It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names after Andrew Carnegie, American industrialist of Scottish birth who established numerous foundations and endowments for education, research, and social advancement, including the provision of public libraries in the United States, Great Britain, and other English speaking countries.
Carnegie Hall | Carnegie Mellon University | Andrew Carnegie | Cascade Range | Range Rover | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | Carnegie Corporation of New York | Great Dividing Range | mountain range | Carnegie library | Carnegie Museum of Art | Range Busters | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | White Sands Missile Range | Iron Range | Dale Carnegie | Carnegie Institution for Science | Carnegie Foundation | Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh | Carnegie Institute of Technology | Carnegie Institute | Whalley Range | VHF omnidirectional range | Carnegie Steel Company | Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | Woomera Test Range | Range Rover Sport | Oregon Coast Range | Hamersley Range | Sangre de Cristo Range |