
unusual facts about Collapse

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

Jennifer Marohasy of the think-tank, Institute of Public Affairs wrote a critical review in Energy & Environment, in particular its chapter on Australia's environmental degradation.

2004–05 Chappell–Hadlee Trophy

Ponting's dismissal proved to be the precursor to another middle order collapse for Australia, for Hayden was dismissed just a few minutes later for 43, and in even shorter order Damien Martyn was dismissed for 5 and Andrew Symonds for his second consecutive duck.


In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley;the Nine Years' War ends with the Economic Collapse just beginning.

Alan McGee

At the point it seemed Creation would collapse into receivership, the recently signed Manchester band Oasis began selling albums in huge quantities, as they epitomised the cultural Britpop movement of the mid-1990s.

Ava Kingdom

Founded in 1364, the kingdom was the successor state to the petty kingdoms (MyinsaingPinya and Sagaing) that had ruled central Burma since the collapse of Pagan Empire in the late 13th century.

Bernd Brinkmann

Calvi, nicknamed "God's banker", was found hanged in London beneath Blackfriars Bridge in 1982 following the scandal concerning the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano and the involvement of the Vatican Bank.

Black-headed Bunting

In Bulgaria, the collapse of the drying cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium) stems on which the birds build their nests has caused high mortality; this is thought to be an example of an ecological trap.

Bob Klapisch

In response to his book on the 1992 Mets, The Worst Team Money Could Buy: The Collapse of the New York Mets (ISBN 0-8032-7822-5), New York Mets outfielder Bobby Bonilla confronted Klapisch in the team's clubhouse, threatening him, and having to be restrained.

Bocholt Disaster

The Bocholt Disaster refers to the collapse of Spinnerei Beckmann cotton mill, in Bocholt, Germany, shortly before its completion in 1895.

Bum Bright

After suffering financial losses, including an estimated $29 million in the 1988 collapse of First Republic Bank Corporation, Bright sold the franchise to Jerry Jones in 1989 for $140 million.

Burmese names

Scholars such as Thant Myint-U have argued that the rise of complex Burmese personal names resulted from the collapse of the Burmese monarchy, which ended the sophisticated system of Pali-Burmese styles, crown service and gentry titles, leaving the majority of Burmese with single syllable names.

Classic Maya collapse

Anthropologist Joseph Tainter wrote extensively about the collapse of the Southern Lowland Maya in his 1988 study, The Collapse of Complex Societies.

In the post-classic period following the collapse the state of Chichén Itzá built an empire that briefly united much of the Maya region, and centers such as Mayapán and Uxmal flourished, as did the Highland states of the K'iche' and Kaqchikel Maya.

Collapse of the Hotel New World

On 27 September 2005, Seconds From Disaster portrayed the disaster in the episode "Hotel Collapse Singapore".


He explained that "the collapse of the team began when a renewed police-related history appeared of the PCF which was a "scoop".


The machine was being designed during the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and ending of the cold war, which led to a massive downsizing in "large machine" supercomputer purchases.

Daniel Yergin

His next book was Russia 2010 and What It Means for the World, written with Thane Gustafson, which provided scenarios for the development of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

David A. Hodell

In 1995, Hodell, Curtis and Brenner published a paleoclimate record from Lake Chichancanab on the Yucatán Peninsula that showed an intense, protracted drought occurred in the 9th century AD and coincided with the Classic Maya collapse.

Demographics of Budapest

The city became extremely overcrowded, the central government also noticed the problem so limited getting apartment in 1965, preventing overpopulation, housing shortage and the collapse of public works.

EML Lembit

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and the subsequent dissolution of its navy, the submarine was taken over by Estonian officials on 27 April 1992 – a few Defence League men hoisted an Estonian flag on the vessel, meeting no resistance.

English women's cricket team in Australia and New Zealand in 1934–35

Australia, however, soon came up against England allrounder, Myrtle Maclagan, whose 7 wickets for the cost of only 10 runs saw Australia collapse to 47 all out.

Fall of Suharto

In January 1998, the government was forced to provide emergency liquidity assistance (BLBI), issue blanket guarantees for bank deposits, and set-up the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency to take over management of troubled banks in order to prevent the collapse of the financial system.

Herb Pfuhl

Pfuhl faced major challenges during his two decade long career as the elected chief of Johnstown, including population decline, the 1977 Johnstown flood and the collapse of the steel industry, which included one of the city's biggest employers, Bethlehem Steel.

Ibrahim Böhme

Ibrahim Böhme (November 18, 1944, Bad Dürrenberg, Province of Saxony – November 22, 1999) was a politician for a short period of time after the collapse of the communist regime in the German Democratic Republic, also known as East Germany.


