
unusual facts about Bild-Zeitung

1829 in birding and ornithology

Johann Georg Wagler writes descriptions of new bird species in Isis, oder Encyclopädische Zeitung published by Lorenz Oken Some are: the Russet-throated Puffbird, the Golden-fronted Woodpecker, the Pinnated Bittern, the Chestnut-coloured Woodpecker, the Brown Jay, the Intermediate Egret and the Ladder-backed Woodpecker


After the fall of the German Democratic Republic, the magazine continued to be issued until 1996 by Verlags-Union Pabel-Moewig of Rastatt.

Published by Volk und Wissen until 1950, and then by Verlag Junge Welt, it was the voice of the Free German Youth, targeting Young Pioneers and primary school pupils of the grades 1 to 3.

Adolf Wilbrandt

After taking the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, he joined the staff of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich.

Alena Gerber

The German and Swiss yellow press newspapers BILD and Blick kept the issue in the media for several months, thereby indirectly contributing to Gerber's increasing popularity.

Ana-Maria Crnogorčević

After a body painting photo shoot with the Bild newspaper, Crnogorčević was proclaimed the most attractive footballer in Germany.

Arno Brandner

Krauss' departure was also covered by the tabloid magazine Bild, saying that the role of Arno Brandner was the heart and soul of the show.

Basellandschaftliche Zeitung

Basellandschaftliche Zeitung (English: Basellandschaftliche Newspaper), or bz, is a Swiss German-language daily newspaper, published by Luedin in Liestal, Basel-Landschaft.

Bernhard Wolff

He was editor of the Vossische Zeitung, founder of the National Zeitung (1848-1938), and founder of Wolffs Telegraphisches Bureau (1849-1934), one of the first press agencies in Europe and one of the three great European telegraph monopolies until the World War II-era, the other two being the English Reuters and the French Havas.


Biffen och Bananen (the Beef and the Banana), a comic strip by Rit-Ola, originally published in Folket i Bild, 1936–1978

Carl-Eduard von Bismarck

In 2007, he was called "Germany's laziest member of Parliament" by the Tabloid Bild, because he attended only 14 of 27 parliamentary sessions since the 2005 elections and voted only twice.

Carlo Peroni

Born in Senigallia, Ancona, Peroni started his career in 1948 collaborating with the children magazine Il Giornalino, then he worked for a number of Italian and European magazines and newspapers, such as Corriere dei Piccoli, Guerin Sportivo, Bild-Zeitung.

Carry Hauser

Illustrations for Else Feldmann's serialised novel Der Leib der Mutter in the Arbeiter-Zeitung, Vienna 1924.

Clara Thalmann

In 1932 Clara Thalmann became editor of Arbeiter-Zeitung in Schaffhausen, working closely with Trotskyists and Left-Communists.

Deutscher Fachverlag

dfv is a majority shareholder of IZ Immobilien Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH in Wiesbaden, The Business Target Group GmbH based in Scheeßel near Hamburg and The Conference Group GmbH based at the head office in Frankfurt.

Dictatorship of the proletariat

On 1 January 1852, the communist journalist Joseph Weydemeyer published an article entitled "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" in the German language newspaper Turn-Zeitung, where he wrote that "it is quite plain that there cannot be here any question of gradual, peaceful transitions", and recalled the examples of Oliver Cromwell (England) and Committee of Public Safety (France) as examples of "dictatorship" and "terrorism" (respectively) required to overthrow bourgeoisie.

Ferdinand Pfohl

Pfohl studied law at Prague, then in Leipzig he studied music as private pupil of Oscar Paul and attended courses in philosophy at the university, worked as music critic at Leipziger Tageblatt and Königlich-Leipziger Zeitung; from November 1892 to 1931 he was music editor of Hamburger Nachrichten, since 1913 to 1934 teacher and co-director of Vogt Conservatory in Hamburg (Thompson - Slonimsky - Sabin, p. 1619).

Franziska von Reitzenstein

Gozzi’s Rache ("Revenge of Gozzi", novella), published in the evening paper of the Bayerische Zeitung, 1865

Friedrich Specht

He provided illustrations of animals and landscapes for a large number of zoology and veterinary science publications, notably for the first edition of Brehms Tierleben (1864–69) conceived by Alfred Edmund Brehm, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890—1907), Karl Christoph Vogt's Die Säugetiere in Wort und Bild (1883–89) and Richard Lydekker's Royal Natural History (1894–96).

Gerhard Tremmel

German mass tabloid Bild hailed Tremmel's "career highlight" at the "legendary" Wembley Stadium and a just reward for 15 years of hard work and professionalism in the game.

