
unusual facts about COMP


The "game board" is actually a very simple Digi-Comp digital computer with memory switches (the three-lobed levers) that 'remember' what was done & their starting position is the program that plays Nim.

Administrative services organization

:Payroll services include- W-2 processing, tax filing services, direct deposit, wage garnishment, new hire reporting, standard & custom reports, HRIS, expense reporting, employee time & attendance, paycards, pay as you go workers comp, 401(k) administration, & unemployment Cost Control.


Comp Air 12, a civil utility aircraft manufactured by Comp Air Inc. in the USA

Four Deadly Questions

In the late 1990s, Recess Records put out a benefit CD (entitled 'Workers Comp') for Dawn (previous Four Deadly Questions singer) after she was assaulted in NYC one night and stabbed in the eye for all her money.

Jack Beckman

His dragster, known as "The Blackbird" was built by California Chassis Engineering and was the same dragster Beckman drove to a Lucas Oil World Championship in the Super Comp class in 2003.

Jean-Antoine Gleizes

Jon Wynne-Tyson (comp.), The Extended Circle: A Dictionary of Humane Thought, Centaur Press, London, 2009, pp.

Joshua ben Gamla

He married the rich widow Martha of the high-priestly family Boethos (Yeb. vi. 4), and she by bribing Jannai secured for him the office of high priest (Yeb. 61a; Yoma 18a; comp. "Ant." xx. 9, § 4).

Joshua ben Hananiah

After Gamaliel's death (comp. Mo'ed Katan 27a; Yer. M. K. 83a), the first place among the scholars fell to Joshua, since Eliezer b. Hyrcanus was under a ban.

Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon

The Judean sources, the Yerushalmi and the haggadic midrashim, introduce baraitot from this Mekilta with the phrase, "Teni R. Shim'on" = "R. Simeon has taught" (comp. Friedmann, introduction to his edition of the Mekilta, pp. 55 et seq.; Hoffmann, l.c. p. 48).


Consequently there are among the Karaites many learned men who are called by the title "ha-melammed ha-gadol" (the great master), or merely "ha-melammed" (the master; comp. Pinsker, "Liḳḳute Ḳadmoniyyot", Index; Gottlober, "Biḳḳoret le-Toledot ha-Ḳara'im", pp. 195, 207, Wilna, 1865).

Midrash Maaseh Torah

The "Ḥuppat Eliyahu" was edited as far as No. 16 by R. Israel Alnaqua at the end of his Menorat ha-Ma'or; and this portion of the compilation, together with other extracts from this work, was appended by Elijah de Vidas to his Reshit Chochmah (comp. S. Schechter, Monatsschrift, 1885, pp. 124 et seq., 234).

Midrash Tehillim

Many words, also, are explained according to the numerical value of the letters (Gemaṭria) or by analysis of their component parts (Noṭariḳon) as well as by the substitution of other vowels ("al-tiḳri"; comp. the collation of all these passages in Buber, l.c. p. 10a, b).

Multi-user MIMO

SDMA: Enabling MU-MIMO, network MIMO (CoMP), and remote radio equipments

Philip S. Cifarelli

Philip S. Cifarelli, M.D., J.D. (July 18, 1935 – April 2, 2008) was an American physician and attorney in Orange County, California who established a legal medicine bioethics educational program at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, formerly COMP.


2008 Blixa Bargeld Commissioned Music (CD, Comp, RE, RM, Dig)

Start at the Top

Included are Skin Yard's Sub Pop single, their "Stranger" single (on Toxic Shock Records), "Machine Gun Etiquette" from The Damned covers comp.

Václav Chvátal

he studied a weighted version of the set cover problem, and proved that a greedy algorithm provides good approximations to the optimal solution, generalizing previous unweighted results by David S. Johnson (J. Comp. Sys. Sci. 1974) and László Lovász (Discrete Math. 1975).

see also