The Battle off Noordhinder Bank on 1 May 1915 was a naval action between a squadron of four British naval trawlers supported by a flotilla of four British destroyers, and a pair of German torpedo boats from the Flanders Flotilla.
World Bank | Battle of Waterloo | Bank of America | West Bank | Battle of Britain | Deutsche Bank | Battle of the Somme | Bank of England | Battle of the Bulge | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle Creek, Michigan | African Development Bank | Battle of France | Battle of Trafalgar | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Antietam | Asian Development Bank | battle | Inter-American Development Bank | bank | South Bank | Lloyds Bank | Lloyds Bank (historic) | Battle of Shiloh | Battle of Midway | Battle of Belleau Wood | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Battle of the Alamo | Battle of Leipzig |