event | background music | Premium-rate telephone number | Extinction | Local extinction | Data rate units | Background music | Resident Evil: Extinction | Rate of return | Permian–Triassic extinction event | Mortality rate | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate | bit rate | Volumetric flow rate | Total fertility rate | sixth-rate | Heart rate | growth rate | E-Rate | Clock rate | Bit rate | Basic Rate Interface | Background of the occupation of the Baltic states | "Until It Beats No More" was used as background music during Lopez's commercial for the Fiat 500 | United States cities by crime rate | Triassic–Jurassic extinction event | This background of a movie poster for the 2011 film ''The Roommate | Third-rate | The Segura River, at its passage by Murcia city. In the background Murcia's oldest bridge (Puente de los Peligros |