
unusual facts about Odin: Photon Sailer Starlight

Odin: Photon Sailer Starlight

Odin was once a planet that faced destruction by the radiation of its expanding sun, Canopus.

350 BC

Tollund Man, human sacrifice victim on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark, possibly the earliest known evidence for worship of the Norse god Odin (approximate date)

Age of Empires: Mythologies

Each has three “major” Gods to choose from before each game, these being Zeus, Hades and Poseidon for the Greeks; Ra, Isis and Set for the Egyptians and Odin, Thor and Loki for the Norse.


The town was originally named Odingehem, 'home of Odin', by the Vikings who built a temple here dedicated to the Germanic god Odin.

Balder Dead

Partly out of desperate grief - and partly in defiance of the harshness of the Norns or fates: Odin begs Hermod to ride his own steed, Sleipnir, down to Hell and beg Hela to release Balder.


The name Balderton has obscure roots but may have been derived from Balder or Baldur – the Norse god of innocence, beauty, joy, purity, and peace and Odin's second son eventually killed by his blind brother in an accident involving Loki the god of mischief and fire.

Bengt Erland Fogelberg

His Odin (1831), Thor (1842), and Balder (1842), though influenced by Greek art, display considerable power of independent imagination.


High recounts that Odin, Vili, and Vé are the children of Borr and Bestla, and that Bestla is the daughter of Bölþorn, who High says is a jötunn.

Blood Fire Death

Peter Nicolai Arbo – album cover painting, The Wild Hunt of Odin (Åsgårdsreien)

Bruno Schweizer

On March 10, 1938, Schweizer organized an Ahnenerbe-sponsored expedition to Iceland, hoping to discover shrines to the Norse gods Odin or Thor.

Canada Bill Jones

In Neil Gaiman's American Gods, Mr. Wednesday tells his protégé Shadow a story about Canada Bill Jones to demonstrate the life of a con artist.

Coat of arms of the Isle of Man

The chief god Odin was accompanied by the two ravens Huginn and Muninn.

Coulton Waugh

In 1944, when Waugh left the strip to work on Hank (1945), his wife and assistant, Odin Burvik, took over Dickie Dare in 1944-47, followed by Fran Matera (1948–49).

Death: At Death's Door

Meanwhile, in Dream, various deities such as Bast, Odin, and others arrive to contest who will take over ownership of the Hell realm; the events of Season of Mists are told here in a greatly abbreviated version.

Discover Odin

In the first track, "The 18 Charms of Odin", Cope provides musical accompaniment to the text of the epic Norse poem Hávamál, in Kevin Crossley-Holland's version, as published in The Norse Myths.

Ed Fitch

Rites of Odin (2002) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-87542-224-4


The band's name is taken from Norse mythology, where the term Einherjar describes the slain warriors who have gone to Valhalla and joined Odin's table.


The village lies on the route of the Wansdyke (from Woden's Dyke) an early medieval or possibly defining an Roman boundary with a series of defensive linear earthworks, consisting of a ditch and a running embankment from the ditch spoil, with the ditching facing north.

Eurosport Fight Club

The program is edited in Eurosport Central Building studios which is located in Issy-Les-Moulineaux commune, Paris by Samuel Pagal, Annie Vicaire and Charle-Henri Odin, the editors of the show.


Skírnir offers Gerðr a ring, here unnamed, that produces eight more gold rings every ninth night and "was burned with Odin's young son".


Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda and the Ynglinga saga tell how the supposedly historic (Non-deified version of Odin) Odin and his people the Æsir and Vanir, who later became the Swedes, obtained new land where they built the settlement of Old Sigtuna.


The stanza (preserved in Snorri Sturluson's Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar) especially praises the jarl for having sent nine princes to Odin (i.e. killed).

Hermann Ernst Freund

An early proponent of romantic nationalism, Freund was the first Danish sculptor to work with Nordic mythology, creating 12 statuettes including Loki (1822), Odin (bronze 1827) and Thor (1829), all inspired by ancient Greek and Roman mythological works.


In Grímnismál, Odin and Frigg are both sitting in Hliðskjálf when they see their foster sons Agnarr and Geirröðr, one living in a cave with a giantess and the other a king.


