It has diverse and well-developed vegetation, numerous lakes and freshwater pools which support the restricted-range insects Parochlus steinenii and Belgica antarctica, and well-preserved sub-fossil whale bones in raised beaches.
Iberian Peninsula | Wirral Peninsula | Cape York Peninsula | Mornington Peninsula | Peninsula Campaign | Malay Peninsula | Arabian Peninsula | peninsula | Korean Peninsula | Niagara Peninsula | Varna Peninsula | Antarctic Peninsula | Olympic Peninsula | Virginia Peninsula | Kamchatka Peninsula | Kenai Peninsula | Chukchi Peninsula | Sinai Peninsula | Kola Peninsula | Iberian peninsula | Gaspé Peninsula | Eyre Peninsula | Banks Peninsula | Baja California peninsula | Hel Peninsula | Delmarva Peninsula | Yucatán Peninsula | Liaodong Peninsula | Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers | Cotentin Peninsula |
Àlex Simón was a team leader for the mountain guides at the Spanish Antarctic base of Juan Carlos I in 2001–06, carrying out extensive field work on Hurd Peninsula, Huron Glacier area, Byers Peninsula, and Ioannes Paulus II Peninsula on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands.
Dulo Hill on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named after the Bulgarian ruling dynasty of Dulo.