
unusual facts about Civilizations

Alana Cordy-Collins

A cousin, Ross Cordy, is an anthropologist specializing in Polynesian civilizations, who is chief archaeologist for the state of Hawaii’s Historic Preservation Division and teaches at the University of Hawaii.

Alfred Charles Auguste Foucher

New archeological discoveries in Central Asia however (such as the Hellenistic city of Ai-Khanoum and the excavation of Sirkap in modern Pakistan), have been pointing to rich Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek civilizations in these areas, reviving the Hellenistic thesis.

Ataol Behramoğlu

In 1984, he began in Paris to participate in the work of Sorbonne’s National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations, at the Center for Comparative Poetry.

Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers

As the Shadow War ended, hundreds of civilizations were devastated.

Bruce Trigger

In Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study Trigger uses an integrated theoretical approach to look at the meaning of similarities and differences in the formation of complex societies in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Shang of China, Aztecs and Classic Maya of Mesoamerica, Inka of the Andes, and Yoruba of Africa.

Darb 1718

Nestled behind the old city of Fustat, the ancient ruins of Roman, Islamic, and Coptic civilizations, Darb 1718 is an alive and modern contemporary art space complete with two contemporary art galleries, two live performance stages, a large outdoor cinema, workshop areas, roof lounges, and artist-in-residence studio and living space.

Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations, American University in Cairo

The Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations (ARIC), at the American University in Cairo (AUC) located in Cairo, Egypt, specializes in the study of the rich tradition of Arabo-Islamic culture, thought, language, and history.

Early history of Thailand

Later, Malay, Mon, and Khmer civilizations flourished in the region prior to the domination of the Thais, most notably the kingdom of Srivijaya in the south, the Dvaravati kingdom in central Thailand and the Khmer Empire based at Angkor.

Fingerprints of the Gods

The book pivots on "fingerprints" of these civilizations, evidence of which Hancock finds in the descriptions of Godmen like Osiris, Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, and Viracocha.

Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations was first developed for OS/2 in April 1993 by Brad Wardell.

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords

According to Stardock's CEO Brad Wardell, as of March 2008, Galactic Civilizations II has sold around 300,000 copies in total, bringing in an eight-figure revenue, on a development budget of less than $1 million.

Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc.

It is also responsible for the Korean-language translations of a number of major foreign works, including Samuel P. Huntington's Clash of Civilizations, Michael J. Sandel's Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?, and Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion.

Greek art

It absorbed influences of Eastern civilizations, of Roman art and its patrons, and the new religion of Orthodox Christianity in the Byzantine era and absorbed Italian and European ideas during the period of Romanticism (with the invigoration of the Greek Revolution), right up until the Modernist and Postmodernist.

Minoan prehistorical civilizations, and gave birth to Western classical art in the subsequent Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods (with further developments during the Hellenistic Period).

Green Bank, West Virginia

It was at the NRAO, in 1960, that Frank Drake presented the Drake Equation, which was developed to provide an estimate of the total number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.

Iron Lore Entertainment

Titan Quest is set in ancient Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and China, and makes extensive use of the mythology of those civilizations.

J. A. B. van Buitenen

Johannes Adrianus Bernardus van Buitenen (21 May 1928 - 21 September 1979) was an Indologist at the University of Chicago where he was the George V. Bobrinskoy Professor of Sanskrit in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations.

Joe Kulbacki

Kulbacki is also author of America...A Nation That's Lost Its Way, a conservative critique of modern American politics and society in the context of its Judeo-Christian values, and paralleling the rise and fall of past civilizations, particularly Ancient Rome.

Le marteau sans maître

The xylorimba recalls the African balafon; the vibraphone, the Balinese gamelan; and the guitar, the Japanese koto, though "neither the style nor the actual use of these instruments has any connection with these different musical civilizations" ("Speaking, Playing, Singing" (1963) in Boulez 1986, 341).

Legacy for the Future

Run on NHK for seventeen installments in 1974 and 1975, the theme of the program was "why civilizations flourished and declined."

Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor

In the main hall, called the "Great Hall of Man and Civilizations's First Ancestor" (人文初祖大殿), stands a relief sculpture of the Yellow Emperor, as well as a niche shrine decorated with the four great spirit animals of Chinese astrology: the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermilion Bird, and the Black Tortoise.


In pre-Columbian Mexico many cultures matured into advanced civilizations such as the Olmec, the Toltec, the Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, the Maya and the Aztec before first contact with Europeans.

Among the earliest complex civilizations in Mexico was the Olmec culture which flourished on the Gulf Coast from around 1500 BCE.

Miami Circle

Initial theories on the origin of the site were that it was created by the Olmec or Mayan civilizations.