Gravitational collapse (and more specifically, core collapse) in cosmology (see also: Type II supernova)

Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment

Among those interviewed are first, second and third generation members from kibbutzim like Degania, the flagship commune established in 1910; Hulda, once near collapse and recently privatized; Sasa, the first to be settled entirely by Americans and today Israel's wealthiest kibbutz; and Tamuz, an urban kibbutz founded in 1987 and located in Beit Shemesh.

Irish Home Rule movement

With the collapse of the allied front during the German Spring Offensive and Operation Michael, Britain had a serious manpower shortage and the Cabinet agreed on 5 April to enact Home Rule immediately linked in a "dual policy" of extending conscription to Ireland.

Joaquim Nadal i Farreras

Nadal presided the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works in 2005 during the crisis of El Carmel, when construction work to lengthen Barcelona Metro line 5 caused a building to collapse and forced the evacuation of 84 other buildings.


Kammanu was a Luwian - Proto-Armenian speaking Neo-Hittite state in Armenian Highlands in the late 2nd millennium BC, formed from part of Kizzuwatna after the collapse of the Hittite Empire.


In October 2001, the band were chosen to support the Rollins Band but, due to the Ansett collapse, Henry Rollins and his band were forced to cancel their Perth show.

Kenneth Bowra

Bowra was posted back to Cambodia in 1974 with the Military Equipment Delivery Team Cambodia and remained in the country until the April 1975 collapse of the Khmer Republic.

Kentucky Central Insurance Company

Fletcher attempted to use the issue to show that a conflict of interest prevented Beshear from saving the company and drew a comparison between Beshear and Enron executives at the time of that company's collapse.

MS Regal Empress

Following the collapse of Regal Cruises, the Regal Empress was purchased by Imperial Majesty Cruise Line for their two-night cruise service to The Bahamas, the Regal Empress being cheaper to operate and carrying more passengers than their own ship OceanBreeze.

Multipart Solutions

In 1993 after the collapse of Leyland DAF the Multipart division, along with the Chorley site, was acquired in a management buy-in.

New York City Fire Department Ladder Company 3

At the time of the collapse, the truck was parked on West Street and damaged beyond repair by the collapse of the Twin Towers.

Oia, Greece

However, the arrival of steam and the concentration of shipping at Piraeus caused the town's seagoing trade to collapse, and agriculture also diminished as increasing emigration took place, especially to Piraeus and Laurium.

Oleg Marshev

In 1990, Marshev took the gold medal at the AMSA Piano Competition in Cincinnati and just before the collapse of the former Soviet Union, Marshev settled in Italy.

Ondřej Pavelec

It was determined after testing by doctors that the cause of his collapse was neurocardiogenic syncope, a type of fainting spell, and that he received a concussion and lost consciousness after his head hit the ice.

OPLAN 5029

Discussions in October between US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Sang-hee over the planned transition of wartime operations to South Korean forces also included continued formulation of an operation plan for a North Korean collapse, after a proposal made in an earlier meeting between the American and South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Predatory mortgage securitization

A book titled The Crime of Our Time by author Danny Schechter delves deeply into the predatory securitization process and the financial collapse of 2007.

Quebec Route 307

On June 23, 2010, part of the highway was closed between Val-des-Bois and Bowman, due to a partial bridge collapse caused by a 5.0 magnitude earthquake.

River Tay

A. J. Cronin's first novel, Hatter's Castle (1931), includes a scene involving the Tay Bridge Disaster, and the 1942 filmed version of the book recreates the bridge's catastrophic collapse.

Robert Cimetta

He was on the 61st floor of the Morgan Stanley office, and managed to exit the tower before its collapse.

Schapelle Corby

For example, a minor "collapse" in the court engendered much erroneous speculation that she was pregnant by her former financial backer, Ron Bakir.

Sir John Jarvis, 1st Baronet

The Depression caused a collapse in demand for ships, and the closure of Palmers shipyard in Jarrow, leading to 80% unemployment in the town.

Sir Thomas Watson, 1st Baronet

In 1833, Dominic Corrigan, a British physician, first described the visible abrupt distention and collapse of carotid arteries in patients with aortic insufficiency.


According to this vision, one could regard a prolapsed disc as an appearance at those places within the chain which are not permeable, where the forces are held, leading to a collapse.

Urban Tribe

In 1998, Mo Wax issued his debut full-length, The Collapse of Modern Culture, which featured production from Craig, Anthony Shakir, and Moodymann.

Wim Duisenberg

Duisenberg announced he would retire on 9 July 2003 (his 69th birthday), but he remained in office until Trichet was cleared of charges of fraud in connection with the collapse of the French bank Crédit Lyonnais.

World energy consumption

Hypothetically, according to Robert Engelman (Worldwatch institute), in order to prevent collapse, human civilization would have to stop increasing emissions within a decade regardless of the economy or population (2009).

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault

The game is set in an alternate 1989 in which the Politburo of the Soviet Union elects to take military action to sustain itself, rather than collapse.

see also