
unusual facts about Brain Drain

Brain drain

Future British Field Marshal John Ligonier, born Jean Louis Ligonier, was a child when his family fled France for England.


In Babyji, Dawesar paints a Delhi of crime, rape, dirt, blackouts, backwardness, residual colonialism, domestic violence, and arranged marriages, a city where promising young people often see their only option as going to the United States, thus contributing to the brain drain and setting in motion a vicious circle.

Timothy Brinton

Sometimes cited as a British parallel to Orson Welles's radio production of The War of the Worlds, Alternative 3 purported to be an investigation into Britain's contemporary "brain drain." Alternative 3 was supposedly a plan to relocate a cross section of Earth's scientific and philosophical population to Mars in the event of climate change or some other planetary catastrophe.

see also

The Brain Drain

The Brain Drain was a BBC comedy panel show that ran for 2 seasons in the early 1990s.