Odin, with the help of Suttung's brother Baugi, drilled a hole into the mountain and thereby gained access to the mead.

Jason Todd Ipson

A Norse Mythology enthusiast, he named his two children Odin and Thor after Norse gods as well as his film production company Asgaard Entertainment.

Jean Odin

Odin wrote a number of books, Une cause célèbre : le Mystère de l'Ancre Bleue which dealt with the case of Jean-Pierre Vaquier, hanged for the murder of Alfred Jones, with which Odin had been involved in London in 1924.


According to their singer, Dolk, their name is an ancient Norse battle cry which means Odin or Wotan.


In the Poetic Edda poem Hárbarðsljóð, Meili receives a single mention; the god Thor declares that, even if he were an outlaw, he would reveal his name and his homeland, for he is the son of Odin, the brother of Meili, and the father of Magni.

Merseburg Incantations

Bishop Anton Christian Bang compiled a volume culled from Norwegian black books of charms and other sources, and classified the horse-mending spells under the opening chapter "Odin og Folebenet", strongly suggesting a relationship with the second Merseburg incantation.

Mother Hulda

names Hulda (or Holda, Holla, Holle) as having originally been an ancient Germanic supreme goddess who predates most of the Germanic pantheon, including deities such as Odin, Thor, Freya, and Loki, continuing traditions of pre-Indo-European Neolithic Europe.


In Vafþrúðnismál, Odin has wagered his head in a contest of wits with the giant (jotun) Vafþrúðnir.

Odin's Raven Magic

Odin's Raven Magic is a 2002 orchestral setting to the Icelandic poem Hrafnagaldr Óðins.


The first element is the genitive case of the name of the god Odin, the last element is øy f 'island'.

Ordsall, Greater Manchester

Hibbert was convinced that the cave was a temple to Odin, saying in his book History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, Chetham's Hospital and the Free Grammar School (1830), "There can be little question but that in this recess the sacrifices, divination and compacts appertaining to worship of the hero of the Edda were regularly practised".

Överhogdal tapestries

The contents of the pictures are much debated, some characters have a pagan content, featuring the detailed look of Odin's horse Sleipner, while other characters are clearly part of Christian imagery.

Øyvind Staveland

His son Odin Aarvik Staveland has written the music amongst others to The Color of Milk (original title Ikke naken also known as Neither Naked nor Dressed).

Ralph Tollemache

The Tollemache family's names are parodied in Book 1, Episode 4 of James Joyce's novel Finnegans Wake, as Helmingham Erchenwyne Rutter Egbert (HERE) Crumwall Odin Maximus Esme Saxon (COMES) Esa Vercingetorix Ethelwulf Rupprecht Ydwalla Bentley Osmund Dysart Yggdrasselmann (EVERYBODY).

Richard Rudgley

Rudgley's 2006 Pagan Resurrection, subtitled A Force for Evil or the Future of Western Spirituality? posits the idea that western civilisation, belief systems and attitudes have been formed by the "Odinic archetype".


"Samsey" (-ey being an earlier Norse form of -ø) is the island upon which Odin, under the name Jalk, learned Seid magic.

Saxon Steed

It is said that it originates from the black (heathen) and white (Christian) horse the Saxon leader Widukind rode on, or Odin's horse Sleipnir.

Sleipner-class destroyer

Odin had a 20 mm anti aircraft gun instead of a 40 mm.

Source Wall

One of the few known persons to have entered the Source was an amalgam of Zeus, Odin, Ares, Jove, and Highfather.

The Black Waltz

They are later rescued by a disfigured old man, the Swamplord (Odin), whose picture is on the cover of the album.

The People of Juvik

Originally released in Norway as I eventyre (literally, "in a fairytale") in 1921, and in America in 1933, the fourth book begins the story of Odin Setran which occupies the remaining three books.

The Virgin Spring

Karin is accompanied by her pregnant maid servant, Ingeri (Gunnel Lindblom), who secretly worships the Norse deity Odin.

Thor Meets Captain America

The survivors of Operation Ragnarok are taken prisoner after the failed mission and are given to Thor by his father Odin.

Viborg Cathedral

Odin was the god of warriors and when the men set off across the sea to ravage and plunder, the aid of Odin and Thor would have been critical.

see also