
unusual facts about Canopus-class battleship

Brown powder

Some Royal Navy ships like the Royal Sovereign-class battleships were commissioned with the already obsolete SBC-based guns, but the subsequent Majestic and Canopus-class battleships were the first to adopt Cordite Mk I.

130 mm/55 B7 Pattern 1913

The first charge of guns was used to equipped the cruiser Svetlana and the Imperatritsa Mariya-class battleships of the Black Sea Fleet.

6 inch 35 caliber naval gun 1877

The 6 inch 35 caliber gun formed the standard secondary battery of Imperial Russian Navy pre-dreadnought battleships from mid-1880s to mid-1890s and was used on Ekaterina II and Imperator Aleksandr II-class battleships along with Gangut, Dvenadsat Apostolov and Navarin battleships.

Admiral-class battleship

They were known as the Admiral-class because they were all named after British admirals, such as Admiral George Anson.

Agano-class cruiser

As completed, the main armament was the same type of 152 mm (6 inch) gun as used on the Kongō-class battlecruisers, some of these weapons having been removed from the Fusō and Kongō classes during their modernizations in the early and late 1930s, respectively.

Arsenal ship

Some concept artwork of the Arsenal Ship was produced, some images bearing the number "72," possibly hinting at an intent to classify the arsenal ships as a battleship, since the last battleship ordered (but never built) was USS Louisiana (BB-71).

Augustin Boué de Lapeyrère

He reorganized the service and constructed many ships, in particular the Courbet-class dreadnoughts.

Bayern-class battleship

Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz used public outcry over the British involvement in the Agadir Crisis of 1911 to pressure the Reichstag into appropriating additional funds for the Navy.

Beta Pictoris

Beta Pictoris is a star in the southern constellation of Pictor, the Easel, and is located to the west of the bright star Canopus.

BL 9.2 inch Mk XI naval gun

Lord Nelson-class battleships laid down 1905 & completed 1908 : 4 twin mounts and 2 single mounts.

Braunschweig-class battleship

Braunschweig was laid down at the Germaniawerft shipyard in Kiel in 1901, was launched on 20 December 1902, and commissioned into the fleet on 15 October 1904.

Canon de 138 mm Modèle 1910 naval gun

It was carried by the dreadnoughts of the Courbet and Bretagne classes as their secondary armament and planned for use in the Normandie-class battleships.

Canon de 305 mm Modèle 1893/96 gun

It equipped the Charlemagne, République and Liberté-class battleships as well as the unique battleships Iéna and Suffren.

Canopus, Egypt

In Ptolemy III Euergetes' ninth regnal year (239 BC), a great assembly of priests at Canopus passed an honorific decree (the "Decree of Canopus") that, inter alia, conferred various new titles on the king and his consort, Berenice.

Charlemagne-class battleship

Saint Louis became the flagship of the squadron almost as soon as she reached Toulon and all three participated in a number of port visits and naval reviews.

Cyrus and John

During the persecution of Diocletian three holy virgins, Theoctista (Theopista), fifteen years old, Theodota (Theodora), thirteen years old, and Theodossia (Theodoxia), eleven years old, together with their mother Athanasia, were arrested at Canopus and brought to Alexandria.

At the time of St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria (412-444), there existed at Menuthis (Menouthes or Menouthis) near Canopus and present-day Abu Qir, a pagan temple reputed for its oracles and cures which attracted even some simple Christians of the vicinity.

Doug Parkinson

Led by Rory Thomas (piano, organ, woodwind and brass) the group held a residency at the Canopus Room, colloqually known as "The Can", at The Manly Pacific Hotel in Manly, a seaside suburb of Sydney, Australia.

Erzherzog Karl-class battleship

The Erzherzog Karl-class, like the Habsburg-class before them and the Radetzky-class after them were named after archdukes of the Austro-Hungarian Royal Family, specifically Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, Maximilian I of Mexico and Archduke Friedrich, Duke of Teschen.

España-class battleship

Following disastrous losses in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain lacked the money to rebuild its navy, so it was not until the Navy Law of 7 January 1908 that a new program authorizing three new battleships—España, Alfonso XIII, and Jaime I—along with other ships, was passed.

Francesco Caracciolo-class battleship

Marcantonio Colonna was laid down on 3 March 1915 at the Odero Shipyard in Sestri Ponente.


The Mark IX gun was taken from spares held for the Formidable-class battleships.

Imperatritsa Mariya-class battleship

The Germans captured four of these 12-inch and some 130 mm guns in transit in Narvik harbor when they invaded Norway in April 1940.

Ise-class battleship

Hyūga, for example, mounted a complement of 14 Yokosuka D4Y dive-bombers and 8 Aichi E16A seaplanes.

King Edward VII-class battleship

On 6 January 1916 she struck a mine off Cape Wrath; her engine rooms flooded and she capsized nine hours later and sank without loss of life.

König-class battleship

In his effort to force the Reichstag to pass the bill, Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz threatened to resign from his post as the State Secretary for the Navy.

Lake Canopus

It was named by the Eighth Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition, 1963–64, after Canopus, pilot of Menelaus, the king of Sparta.

Lyon-class battleship

The first two were named for cities in France, while the rest honored French admirals Abraham Duquesne and Anne Hilarion de Tourville.

Manning Kimmel

On July 3, 1944, Robalo received an Ultra communiqué, and attempted to intercept a Fuso-class battleship.

Mount Kongō

The mountain has lent its name to a series of naval ships and ship classes: the Imperial Japanese Navy's 1877 ironclad Kongō; the 1912 battleship Kongō, the name ship of her class; and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's current destroyer Kongō (DDG-173), also the name ship of her class.

Odin: Photon Sailer Starlight

Odin was once a planet that faced destruction by the radiation of its expanding sun, Canopus.

Petropavlovsk-class battleship

The capture of Hill 203, which overlooked the harbor, on 5 December allowed them to fire directly at the Russian ships and Poltava was sunk in shallow water that same day by a shell that started a fire in a magazine that eventually exploded.

Reina Victoria Eugenia-class battleship

The class, as well as the lead ship, were named for King Alfonso XIII's English queen consort.

Russian 12 inch 40 caliber naval gun

They were installed on seventeen battleships starting with Sissoi Veliky and Tri Sviatitelia and ending with the Andrei Pervozvanny class.

Shikishima-class battleship

They participated in the Battle of Port Arthur on 9 February 1904 when Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō led the 1st Fleet in an attack on the Russian ships of the Pacific Squadron anchored just outside of Port Arthur.

Sirius in fiction

As in all Lessing's Canopus novels, the Sirian novel can be interpreted as a Sufi-inflected drive towards union with universal principles (God).

Svetlana-class cruiser

They were intended to act as scouts for Gangut and Imperatritsa Maria-class dreadnoughts and to lead destroyer flotillas.

Team OS/2

Ultimately, at least some of Microsoft's efforts were exposed on Will Zachmann's Canopus forum on CompuServe, where the owner of one particular account, ostensibly belonging to "Steve Barkto", (who had been attacking OS/2, David Barnes, Whittle, and other OS/2 fans) was discovered to be funded by the credit card of Rick Segal, a high-level Microsoft employee / evangelist, who had also been active in the forums.

Xhosa calendar

Xhosa calendar, traditionally, as the year began in June and ended in May, when Canopus, a large star visible in the Southern Hemisphere, signaled the time for harvesting.

see also