German presidential election, 2012

On 4 January 2012, Wulff said in an interview that he wanted to stay in office and that the call to Bild editor Kai Diekmann had been a "serious mistake" that was "unworthy" of a president and for which he had already apologized.

Heinrich Suter

Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, ZDMG – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, SE – Sitzungsberichte der phys.-med. Sozietät Erlangen, OLZ – Orientalistische Literatur-Zeitung.

Herman Ridder

He died insolvent, having lost his means with the failure of the International Typesetting Machine Company at the start of World War I. Friends and supporters of Ridder assumed the debts of his publishing enterprise, and the Staats-Zeitung continued under the joint management of his sons, Bernard H. Ridder and Victor F. Ridder.

Ilke Wyludda

In early January 2011 Wyludda revealed in Bild that she had to have her right leg amputated because of Sepsis.

International Center of Photography

Another component of the collection is a significant group of photographically illustrated magazines, particularly those published between World War I and II, such as Vu, Regards, Picture Post, Lilliput, Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung, and Life.

Jakob Augstein

Also since early 2011, he is the counterpart of Nikolaus Blome, a journalist for BILD newspaper, in a weekly debate on controversial issues of German politics, on German public television channel PHOENIX ("Augstein und Blome").

Jan Zach

The last mentions of Zach in contemporary sources indicate that in January 1773 he was at the Wallerstein court, and according to the Frankfurt Kayserliche Reichs-Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung of 5 June 1773 he died on a journey, at Ellwangen.

Johann Baptist Weiss

In 1850 he became editor of the Freiburger Zeitung; in 1852 he became involved in a quarrel with the Government of Baden and, on this account, accepted a call as professor of Austrian history from the University of Graz, where he remained during the years 1853-91.

Josef Dvorak

For several years, Dvorak worked as a journalist for the Viennese newspapers Kurier and Arbeiter-Zeitung.

Lena Nitro

In 2010 she was announced as new rising star at Germany by Bild, Coupé, Happy Weekend and tripple.net.

Leo Kirch

In 1985 he purchased a stake in the leading tabloid Bild after the death of former owner Axel Springer.

Martin Peter Friedrich Basedow

He is identified with the Zeitung, a German newspaper published in South Australia, and represented Barossa in the South Australian House of Assembly from 20 May 1876 to 22 April 1890 when he was not reelected.

May Uprising in Dresden

Before the events of May 1849, Dresden was already known as a cultural centre for liberals and democrats; the anarchist Dresdner Zeitung newspaper was partly edited by the music director August Röckel and contained articles by Mikhail Bakunin, who came to Dresden in March 1849.

Mike Leon Grosch

In early March 2007 Grosch admitted to Bild, the biggest German daily tabloid, that SonyBMG would not continue their existing record contract with him and thus was being dropped.

Moses Mielziner

In 1857 he was called as principal of the religious school to Copenhagen, where he remained until 1865, when he was called to the rabbinate of the Congregation Anshe Chesed in New York ("New Yorker Staats-Zeitung," 1865, No. 215).

Ostthüringer Zeitung

The Ostthüringer Zeitung (OTZ) is a German newspaper with its head office in Löbichau.

Otto Wilhelm Thomé

Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1840–1925) was a German botanist and botanical artist from Cologne best known for his compendium of botanical illustrations Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild für Schule und Haus (Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Word and Picture for School and Home) first of 4 volumes with a total of 572 botanical illustrations, published in 1885 in Gera, Germany.

Paul Mattick

In 1931, he tried to revive the Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung, a newspaper steeped in tradition and at one time edited by August Spies and Joseph Dietzgen, but without success.

Petrus Schaesberg

Schaesberg’s book, Das Aufgehobene Bild, discussed collage as a mode of painting — from Pablo Picasso to Richard Prince.

Robert Lembke

Together with Hans Habe, Erich Kästner and Stefan Heym Lembke started German newspaper Neue Zeitung in Munich.

Robin Leproux

In 2006, he was recruited to head the French site of Axel Springer AG and was tasked with creating an English version of the German magazine Bild.


On December 7, 2006 the German business journal Handelsblatt as well as the Würzburger Zeitung reported that an investor from outside of Germany wants to buy TeGenero but wants to stay anonymous because of the recent negative press for TeGenero, the investor wants to keep all ten remaining employees.

Victor F. Ridder

Victor and his brothers Bernard H. Ridder and Joseph E. Ridder were the owners and publishers of the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, the premier daily newspaper of German-speaking residents of the New York City area, which they had inherited from their father Herman Ridder.

Warrior and Peter One

They have released the single "Danke Frau Merkel," a political dissent of present Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as "Tokio Hotel diss," attacking the band "Tokio Hotel," which was highlighted in the April 23, 2008 issue of the German newspaper Bild.

see also