It was formed by the small revolutionary Confédération générale du travail (founded on 28 January 1906 in Brussels), the Antwerp diamond workers union (3,000 members), the glass workers union (Union Verrière) of Lodelinsart and others in reaction to the creation of the Commission syndicale, a trade-union confederation directly linked to, and under the orders of the Belgian Labour Party.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions | Canadian Confederation | International Trade Union Confederation | German Confederation | Confederation of African Football | North German Confederation | Asian Football Confederation | Articles of Confederation | Italian General Confederation of Labour | 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal | Fathers of Confederation | Confederation | Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions | Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques | Confédération des syndicats nationaux | Brazilian Football Confederation | Congress of the Confederation | Confederation of British Industry | CAF Confederation Cup | Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions | National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark | confederation | Chattan Confederation | Argentine Confederation | Tatra Confederation | Swedish Trade Union Confederation | South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee | Société Franco-Belge | European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions | Congolese Trade Union Confederation |