Middle East

These were followed by the Hittite, Greek and Urartian civilisations of Asia Minor, Elam in pre-Iranian Persia, as well as the civilizations of the Levant (such as Ebla, Ugarit, Canaan, Aramea, Phoenicia and Israel), Persian and Median civilizations in Iran, North Africa (Carthage/Phoenicia) and the Arabian Peninsula (Magan, Sheba, Ubar).

Nile Valley Civilizations

Festus Ugboaja Ohaegbulam, Towards an understanding of the African experience from historical and contemporary perspectives, University Press of America (1990); Runoko Rashidi, Introduction to the study of African clasical sic civilizations (1992), Walter Arthur McCray, The Black Presence in the Bible: Discovering the Black and African Identity of Biblical Persons and Nations, Urban Ministries Inc, (1995), etc.

Olivier Weber

Olivier Weber, born in 1958 in Montluçon, studied economics and anthropology at the University of San Francisco, University of Paris Sorbonne, University of Nice (Ph.D.) and at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, INALCO).

Paul Caldani

A copy of this album is currently used as music reference at Harvard University's Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, under the direction of Prof. Wolfhart Heinrichs.

Pavel Pavel

Pavel Pavel (born March 11, 1957 in Strakonice) is a Czech engineer and experimental archaeologist best known for investigating how ancient civilizations transported heavy weights.


The park, located in the south of Barcelona, features five theme areas based on historic civilizations (Mediterrània, Far West, México, China and Polinesia) and one theme area based on Sesame Street which was opened for the 2011 season of the park.

Quadratic formula

The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (597–668 AD) was first to clearly describe the quadratic formula, although prior civilizations had investigated quadratic equations, understood them fairly well, and developed methods for solving them.

Richard Blanton

He is most renowned for his archaeological field and theoretical research into the development of civilizations in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, particularly those from the central Mexican plateau and Valley of Oaxaca regions.

Scent of Reunion: Love Duets Across Civilizations

Scent of Reunion: Love Duets Across Civilizations is an album by Mahsa Vahdat and Mighty Sam McClain which was originally released in Europe by Kirkelig Kulturverksted in late 2009 and then on May 11, 2010 in North America by Valley Entertainment.

Shang Dynasty

Cowry shells were also excavated at Anyang, suggesting trade with coast-dwellers, but there was very limited sea trade in ancient China since China was isolated from other large civilizations during the Shang period.

Sumit Ganguly

Sumit Ganguly is a Professor of Political Science at Indiana University and the currently holds that university's Rabindranath Tagore Chair in Indian Cultures and Civilizations.

Sundiata Keita

Delafosse, Maurice Haut-Sénégal-Niger: Le Pays, les Peuples, les Langues; l'Histoire; les Civilizations. vols.

The Skys

UNESCO World Youth Festival "Dialogue Among Civilizations" 2001

Time of troubles

a general period in Arnold Toynbee's model of the lifecycle of civilizations (see A Study of History)

Timeline of Serer history

Delafosse, Maurice, "Haut-Sénégal-Niger: Le Pays, les Peuples, les Langues"; "l'Histoire"; "les Civilizations".


Within the same general timeline of these dominating civilizations there existed several other cultures and dynasties; the Barbar, Seleucid, and Chaldaean - exiles from Babylonia who were among the central players of Gerrha and Uqair.


Traces of Roman civilizations were found - including remains if the defensive walls - and other towns in the area : castrum di Vicus Mercati (now Vimercate), the winter encampment Hiberna Regis (now Bernareggio), Caesarea Novella (Now Sernovella, frazione di Verderio) and Miliarium Tertium (Terzuolo, frazione in Robbiate).

Western world

The theologian and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin conceived of the West as the set of civilizations descended from the Nile Valley Civilization of Egypt.

Wilmer Herrison

This exhibition shows like in a travelogue, the deities (with Pachamama, Malku,...), the history of the Amerindian peoples (with Aymara, Tiwanaku,...), the encounter with different civilizations (with Gallia, Bandera, July 14, Ottoman Remembrance, Murano, Arica,...), strength of nature (with Volcano, Hurricane, Naturaleza viva, Twilight with color, Reflection,...) and project ourselves into the universe and its origins (with Exoplanet, Mars, Sedna,...).

Youth Time

The jury of the forum included: Vladimir Yakunin, the Founding President of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"; Kamran Mofid, the founder of “Globalisation for the Common Good” initiative; Fearghas O'Beara, the Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of European Parliament; Martin Kugler, the founder and director of “Kairos Consulting” nonprofit organizations; Calvina Fay, the executive director of the "Drug Free America" Foundation.


Judith T. Zeitlin, American-Jewish scholar of Chinese literature, chair of the Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations at the University of Chicago

see also